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As a Jedi I believe in the Force. As a minister I choose to believe. One of the most challenging things I have found I share with you now. Join me? 

Ideas are some times like paths. Some have many more - traveled   Frequented paths. There are some trails forgotten. There are many trails not ventured.( known)(our choice) Some ideas are unknown. Never seen paths exist. One path I frequent is that more than one path can be occupied. More than one idea can...can... Exist. Not just one. (Absolutes n all) 

Laymans terms

A lot of ideas I find here -how people are and act ... ( your example sits in my mental chamber with THAT answer)[think about that for a bit jedi] many different ideas ... Paths waiting and ready to volunteer, like a beautiful volume s- chapters and bookmarked ready to share that one thing I was missing or need. On this path I find it challenging to be the personal choice I made and to minister to my books. How does a Jedi minister to a Jedi! Take some time to thank your clergy , that's a tough gig! How do you minister to NO ONE who THINKS the same , see the same... Speak the same and... And is encouraged to question everything and validate it personally ? We can't be the same and none of us are. Smiley face we are Jedi! Every one believes or does not ... Differently, they Kinna have to. Let that sink in. I don't know of any one tell us in seminary training but that's our lot of we choose it .  Wow. 

The paths I find in this temple (you friend) your paths are long and weary in places I will not and can not. That's ok . Same for every different heart that logs on here. As a Jedi I have coined a phrase, repeat, adapted , mirrored, taught, teach, keep, meditated, acted, planted,  Chanted, memorized this small phrase...Jedi cultivate.

Simple to the point. We grow. I took it from chapter one of James A as a man thinketh , in our library, I call it the cultivation chapter . We grow. Can u see Obie or Luke and Yoda with a shovel in the sun near dirt squatting by a bush or tree... Kinna makes sense a bit hu? Jedi frequent places to gain... (Waves at the Temple) focus... Knowledge ... And wisdom... Difrent focus, difrent knowledge , difrent wisdom- Even New focus new knowledge and new wisdom. Some come to pass... 

As a cultivator I invite every Jedi every level entry expired every book new used torn or forgotten, every path represented here- I invite you to our Temple and encourage you to find more like it! Share with us your views , your path or paths . We are Jedi - we ARE difrent. So... Let us find what we seek- together . Frequent our doors sit in our seats stay and grow and share with... It is my hope you see a difrent path with each and every message. My hope is we share it some day , how ever long! The temple can be a... One of many ... Places to find new old and forgotten ideas. Share em? For my sake? So I can learn with ? As we seek, as we learn as we share together be in mind , that's cultivating! Your questions and actions to find , that's the digging friends. Didn't think a Jedi could put a shovel in your hand as u walk thru the temple and make u sweat a bit hu? yet we are everyday with every question with every find.  Hmm How was the message from Carlos , my hope was the answer is " cultivating"

May the Force we share and seek be where you look for it!

Love ya temple and may the Force be with y'all!