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 As Jedi, we don’t have much in the way of authoritative texts or dogma.  That being said, much of our “path” comes down to what we learn and interpret, at the Temple or from other places.  Interacting with information requires discernment in what we use as a source and how we extract meaning. Please complete all of the following assignments.

Part 1:

  Watch Leiden University's Lecture on the importance of hermeneutics and respond with your reflections on the following prompts:

1.  Explain the speaker's assertion that scientific claims don't have meaning?

2.  What, according to classical hermeneutics, is the correct interpretation? Do you agree with this?

3. Can good (not perfect) hermeneutic approaches change over time?

4.  Give an example of a common misconception or poor hermeneutic approach?

Part 2:

Find two samples of Jedi literature*, and analyze them by assessing the information source according to each of the parameters below. You may wish to  use the Temple library.

1.  Expertise (who or what generated the information, is it primary, secondary, or greater than tertiary, and how much bias or heuristic error might 

exist from them).


2.  Era (how old is the information as an indicator of how likely it is to have remained unchanged, considering how fast it might 



3.  Extents (the bigger it is, the more accurate it might be; if the prior elements are met).


*Jedi literature refers to materials written by real-life Jedi. These materials must be screened by a member of the IP Team. Reach out to the IP Team to review your choice of Jedi literature. You will find a list of list of resources in the Jedi (Academia) and Jedi/Jediism sections of our library