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Justice and equality

The theme this month is no inequality, but justice. When I saw this topic I was a little perplexed, I never thought of these two facets of the same coin. So when I started thinking about what I should write I called the topic with my current studies on Buddhism in training Lo Djung and its development within the Jedi practices. After all, when we talk about justice, we have to choose a point of reference; this because the concept of justice is subjective, one can take a concept, even more when we put justice as an antonym of inequality.

First, give equal rights and freedoms for all is not synonymous with justice. Each person according to their peculiarities have different needs, so we can speak of equanimity when we think of justice; It is how to level all beings at the same time. That would be a definition of what is justice in difference inequality; however there are further developments in this reasoning. Understanding this is important for a Jedi, as one of the important qualities is being mediators when necessary. Equanimity is a concept of justice that fits very well in social systems, for analyzing society as a whole, for every rich person is someone in extreme poverty. For this reason there are social policies to end inequality within societies. Yet there is always a minority enriching over the work of countless people.

Getting out of this context, understand the society is a big problem when you do not even understand how a being can be identical to another. It was one of those days of training in meditation understand the real meaning of equality. Each is born with his personality, to me is the legacy of our past lives, the rest of our characteristics is derived from our experiences that we have the course of our existence in this life. So, for us to understand what makes us the same, we have to get something that is present in all beings without exception; so primarily we deeply understand that we are equal in some sense. We are all here in a learning, is this purpose that makes us all equal, we are all in this life to learn something and be able to carry throughout our lives.

Inequality arises when we forget this small, simple precept, which in essence is the most important, and we started to put other rules first. As Krishnamurti himself says, it is when our nationality, religion, gender, ethnicity, among others. So when these things become more important, we started to defend and compete against each other, forgetting that before any difference, we are here for the same reason: learning. Then, when we get angry or we're frustrated with people and situations in our lives, before rebel us, we must remember that all this is like a dream and like in dreams when we are persecuted for our nightmares, and have that consciousness is a dream we can thus control the dream; if we think that the situation does not bring in anger or frustration, but our own opinion about the phenomenon, so we can have other feelings about this event and also on people's attitudes.

Justice is achieved when we remember that primarily we are all equal, we are not different at all from anyone else, no matter how harmful it can be, because in short we are all taking our learning and this makes bad decisions do so at your ignorance. The most fair to these people, is not to pay eye for eye, but leaving the ignorance and can see the light. So we transcend our own righteousness for real justice that the Force teaches us, not accepting evil or injustice, but longing for the enlightenment of all beings in a society where love, empathy and justice may reign. This is the justice that I crave. Someone might say I'm being idealistic and utopian, but all I do is design a dream and expect it to gradually take place, as a shooter sets a target and all his training he gets closer and closer to the target, until one day, finally I hit him.


By MrBruno