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Iniquity yet Justice

The Force is mysterious and not easy to see;

Experiencing the great song of the Force as living yet unified,

is the key to penetrating it’s mysterious rhythm.

While some minds experience inequity, others meet justice. Ideas of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ are relative and conducive to volumes of training.

The feeling iniquity cannot be likened to feeling justice, nor can justice be likened to inequity, so where is their origin? Retrace the Path, and meditate on this.

Following such feelings through their effects and causes, a Jedi finds the Force.

Not this or that, the Force is the prime potentia of the universe- including ourselves.

Finding Justice and Iniquity in ourselves, how do we hold such a relationship? Certainly either exists, the other is sure to follow.

If you have felt the Force to be Iniquity, you have certainly met it face to face.

If you have felt the Force to be Justice, then truly you know it.

Relieved of all preconceptions, a Jedi relies upon their greatest ally, and the Way becomes open.

Where is Justice and Iniquity then?

Feeling the Force, a Jedi moves with both while never being moved by either.

May the Force be with you...