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Hard Decisions.....

Man, do they suck...:)

None of us like making hard decisions...

A few weeks ago, Akkarin and I were chatting about my online activity...

My available time, for anything, (TOTJO, family, honey-dos, play with my boy, a pretty endless list) was being discussed...

I'd said that there were some possible changes coming up in my life that would adjust my available time...

Akkarin ask about my marriage...;) Love you for your concern my brother... I know any of you would have expressed concern as well... This is the conversation that kinda began my really hard thinking...

My marriage is getting better everyday... Since finding TOTJO, my perceptions have changed... My perspectives are different...

No, the tough decision I was contemplating was stepping down from being the main instructor at my TaeKwonDo do-jang...

I love teaching, I absolutely love it...

But, sometimes we have to make hard decisions...

Many factors were coming into play...

My quality time with my wife, my sons grades, my actual ability and skill at tkd, my job, TOTJO (yes, even you guys ;))...

Lots of factors...

Recently,  at my employment, my supervisor, who is also my father-in-law, was diagnosed with cancer...

And I'm the number two guy, meaning the work is gonna get heavier, and more... Uh, well I've got more responsibilities now with him being sick and going through treatment...

It was the last straw...

I informed my GrandMaster last Tuesday... I've been slowly stepping back all week... Another instructor has been being tested for the slot...

My attention was being divided too much, and i was in danger of coming unbalanced...

Everything had 100% of my attention, when i was there...

But a few months ago, doubt started creeping in in my abilities for teaching...

Don't get me wrong, I'm good at it, or so I'm told... I excel at the communications, the etiquette, protocol... The other instructor has the technical proficiency and twice the years of practice as me... and he is 16 years younger, fights mma, and lives the fighter life...

Was I really giving 100% to everything?

So, after some tough meditations, I decided to step down...

It isn't fair to my, now his, students for me to not be 100% there...

I'm going to help still, but in a capacity where if i can't make a class, it won't affect the students too much... And i will still be a student, provided I'm allowed...

I won't bore you with the thoughts, decisions and considerations I went through, cause these are mine, and you have your own life decisions....

Hard decisions suck, but they are necessary...


Think before you act, think before you speak...

Plan for your life... Consider your options, their ramifications, results with others...

Planning and making good decisions, will also help you to make better snap decisions... Realizing the effects on your long term goals....

Be deliberate... Plan... Think....

Be in the Now....

Thanks for reading...:)...

May the Force be with You...