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Many times in our lives we come across very bad situations, sometimes caused by life itself, sometimes caused by ourselves; is an effect situation chain that may be beyond our conscious control. Human beings generally tend to think less in panic situations and this makes him trust his impulses or logical that do not hold and can not nothing but pain and loss. For example: A person may find himself unable, useless; this has a good job and a family, its values ​​and its honor. At one time this feeling of being useless and incapable will intensify gradually, slowly, without realizing it his presence; then their attitudes are increasingly strange, causing a deep sadness and some times a rage. Until the day that person by one of these attitudes loses the job, she certainly attributed his loss to his thoughts of worthlessness and not the effects of this thought about his life. All this behavior have affected their family life, now unemployed it intensifies, because more and more friction and fights become constant; to the point that one does not feel more loved and that creates a break in ties with the family, be it with your blood or your partner. At that time without work and with family problems problems only intensify, more and try to escape from this reality, that person begins to use exhaust valves, is tobacco, alcohol or illicit drugs. This self-destruction cycle has no end. Obviously this is a very general example, but realize as an action taken in desperation generates another and then another and apparently it has no end. Fear and despair can lead to many things. A man once told me that fear, disgust and anger are transforming forces, which find most is fear. In the name of fear can do anything, the problem that I see is that it is treacherous, not fight for anyone except chaos; is a very volatile sense unpredictable. It is not wise to have him as an ally, you never know when he'll stab you in the back. On the other hand, hope it shows a sweet friend and the strength of the obdurate. When we are in a state of despair that keeps us standing, able to continue, no matter the wounds and traumas that hurt us so much, that's the face of hope. The day always streak over all, just and unjust, my grandmother always said; this word is much more powerful than just looks. She says there will be new opportunities, no matter how things may be bad for you at that time, there is always hope for a new day. That's beautiful, myself more than once thought nothing in my life would have solution and that may not live longer would be a good solution to my problems. Obviously this is not the way out, just keep your head up and try again, as much as the world is unfair and everything seems to come at you so we have to continue like a salmon going up the stream and the challenges and dangers that They are placed before him. Many times in my life I think of it as a constant war, often against themselves, against a system, against chance against others; It seems a thousand armies rise up against you, legions and endless legions. So as my greatest hero ... I think better a raised head death than a life of knees. The honor lies in this case not to lose heart, who falls seven times raises eight; the strength and the pain of the warrior lies in their resilience. We did not come to this world to be slaves of each other or placed on each other; We came to this world to live in harmony and freedom. Until that day comes we have to feed the hope that this day will come and fight for us and for our brothers and sisters.