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Humility to empty


In our daily lives we are encouraged at all times to inflate our egos. You do not need a long observation to realize that all we have midis help us increasingly swell our egos. Every time we come across the type ads: because you deserve it, because you are important, etc; the word that recurs sometimes endless is this: YOU. This in turn should lead us to be more concerned with our opinions about ourselves, yet we seek constant approval all around us, so once again we have to inflate our ego, not only we realize that we are big and able, but for everyone around us, to see how capable we are.

Finally we are so round and big as any balloon or airship that we have ever seen. Often it is not something deliberate, but we are led to do this. As everyone will see that we are big and important if I did not design it in me, be safe, decided a wall ... in short, perfect. We ended up developing a very solid security, followed by a lack of longer view of reality, we are a lot smaller than we are, as a pea projecting remains on the wall; actually it is much smaller than your projected image and just watching the projection we have no real dimension of its size. Effectively this is the problem, we have a wrong view of many things in our lives, the most varied problems and causes.

A very powerful person on earth, full of power, money, fame, respect ... all this actually seems something very big for the person and also exert a stranglehold on the 3rd based on these characteristics which often happens. How often do we witness this, someone bragging by his deeds, or a perfect job, or have a lot of money, popularity, prestige and etc; most of the time, reducing our neighbors and using that power to benefit ourselves, always thinking about ourselves all the time. In viciamos to do so, it seems a good thing that brings us pleasure.

It really is the truth? Greatness comes from being great? One day I saw a talk about God obviously does not fit here that reflection, but a basic idea of ​​that lecture fits perfectly.Imagine the greatness that is the universe, with all its over 60,000 galaxies each of which can contain 200 billion stars and some with even trillions of stars; imagine that each of these stars may contain planets and satellites in their orbits. The universe is immense on a scale that it is difficult even to quantify and after thinking that way, really the greatest of all human beings on Earth can be considered something in all this vastness and fullness? There is no reason for us to find ourselves in a position to believe that somehow we are great, we are just a grain of sand floating in the entire force of this incredible cosmos.

Humility is born of this reflection, understand that close to all we are a very small portion, so our strength comes from understanding this whole arrangement; following our understanding that even the force being so large it remains simple, simple; would not fit us in higher than our neighbors we feel would not fall to us to find that we are more important than other forms of life or even than water, rock, fire and air. Each has its role in large arrangement in the cosmos and bailamos these transformations tides always following the flow of our choices and the whole harmony of the movement of the universe. So we are all equally important and essential We are part of each other and all integral part of the force that permeates us and fills us.