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Chaos and Harmony : As we walk through life it becomes clear that peace is not our natural state , we are always looking for something to do , afraid of getting bored and we want to be entertained constantly. Our brains are always looking for something to do and the times that we see what is beautiful around us is getting less and less and we are turning more and more inwards . Everything in this society is built to make us think we are missing something. All day we get messages that we need this and that , and more and more we cannot cope with all that mayhem around us , our children are distracted and cannot concentrate , and then get drugged , because they need drugs so we can handle them , right ? We are programmed to find comfort and to be comfortable until a point where we are not comfortable anymore and bothered because everybody wants to be comfortable and that is impossible because we don’t want them to have what we have , because we think we deserve more even , it’s our right  , it’s not theirs , they have to earn it as well , and we have to take care of ourselves first right? …so …its war.

This is war, where you think that you are better than another person , where you are in constant fear of being uncomfortable, where you feel threatened by what you hear in the news , where you breed your own new enemies and where your first concern is to stay , yes comfortable. But by doing that you are in constant war , you forget that we are all connected , all a part of that same planet , that the life of a baby in Africa starving of hunger is just as precious as your own baby. I understand that it is hard , I understand it’s not a comfortable feeling , I understand it’s a big step.

But to truly understand that we are one , all part of this organism called Earth , this bleu Marble floating through space , this wonderful breathing living place where there is enough food and love for everyone , if we are only willing to share. That we can sit outside enjoy the sun on our face , the wind in our hair and realise :

Here I am in the Now , it is silent , it’s safe , warm. I am well.

That is Peace in its purest  form in the middle of War


Marta Lina