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Sunday Sermon

Who am I?

January 22, 2012


          Brothers and sisters, before you read further I would like for you to listen to the following:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qbZUM5caCk  you may stop at the 2:00 mark or listen in full.  Either is fine.



  “Risk! Risk everything! Care no more for the opinion of others, for those voices.  Do the hardest thing on Earth for you.  Act for yourself.  Face the Truth.”  -Katherine Mansfield

            Each of the preceding has a very important message and one that I am sharing with you.  In this day and time there are many people that want to tell you who you are, who you should be, or who you will be in the future.  There are television commercials and shows that portray a specific image of what you would have to look like to be successful.  It is all around us and we cannot escape the feelings that maybe they are correct.  They tell us how we should show our faith.  What type of food we should eat and so much more.  My question is why.

            In my travels I have met many people.  I have met people of all classes, nationalities, ages, genders, and both health and sick.  Can you guess what every one of these people had in common?  None were the same and none were perfect.  Why then do they feel it is their place to judge you and offer unsolicited advice?  I had a recent loss of control that some may have seen if you are part of my Facebook friends where I finally had it with people telling me how to raise my child and that my techniques were not suitable.  Brief explanation: We don’t make her believe in fairy tale stories like the ones surrounding Christmas and Easter, or even teeth if you follow me there.  And, for a punishment my 7 year old does push-ups, wall squats, or other exercises (I was a Marine, sue me).  They tell me that if I don’t lie to my child then she will have no imagination and I will ruin her childhood.  They tell me that push-ups are a form of child abuse.  I say my child, my rules and exercise is not abuse.

            So here it is in the short version.  You are a very special individual.  There is nobody in this world now, in the past, or in the future that will ever be like you.  It is time now for you to decide who you are and who you choose to be.  You have dreams that only you can dream.  Nobody can choose for you what passion lies in your heart and mind.  My parents told me I was not smart enough to live my dreams and called me a loser but, I found a way to rise above it and fulfilled my goals.  My father-in-law in contrast told me (as well as all his kids) that the only person that can stop you from living your dreams is you.  The minute you say I can’t do it or you choose not to try that is the point in which you fail.

            Even though you have your own dreams and I say don’t let anyone tell you what to do or who to be, it is still advised and encouraged to seek guidance on how to accomplish what you want to do.  I wanted to be a pilot so I had to find someone to show me how.  The difference in this and my opening statement is intent and the line between solicited and unsolicited advice.

            I submit to you one further quote from Benjamin Franklin “I did not fail the test; I found 100 ways to do it wrong.”  As I said you only fail when you quit or do not try.  So my brothers and sisters find who you are and be who you choose to be.  However, as a disclaimer to this I must say that laws are there for a reason and if you are under 18 then your parents still have a say over what you can and cannot do.  Other than that, dream as big as your heart allows.  And when you find who you are don’t let anyone take that from you.  You are and individual that is as special as a snow flake or a finger print.