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Emotions are a naturally occurring part of the human experience, and quite possibly all parts of life experience emotions. As Jedi, we don’t put out our emotions like putting out a candle. Rather, we contain the flame, making sure it does not spreads or go out.

This is personally a challenge I have been facing. To put it briefly, but extensive enough to understand, I have been fighting my anger which has been caused by frustration of not being understood. This caused me to do many rash things such as break devices, or break a picture frame, which all in turn were not pleasant to the hands. But, do I regret these things? No. I do not regret them because I cared not for those things or myself, but because I learned from it.

Every mistake I had, and still have, was and is no setback in all the improvement I have made. I look at what has been done, and look at only what I can do to prevent such things in the future, not beating myself up over my mistakes. The best way I look at my scenario is like a multitude of trials to show me what needs improved.

If I have learned anything from my scenario, it would have to be acceptance, forgiveness, and the will to move forward. Emotions are tools, and like any tool, it can be used as a weapon. Us Jedi must take these tools and learn the safety behind each one, sparing ourselves and others from dangerous operation of these tools.

I could sit here and tell you what I have learned about each tool-sadness helps for appreciation of happy moments, anger turns dissatisfaction into improvement, and happiness helps let go of the strain the use of the others brings. But, to tell you what I alone have learned of them tells you nothing. For few it may open their eyes, but to others they are just words. To truly know what I mean, and learn how your individual tools work, you must go through trials of your own.

The only help I, or anyone for a that matter, can give you is support. Support is the best thing anyone can receive in these trials. They may not be able to fight for you, or maybe not even alongside you. But, they will always be the ones to pick you up and tell you that there is more life left in you to keep fighting.

My master Darren, the temple as a whole, and my loved ones, have all been there to pick me up time and time again. Some days I come asking for wisdom and support, and sometimes it is there no matter if I ask for it or not. So for every person out there who is fighting the same battle, whether it is anger, sadness, both, or just cannot control how they feel as a whole, this message is for you.

Everyone has a battle, each to varying degrees, and for and with different things. Although, you are not alone. You are surrounded by many who face their own problems, and, to quote my master Darren, “…no one expects you to have it all together right now.” So worry not about being at complete peace, and more so with being better than you were the day before, and if you weren’t, try again.

May The Force be with you all.