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(This is for Friday so, if any one likes I put these here for review and posting and having them on the temple for posting purposes. edification and such lol)
Friday sermon
Our Childhood Faith
Our childhood faith is pure. Regardless of what, do you remember yours? Remember when you couldn't get enough? For me, it was the hugest thing that didn't move. Every little thing no matter the degree was gold and a gem. I didn't have questions. I just stood there in awe and in the glow that every one shared. No matter the level or the intention, I found the connection with any one of my own faith and thought they were safe and wise and cool. Kinda like police at a young age, what kid in my society didn't want to be a cop , a firefighter , Zorro the greatest sword fighter and lover ever- a astronaut - a writer- or a …..Jedi. [ intentional pause ] Hmmm
That child like faith happens daily and everywhere in every aspect in life. I remember when love had that same zeal and glow. I heard love story's and saw people in love and I got goose bumps holding that other persons hand or that first kiss! Time- forget it - it didn't exist at times. I had - in part or incomplete- what was a great huge thing called love. Songs will be sung and poems and statements of faithfulness will be had! The world will have such a better understanding now that I'M in love!!!!  [intentional pause]
Our modern day Jedi-ism isn't immune from these type of things, they are human things, we as a faith are full of people. [Smiley face]
Our faith can have that child-like faith as well. it does exist. it there. I got it you got it we all got it. it may look different but its there....(joking) u memerrrr! (joking) I know I have mine and it still is in the mix to this day, it is still a very good and beneficial part of my practice today. There's no limit to the innocence of faith we have when we begin, every small step of a great journey seems exciting and fun and like a wild fire in dry chaff, just whhhhoooosh!!! That zeal exist and often, as in life, the zeal tank can get empty. Our childhood faith begins to be seen by the adult us.
Joseph Campbell says " You become mature when you have the authority for your own life." Sometimes we have the ability to become the authority for ourselves and in our faith as well. Then a  journey of faith begins! I hope we have all done it, and if you haven't, time spent on your own faith is like etching in stone, you'll remember and you'll have proof in your hands and in your heart.
Don't forget your love. Fall in love again. The journey takes time and effort and for some of us, we are more like modern day hard heads instead of modern day Jeddist really... where's that spark? Where is the zeal? Why don't you care like you used to?
Hank Williams said one time :"My hair's still curly and my eyes are still blue, why don't you love me like you used to do?"
I'm here to tell you today my fellow Jeddist, fall in love again. Remember why. Return to your love of your youth, rejoice in it. Get back as often as you need it. watch THAT movie- Read THAT book- THAT song-do what it is that take you back to those days. Yea, we all grow up and mature and things change. We all "adult." There IS a benefit to return every one can experience. I'm encouraging all the Temple from top to bottom, front to back , old and new to remember your childhood faith. Remember WHY you love. Remember... WHY you do... what it is … you do. Rekindle. Don't expect the flame or glow to be the same, but.... get a new one.
Pastor Carlos