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It is a primary teaching that our lives are like a road we walk the route we choose and facing the consequences of our actions. It may not seem so obvious when everything goes well in our lives when we have not done the exercise to observe our actions step by step; after the observation often it does not work all the time. Inevitably at some point we will all miss, is inherent in all of us fail, we are human beings and that's part of our nature. In addition to any judgment, we are what we are and we are mainly what we believe and what we build; as if our lives were a building and each brick was a new experience every day put new bricks in our lives and so on.

The wall is growing and growing increasingly gives way to fabulous buildings that increasingly will cover more and more. Then suddenly something changes in our lives, something goes wrong, or created by us or someone else. All our incredible building we learn to love fall to the ground and felt an incredible sadness. What comes next is determining how their next few days or even years will be; not always the choice is well made that point and often, we choose bad things. The choices determine the speed at which we reconstruct our lives; but often only we stood watching, transferring our responsibilities or create new problems. Let's not talk about it.

When we decided to fix things, it's likely that there are many difficulties at that point; take the most appropriate decision to require to do what your heart tells, but within a rationality in general these decisions are quite correct and bring forth good fruit. Here comes the key point of my explanation; life is often like a garden, bad decisions lead to plants that do not bear good fruit, good decisions bring good fruit. It turns out that when we have weeds in the garden, you need to take these plants and plant new things; however the time between cleaning the garden and the blooming of the first flower takes time. This time is what we call faith.

Faith is expected not sure of the future, it is to believe not sure anything will come. When we plant a seed we do not know if it will succeed or not, it is below the earth, we can not see it. Still we got back in our garden every day, fertilized soil, watered the earth, remove new weeds; yet the plant does not germinate, it has its time, so we have to have faith, to believe even if everything seems to indicate that this will not work. In our lives we go through several phases, our seeds will spend the fall and the winter, we have to continue to take care of our "seed" all this will pass, the winter will come to an end and spring will arrive and only then we will see the brewing of our plant.

The life thus shows, the processes take time, care and love; nothing turns quickly take time and care. The time that all these processes take and believe in the potential of these seeds I characterize as faith and to me it is fundamental for us; have faith is the basis of hope, which is column of inner peace, who has faith does not feed the despair and can make better decisions and think, make better decisions generates a bonanza cycle and prevents suffering. To me this should be the basis of all religion.