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Sign of Love and Devotion

                By Phortis Nespin


I placed a picture in the thread labels “Contemplation” (please refer to this now before continuing). It is a picture of a baby, mother, and father, holding hands. I looked at this picture for a long time and became aware of the deep meaning of this picture. I find it to be such a beautiful picture in its face value, but when you stare at it long enough, you begin to see the true “VALUE” of its meaning.

We look at this picture and think of the happiness and love that is inspired by holding hands. At every age, the simplest and most frequent sign of affection is the holding of hands. From the first date to the last minutes of life surrounded by loved ones, the truest sign of love is taking someone’s hand into your own with affection. I still remember the first girl I held hand with, and I will remember the first time I held my wife’s. I remember the first time I held my sons and daughters hands. I will remember them because of the indelible mark they leave on your soul! There is no greater moment is a person’s life as when the connection of love from one person to another is made.

But there is something more to this picture. Look at the baby’s arm position. Look at the way the mother wraps her fingers around the baby’s hand. Look at the way the father supports the two hands. It is the deepest vision of Family.

The baby represents the continuation of the species, the struggle of humanity, the innocence of youth, and the need for protection from a hostile world. The baby is a sign of love and devotion that the mother and father share with each other. The baby is the progression of the intellectual and spiritual essence of the mother and father. The baby is the purist sign of love that the mother and father have for one another.

 The mothers hand comforts the child, she protects the child, and she nurtures the child. The mother is the teacher, the interpreter, and the inspiration for the child. The mother feeds, cloths, and keeps the child from pain and suffering. The mother is the purist sign of love that humanity has produced.

The fathers hand is slightly cupped by remains vigilant. He supports the mother in the protection of the family. He is the provider, the security for the family. The father is the hand upon which the family rests. He helps provide food, shelter, and life lessons. His role is not to nurture, but to strengthen the baby to the world that it is about to enter. A father’s love may be tough, but it is never ending.

This is what I see…What do you see?