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Am I a Jedi?

Many things are considered traits of a Jedi... Here is one I see quite often...

It seems every so often, discussions get heated, or people's feelings get hurt. Someone goes on a bit about some bloody thing... Spouting their opinions as if it is Gospel... Getting the emotions of others all riled, and heated up, tempers flare...

We hear a person, commit an act in a fit of emotion.... Some people act a specific way, to obtain a desired reaction from others, we always have a target, sometimes it is to force a change in policy, other times, it is simply because we need a specific goal accomplished....

I must admit, I am as guilty of everyone else, this is not a judgement, instead, it is a reminder, to myself as well, to be aware of your motives... Be aware of others perceptions of your motives, understand not all see your actions in a positive light... Be understanding that others will not always agree, and may question your decision....

And, a reminder to stop the "Sith" name calling... As we have no set definition of what a Jedi is, or what a Jedi should believe, 100%... We have even less of a definition of what a Sith is, or thinks... Even though some of our Senior most members call themselves that...

I am allowed to have opposing views, as are everyone of you...

Sometimes, I think, when we all agree, as often as we do here, that when a opposing view, is presented, we feel, "ut-oh, that is opposite of my beliefs, and, as I am a Jedi, that must be Sith-ish." Someone acts in a manner we think as selfish, we see that as wrong, evil, or Sith-like...

Not, "oh, my opinion works for me, and theirs for them"....

Which is one thing we should all agree upon.... Tolerance...

Yes, I am a Jedi, as are each of you... Probably a little 'Sith' as well occasionally.... Whatever that exactly means... lol...

It is why I am a practicing Jedi, I am not perfect, yet, if ever...

Maybe when I rejoin the Force? Time will tell....

May the Force be with You..
