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When considering the point of Jediism, the idea of "connection" is often mentioned.  It is said that connection is one of the forefront cornerstones to developing oneself as a Jedi.  Practically speaking, one of the most fundamental practices of connection is through our day-to-day communication.  This lesson will focus on understanding key aspects of social communication and how the quality of our communication influences our ability to contribute to our society. Complete at least the first 3 assignments below.


Part 1: Conversation Skills - Celeste Headlee

Watch and listen to the following TED Talk by Celeste Headlee.  In your journal, choose what you believe to be the 3 biggest key points made during her presentation about communication.  Explain what you agree with or don't agree with and why.



Part 2: Didactics, Dialectics, and the Socratic Method

Research the didactic method and explain in your own words how it works.  In what situations can this method be considered useful?

Research the dialectic method and explain in your own words how it works.  In what situations can this method be considered useful?

Research the Socratic method and explain in your own words how it works.  In what situations can this method be considered useful?


Part 3: Communication Practice

Pick any two people to have a one-on-one discussion on a topic with.  The discussion may be recorded as long as permission is obtained from all parties and there is a reliable way to record it (text, audio, or video).  For one person, practice implementing your chosen 3 points from Celeste Headlee.  Record your interaction in your journal. Explain what you feel you did well, and what you feel you could have done better.

For the next person, pick a topic to discuss.  Implement the didactic, dialectic, and Socratic methods in your discussion.  Record your interactions in your journal.  Again, what do you feel you did well and what do you feel you could have done better?  Which of these interactions do you feel were the most fruitful to both you and your interlocutor?  Why are they effective?  What is the value of understanding these techniques as a Jedi?