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Is recognition that Jews have the best ideology of the Abrahamic cults the reaso
Rabbi Hillel, the older contemporary of Jesus, said that when asked to sum up the whole of Jewish teaching, while he stood on one leg, said, "The Golden Rule. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. And everything else is only commentary. Now, go and study it."
Please listen as to what is said about literal reading.
"Origen, the great second or third century Greek commentator on the Bible said that it is absolutely impossible to take these texts literally. You simply cannot do so. And he said, "God has put these sort of conundrums and paradoxes in so that we are forced to seek a deeper meaning."
Muslims and Christians foolishly read their holy books literally, ignoring that none of the Abrahamic cults did in the past.
This fact makes Muslims and Christians idol worshipers. All Muslim and Christian denominations ignore that the Jesus they all profess to respect preached that we should all be God seekers and never become idol worshipers the way Muslims and Christians have done.
Gnostic Christians like me were and are esoteric ecumenists. You might say that to the old Abrahamic cults of Muslims, Christians and Jews, we were the religious whores of those old days, thanks to the fact that our mystery schools would pick and choose the best tenets of all religions and work them into our Universalist creed. We would not tie ourselves down to becoming idol worshipers of imaginary demiurges the way Muslims and Christians did in ancient days and continue to do today. The fool says in his heart, I know who God is and who his prophets are.
Gnostic Christians and Jews, --- having a superior ideology and philosophy of seeking a good God, --- instead of becoming idol worshipers like Muslims and Christians, --- shared the hate and attempted genocide that Jews suffered thanks to Christians then Muslims.
Should Muslims and Christians admit their ideological deficiencies and turn their hate to love. It should be quite easy for religions that say they are all about peace and love.
I think it would be fitting for Muslims and Christians to start walking their talk and apologise to Jews and Gnostic Christians by giving them the recognition for excellence in religious matters.
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It cannot be easily escaped, even with broad definitions such as "God is everything". We all have our own idols one way or another, some are simply less obvious than others. Whether one idol is better than another, is another question . . .
As a Gnostic Christian it surprises me that you tarnish such amorphous groups as 'Muslims' and 'Christians' with the same brush. To the extent that individuals within these groups hate Jews I think it has very little, if anything, to do with their recognition that Jews have the best ideology 'of the Abrahamic cults'. I can't tell if you're joking or not!!
Incidentally - if you think that Jewish ideology is best - why not become a Jew yourself? Its not an easy process but I'm sure someone of your conviction would be more than capable.
Lastly, Christian Gnosticism and Judaism are not the same thing . . . in fact some Jewish writers have described Gnoticism as 'anti-judaism' and even as anti-semitic ( Gager, John G. (1985-02-14). The origins of anti-semitism: attitudes toward Judaism in pagan and Christian antiquity. Oxford University Press. p. 168. ISBN 978-0-19-503607-7).
Needless to say I find your post confusing and quite alarming.
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If peace cannot be maintained with honour, it is no longer peace . . .
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Trying to determine motivation here, and I like short, blunt answers cause, its early and my monkey brain hasn't ingested enough coffee yet, so please pardon me if I seem a bit at odds.
What does this have to do with Us? To me as a Jedi?
I suppose the difference between us and them, ( Christian Muslims and Jews) is they wouldn't waste time removing you, and we simply sit back and ask questions trying to figure it out. I'm sure there's a joke fit for a bar in there somewhere... :laugh:
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Loudzoo wrote:
Any definition of, or concept of 'God', that one can formulate (especially using words) which is then used as a basis of worship, is idolatrous. See the definition of idol: an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship.
It cannot be easily escaped, even with broad definitions such as "God is everything". We all have our own idols one way or another, some are simply less obvious than others. Whether one idol is better than another, is another question . . .
I agree.
As a Gnostic Christian it surprises me that you tarnish such amorphous groups as 'Muslims' and 'Christians' with the same brush.
Why not? They have the same vile demiurge and are both homophobic and misogynous idol worshiping cults. What major difference do you see?
To the extent that individuals within these groups hate Jews I think it has very little, if anything, to do with their recognition that Jews have the best ideology 'of the Abrahamic cults'. I can't tell if you're joking or not!!
Not at all. I have a number of reasons for saying what I did but if you do not like my justification for that long lived hate, what do you think prompted all the hate that has been levelled at Jews for 2000 years if not their ideological differences?
Incidentally - if you think that Jewish ideology is best - why not become a Jew yourself? Its not an easy process but I'm sure someone of your conviction would be more than capable.
I prefer being a Gnostic Christian. The Jews had the best in my view but the Gnostic Christians of today are number 1 in my view because we are more forthright in recognizing and preaching against immoral religions like Christianity and Islam. Jews have mostly been cowed while Gnostic Christians never were. We were murdered for that hard-headedness by Christians the moment they had political power.
Lastly, Christian Gnosticism and Judaism are not the same thing .
I agree. Gnostic Christianity is a cut above. You might remember though that the original Chrestians whose scriptures were usurped by Christianity, was made up of Jews and gentiles. That is what likely prompted us to adopt the name of Gnostic Christian. I have no proof of this so just consider it a speculation.
. . in fact some Jewish writers have described Gnoticism as 'anti-judaism' and even as anti-semitic ( Gager, John G. (1985-02-14). The origins of anti-semitism: attitudes toward Judaism in pagan and Christian antiquity. Oxford University Press. p. 168. ISBN 978-0-19-503607-7).
Indeed, because we saw Yahweh as a vile demiurge.
Jews are still way ahead of Christianity and Islam due to Midrash, non-literalism and their oral tradition that, like Gnostic Christianity, puts man above God. Hense their Divine Council.
Needless to say I find your post confusing and quite alarming.
I am not surprised as to your confusion. New information is often hard to digest without my dealing with objections to the sale, so to speak.
What do you find alarming though?
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"What does this have to do with Us? To me as a Jedi?"
What feeds the force if not a cosmic consciousness?
What feeds the cosmic consciousness if not human consciousness?
If I can change the thinking of good men who presently respect religions which do not deserve respect, the force is strengthened that much more against the dark side.
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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I think that the Jews have the most understanding because they have suffered the most, so know what it is like as a people to be persecuted so violently, and know that they forgive.
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Silas Mercury wrote: Yes, it is the reaso
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
I think that the Jews have the most understanding because they have suffered the most, so know what it is like as a people to be persecuted so violently, and know that they forgive.
An intelligent reply, so why these?
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Are you by-polar?
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MartaLina wrote: Forgiveness , as a jew i dont feel superior , or as a chosen one , there are of my people that say that , but they need to step down and look what is really going on , an ancient old war played out by new players. As a Jedi , i will have no part of that.
I understand your point of view.
I just do not agree with it as I believe that for evil to grow, all good people need do is not step up when they think they have a better ideology.
In the past, many were thin skinned but the many years of Inquisition and jihad thinking has toughened us up enough as a people that I think it time to start showing how immoral the other Abrahamic sects are.
I think that it is now just fear that is preventing Jews, as a nation, from coming out of the moral theology closet, so to speak.
I hope Jews come out soon, or that my even better Gnostic Christian theology takes hold, which is doubtful.
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