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There are as many motives as there are people. These factors affect not only how we interact with those around us, but how we interact with ourselves as well. Knowing what drives you and understanding what drives others is one way of finding that common ground to unite us all. So what is it that drives you? For some it is physiological needs like: hunger, thirst, warmth, or fatigue. These are the most basic needs, and are often the key motivators in "third world" countries. These are motivators that should never be neglected, yet often in many "third world" countries these basic needs are difficult to meet on a consistent basis. We should never take for granted the ability to meet these needs, not when so many others can't meet them often enough or at all. Another motivator could also be safety needs such as: housing, clothing, or security from crime and financial hardship. These are, again, basic needs that we should not take for granted, not when so many go homeless every year or when so many have lost their homes to disaster. Then there are some motivated by things such as: love, the desire to belong by acceptance through intimate relationships, social groups, and friends. These needs, while not tangible, are important nonetheless. It is in belonging or by acceptance that many have their lives validated. Through love and their connections to others they find meaning and purpose to their lives. These connections can give us strength, or they can weaken us through their loss. This is also a powerful motivator to action, since it is love, compassion, and acceptance that enables us to meet our needs for them by helping others. Others are motivated by esteem needs like: achievement, competence, approval, recognition, prestige, or status. Of the various motivators these are the more selfish ones, but is it really a bad thing for someone to help the less fortunate in order to meet their own needs? Many millionaires make large donations simply for the prestige or status that comes with it. There really is nothing wrong with wanting recognition for doing something good as it validates your deeds and meets your needs. As jedi though, we should be motivated not for recognition, prestige, or status but for compassion, doing what is right because it is right. Finally some are motivated by self actualization: the fulfillment of our unique potentials. For many this involves needs for cognitive understanding and aesthetic needs. Of the many motivators discussed this is the one that is most personal, and often the most fulfilling. Who doesn't want to reach their full potential? As the saying goes"idle hands are the devil's playground". If we sit on our potential, we overcome nothing and one that overcomes nothing achieves nothing. Only by pushing our limits, testing ourselves constantly against the universe can we progress and reach our true potential. So the next time you find yourself with a few minutes to reflect ask yourself, what is it that motivates me? What drives me? What are my needs? Then ask yourself, how can I meet my needs so that I may help others meet their needs?