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Sunday Sermon

How’s Your Aim

September 2, 2012


                Michelangelo said, “The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”  Last week Master Jestor wrote about “Hard decisions”.  I would like to add to that.  But, before that I would like to also add a quote from my father-in-law who said “The only person stopping you from achieving your goals is you”.


                So how is your aim?  As Jestor pointed out life is full of hard decisions that we must face.  The question is how do those decisions redirect your aim?  Even those that have the highest goals can be faced with hard choices that can force them to lower their goals.  Some people face tragedy that can also change their dreams.  Are you being true to yourself if you lower your standards to fit the easy path?  Let’s look at one example.  Say a man has the dream of being an athlete then one day tragedy strikes and he loses both of his legs. Some would tell him sorry you can never fulfill your dream of being an athlete because you can never run again.  He believes them and spends the rest of his days home with people watching over him because he believes he cannot help himself.  He set his aim so low it was easy to hit.  Now let’s look at another man who also lost his legs but, this time his name is Oscar Pistorius.  For those that followed the Olympics he was the runner that qualified for the Semifinals in the 400 meter sprint.  What makes that so special is that he is a double amputee and was running on artificial legs.  Both men facing the same tragedy but, only one held his aim on the higher target.


                As a final point, I keep saying aim high but, remember life is not a sniper shot.  It is not a one shot and then go home.  Life is more of a mortar attack.  You are almost guaranteed to miss on the first shot unless you are lucky.  But, if you stay true and keep firing learning a little more each time you will eventually hit your target no matter how hard it is.


                As Jestor stated plan your life and consider your options.  Are the goals you have just enough to attain or are you forcing yourself to be better to stretch the limits.  It is your life so take command and decide to be the best you can be because you want to aim high.  Brothers and sisters, how is your aim?