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The reflection for May is Ego Yet Humility.


According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of “EGO is the self especially as contrasted with another self or the world. I take that to mean that which is contained in this meat suit we have going on. Often it is all that we think of as our self, but as Jedi, we study many different ideas that tell us that may be so.

One of the lessons in the old IP was to watch a movie called Mindwalk. While very early in its metaphysics, one of the points it makes is that we are not solid. The cells in our body are constantly sharing electrons with things that are around us. That which makes us solid is only our belief that we are solid. Yet, it would be difficult to really live in that consciousness now, wouldn’t it?

I believe that when we talk about “ego” in this sense it is more to do with the fact that we often confuse ourselves with our works. How often do you introduce yourself as something like, “Hi I am JP Adkins and I am a Jedi Cleric.” In truth, both of those statements are false.

I am a Divine Space anchored by my in-breath and solidified by all other sparks of the divine who has been called JP Adkins and a Jedi Cleric along with coach, mentor, brother, son, man, gay, and many other labels that you can place upon me. Yet ego wants to talk about my accomplishments and my failures as myself. Look at/don’t look at me is the language of ego.

Humility knows that I am not my actions. Humility knows that I am not separate from you, or the millions of microbes that populate our body, or the air that we breath or the earth that we stand on. When we can step away from that which wants to call us separate, we can fully embrace that which we are.

So today I ask you to see yourself bigger than the labels that you and others have placed upon you, to separate You from your works, and spend a little time in humility and Oneness with the Force.


May you feel the presence of the Force for It is always with you.


You are loved,

