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Beyond the illusion of courage.

Courage, a word that many like to support; A trophy among the conquests that feed our ego. What should a Jedi sustain? The courage to challenge difficult situations? Challenging situations much greater than ourselves, is not a sign of courage, denying these same situations is not a sign of cowardice. Courage is in those who, even where everything is unfavorable, where everyone rises against us, we still believe in our values, we go forward even after we have retreated or not, but let us go forward. I have talked to many people, all of these have their own problems and dilemmas, just as I have mine. I realized that we all suffer for the most varied reasons. Some have always been full of value for their achievements, others struggle as they do not get what they want, others are in a situation of poverty or difficulty so great that they do not know what to do and others still end up with their lives for not Difficulties. Who has the real courage?

Courage and cowardice are not symmetrical opposites like good and evil. Over time I learned that we are all gifted with some courage and the more we fear the world, the more courageous we are, because we face fear every day. Despite all difficulties and fear, I get up every day to my reality, I am hurt, I am humiliated, I am disdained; Besides, I see myself as inferior to people of my age, for some have a normal life, with their conquests that fill the eyes of the beholder. Every day we all have to accept who we are, accept our burden and live. Many times we can get rid of this burden, yet some things are inescapable. Yet we keep on going, living, laughing and crying every day. There are some who can not stand this harsh reality of each day, myself many times in my sadness I wished death and called for it. Was it cowardice to end your life? Pick up a knife and open your own neck or hang on a rope? Would not be. These people suffer so much and so much that the pain of cutting themselves, if they hang themselves, if thrown from a building, is minimal near the internal pain that these people pass. These people face a horrible nightmare in their own minds constantly, often alone, so getting close to these people is so important because we need to show these people that there are good reasons to preserve life. If you think about taking your life or have thought about it, know that you are endowed with great courage, but life itself is the greatest of all challenges and this challenge deserves someone brave like you. Your life is worth much more than your death, just rethink, try another way, in love we find greater peace than in death.

I say all this because I see how life puts us at our limits, it forces us to be better and better, at every step. Many times we are mistaken in our ideas, we think that the reality we see is true, but it is through courage that we stand firm. Are we retreating? Yes, several times; However, we always find old nightmares and find the courage is not simply to throw ourselves recklessly in front of the challenges, but to overcome the limits of our pain, our fears, our anguish and to go forward or even to retreat, but We never give up. It is not something simple, because the illusions of our perspectives betray us; Not by chance in many examples of courage, we see that the person finds his courage by changing his point of view, realizing that the fear that haunts us only holds the power over us that we give to that fear. Challenge your understanding, question anything you believe would be unquestionable, strongly doubt any feeling and thought that falls upon us as truly and unquestionably true. It takes time, it wants change and nothing comes overnight. Today we fled, to fight another day.

A Jedi fears anything and everything, yet faces the reality of his fear, for he knows that fear, pain, frustration are only perspectives of our minds. This challenges his own reality, questioning the origin of his fears and when he realizes that all these things are not important, but that there is a cause that is real, all illusions are undone and even in the midst of a great battle he could walk Unarmed and nothing would hurt him. People would say how brave you are, when in truth the courage arose from overcoming the very illusion that sets itself as real. Thinking that way I understood that most of the time, we face ourselves, a specter of who we are and it looks like a really difficult struggle, we can realize how powerful we really are and we do not realize our own strength. My request is that we can reflect on this. If there is courage in us, why do we flee? Why do not we see our real courage, our real potential? If we really question ourselves, we will find these answers. So finally I realize that courage and cowardice are only illusory constructions of our mind and only challenging reality is that we will realize that the size of our challenges is irrelevant, the amount of enemies is irrelevant, that strength or difficulty are irrelevant, since Are constructions of our mind. When we can finally be free from these fetters that bind our minds, the path becomes free and fully visible.