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In recent times I have been in contact with many people who have the same problem, they all tell me that they feel empty and have no desire to be alive. If you feel something like this, the best thing to do is to find a psychologist, this is something that really needs to be debated and maybe treated with therapy or even some remedies; Which is no shame at all. Possibly you will hear that it is lack of work, lack of Jesus, lack of shame in the face, but all this is a tremendous misunderstanding; In reality this period of emptiness we feel is very common at a certain point in life and obviously it happened to me as well.

Leaving no explanation as to why we are here, it is very easy to understand that none of us are aware of any moment in which he has decided to be born, we are manifest forms that live an earthly and carnal experience. In a certain part of our lives, we come to the conclusion that we will die and that any work developed here by us, any amount of capital or goods; Everything seems in vain, because the memories about you have disappeared with time, your possessions will be spent, your works forgotten and finally it will be as if you never had or even wanted to exist. It seems that any goal is superficial because it undoes with time. I believe this is due to forgetting, who we are and what we are doing here. We are here experiencing this life, this may not be the best, in reality this can be horrible depending on the conditions in which you are born; However this is your experience. It is a fact that we often do not have the best choices at our disposal, but to have some choice is better than none, so suicide does not seem to me a logical choice, because it would be the end of your experience.

Often, we glimpse all that is bad in our lives, of course, some have very bad to face and of these I neither blame them nor repress them; Are victims of a system that oppresses the one that has less to the detriment of the oligarchic minority. Still, those who do not live such a hard reality can glimpse much of what is good in this world and rejoice. Existence symbolizes potentiality, each being has the potential to shape their life, obviously respecting some conditions, yet when looking at certain things we have to rejoice, but most of the time, we frustrate or do not pay attention. Yesterday I was with my new companion, she told me a phrase that is simply the solution to my problems and that made a huge sense to me. The point is that after so much searching for a solution I finally found it and this seemed very clear to me, but only one more worry about the shoulders. After some time, already today, I realized that I found the key to my problems and I was happy because I finally knew what I needed to work on.

So I wonder how long it takes to understand how beautiful life can be, because we live in a robotic way, co-opted in our problems and without looking at the beauty of possibilities that stretch over us, not taking advantage of what the day has to offer . When it dawns we do not rejoice in the sun, nor when it dusk by the moon and the stars, seeing people doing good, or even a butterfly flying through the sky. It seems that our lifestyle drives us to always be the best and never the happiest, putting success as a goal of happiness. Where in reality all we need is to realize how our lives are the power to be happy. No type of success fully completes our needs, no achievement is greater than waking up in the morning happy for another day. I know it may seem strange, maybe utopian, but it is necessary to rejoice the good times, the problems will still be there, but solving them is no longer the source of our joy. This happiness comes from the simple fact of our existence.