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Frustration; Yet Compassion

So many times I feel frustration. There is not a day that goes by that I do not have a taste of it. So many ways in which frustration rears its ugly head. It is not something I can always deal with, but alas, at the end of each day, there are my loved ones. You know, the ones that will stand by you even when you make mistakes. The ones that will lend a ear when you need it the most. You Know...The Ones That Frustrate You The Most!

So, one day, I am sitting quietly stewing once again about my life and the people in it who are screwing it up. I sit and ponder all my solutions and their possible outcomes. I create elaborate schemes as to how I will make others do as I wish and to help me complete the tasks I need accomplished. I sit and wonder why do I have to do all of this Sh^% while they get it easy. My frustration grows as I build upon my frustration.

Slowly, like a snake in the high grass, it sneaks up on you. As the frustration mounts and your emotions flare, it descends upon you. First it is a quiet little voice way off in the distance. You brush it off as noise. It gets louder, you get annoyed at its constancy. More defined and abrupt, even louder it gets as you fight to deafen yourself to it. It's there, POUNDING IN YOUR BRAIN!!! STOP IT, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!!


A true Jedi will come back to the realization that all things are within their grasp to change. Even frustration is changeable, because frustration is an emotion that is within you and happens when you decided that a given situation can only be resolved your way. That annoying little voice in the back of your head, you know, your conscience, the one that sits there and lets you rant far and wide just long enough, before it kicks you in the ass and reminds you of your place in the world.

As I sit there quietly reflecting on how I can help others attain their happiness in life, my frustrations dissolve into Love, Kindness, and Compassion. My conscience reminds me that I an but a single cell of the Body Of The Force. A collective consciousness that is more important than the individual cell. I made this comment the other night in Skype, this is a summary of those comments..

Christians talk of the body of Christ. Scientist talk about all things being a part of the Big Bang with all people being part of the same star dust from that event. They talk of multiple universes (Multiverses) and this universe being the part of another universe. With all this information and theory, I have come up with my own theory. What if this Force thing was the living energy of all things and that the energy consciousness of all things is GOD? Not that God is a separate being, but all of us as ONE “body”.

When we all think and act as “Light Siders” good things happen, but then the opposite is also true. It is the ebb and flow of the selfish and the selfless thinking that creates Good and Bad in the world, and within us. So as I theorize this works in the Living Force, I believe it is within the single human that good and bad, light and dark, exist also. The frustration occurs when a person selfishly perceives that they know all the answers and only their way is right. It occurs when we abandon Love, Kindness, and Compassion, for our own interests. To relieve frustration, we must think universally, because as I have said many times...”We Are All In This Together”.

So, is it possible to ever be free from frustration? I don't think so, because we do care and we do have kindness and compassion. We don't want to see people hurt and we do have life experiences that have given us insight that may help others. The frustration comes when we know this, but the ones we try to help don't take our counsel. It is here that we must find the Jedi in us and remember, Theirs Is Not Our Life To Lead, It is Not Our Path! Change frustration into Caring, Support, Benevolence, Understanding, Love, Kindness, and Compassion. Be there for them when they realize their miss-step and help them to their feet when they fall on their rocky path.

Ego; Yet Humility is this months focus. Is frustration derived from Ego? I know, we all have Ego, and Ego, in and of itself, is not bad. It is in how we portray our Ego that can make it good or bad. But frustration is a form of selfish Ego (We know better that others). Change that selfish Ego to Selfless Ego and how the “I” can be humble and caring. Give your advice and counsel without expectations of return. It is not about your importance, but the importance of others in need of help. When we help others, we help ourselves. This goes back to what I was saying at the beginning of this writing, Together, We Are The Body Of The Force, what happens to one happens to all. It is in the ripple wave effect of our actions, that good and bad create the ebb and flow of Light and Dark. Create a ripple of Love, Kindness, and Compassion.

Ego; Yet Humility = Frustration; Yet Compassion