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It is my joy and my common practice, on a day of celebration as a birthday, to personally take one to the side and to share a bit of personal wisdom. I find this creates a different connection I myself had been missing and I have decided to be that which I needed most.

My Temple- Temple  of the Jedi order- as today we turn 12 - I see a very different Temple than what I first came to join. I see different leaders. I see way more ideas. I have noticed the losses and hurt - upset pain and discord and I've seen in all that---- growth. I've seen leaders leave and step down and I've seen new ones step up . I've seen upset and new connections made every day. I've seen doors close and ceilings shattered. I've seen stumbles and have first hand witness leaps!

Temple .... wow!!!! I see you ! I see the good. I see the bad . I see the new. I see the old. I see the tame, timid and bold. This is called life. This is called the ebb and flow. This is called many things, but I call it ALIVE. Temple of the Jedi order- we are alive. We are many parts of a whole. A single one can harm or a single heart can give strength and free. We all - from council to fresh members - are what makes this Temple. All of us are fans , I'm a fan first like many others. In this place we share hurt and healing . In this place we can accomplish many things, we HAVE- we will! I look forward to seeing how and what next year brings us.

Together we have accomplished a lot ! Some have broken chains and re wrote their own stories, some have taken lead roles in the play of life, and some are just now seeing the joy of adding something as simple as a tiny word called "Jedi" to their life's .

It's not a simple road Jedi, but you have us all here together. Use your temple from the old steadfast to the young and new and remember --- we are strong. We have stood thru time and continue to stand.

Temple , my beloved Temple - happy birthday , and know I am a better person because you all ( all y'all!) having  been a part - no matter the piece - of my very own life. May we all realize  this for ourselves and may we keep this faithful resolve the Temple and this order continue to stand for !

May the Force we share , seek , and serve find you in the seek- right in the thick of it !

Carlos Jedi Knight clergy and Councilor
Build not tear down