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I love this Temple, what it stands for and HOW it stand for it.
Growing up I was NEVER told I could do anything I wanted or become anything I wanted. Rather , I was told I was always at the wrong place, from the wrong side, with the wrong people. My child hood was filled with many different faces and tones saying the same thing " you better not EVER be a cop!" Very different dynamic.
Yet, here we are, 2016, in a Jedi Temple sharing life lessons with one another, learning patience, meditation, love and sight. We share stories and beliefs as well as hurts, each time growing a little more. Friend, if you have never heard it then its about time you did. To those who have heard and forgot, here it is. To those who teach and share do not stop!
The human potential is a very real thing. It is a very attainable thing. It has yet to be to be fully found and fully seen. No matter the label we put on our self's to better describe our own individual connections, this truth remains...
We CAN do anything we want. We can believe in this. The potential lives in us all. We CAN find what it is we seek.
Living proof stand before you today in this great beacon of light here in this Temple. To have the ability, to possess it , is first to hear of it. (knowing comes from hearing..) Some one must say it.
My Jedi friends I stand before you broken and dumped on, lost and alone, scared confused and upset...all these things that we humans face, we all face.
Yet, there are ways to ignite the light. There are ways to add volume to your life. There CAN come redemption and forgiveness, you can find anything you seek...if your willing to take the time and effort. Its not easy to be weary of attachments or meditate on the three tenants all day long, we all got different responsibilities and time availability. It is possible to study and seek, talk, work out and find keep share build and grow.
Look around this place. We are part of the possibility. Some of us come from similar back rounds and some of us don't, yet, we all know what alone and hurt feel like. Every one here represents the un known possibility of human potential where you stand. Right there! I am proud to be a small part of this great light! WE, ME , YOU are part of this same idea. The human potential, the ability-be sure as the nose on your face its there friends in every single one of us. It is a beautiful thing when we see only that potential in others..."Jedi eyes" as some call it but that's a different sermon for another day. Be well and May the Living Force be with you !