The Block

12 Dec 2022 11:59 - 12 Dec 2022 12:54 #371023 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
"A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man (*person) perfected without trials." Seneca

The Three Tenets
When used correctly, the Jedi Tenets allow us to better ourselves and overcome any obstacle. help The Three Tenets
When used correctly, the Jedi Tenets allow us to better ourselves and overcome any obstacle. They help us improve the world around us and fulfil our purpose in life as a Jedi.




Focus is the art of pruning the irrelevant and pouring the best of your mind into what you are doing.

Knowledge can be acquired by focusing on the task at hand.

Wisdom is the sound application of accrued knowledge and experience through patient, good improve the world around us and fulfil our purpose in life as a Jedi.




Focus is the art of pruning the irrelevant and pouring the best of your mind into what you are doing.

Knowledge can be acquired by focusing on the task at hand.

Wisdom is the sound application of accrued knowledge and experience through patient, good judgment.

How do Jedi IMPROVE the world around them?

By doing what they are seeking. By applying the things they learned in their own path. To better the world, better yourself. This leaves better people.

Where is my focus-Where do I get my knowledge from- What do I have for wisdom?

True Self Reflection can reveal many things. It can PRUNE us. We AQUIRE knowledge from our own paths. SOUND APLICATION is one of the things in our own balance we have to figure out.


How do we apply it to make us Jedi?

By applying it soundly. One way is to find those who have tried and are doing that which you seek. Find those who have WHO HAVE a balance. That was the difference in Jedi in the CINEMA verses non Cinematic Jedi. Mentors can be anyone on any path of life who have been there and done that and have a active balance. I feel bad when I hear those who say, " Do as I say, not as I do." Drives me crazy but it is possible too. The SYMBOLISM is Mentors. Find your Yodas. Seek them out. Talk to your ELDERS. I guarantee they are waiting for you and they have more likely been there the whole time and know a wee bit more of what we do.

Make contact with those around you, not just people but find the teachers and those who have what we seek.

Hope this helps this week
Pastor Carlos
There are 3 HUBS or ideas we can gravitate with that can create a balance like no other
[6:05 AM]
reflect on our focus
[6:06 AM]
reflect on our knowledge and where we get it from
[6:06 AM]
reflect on what we call wisdom (edited)
[6:07 AM]
This can help to improve the world around us
[6:07 AM]
by creating a balance on our own
[6:07 AM]
What is your focus today and this week ?
[6:08 AM]
Where does your heart mind and soul go on a Monday ?
[6:08 AM]
or any day
[6:08 AM]
It is important to realize we can SET our focus some days
[6:09 AM]
Some meditations can be on a subject or two
[6:09 AM]
We do not always have to hope something comes out from out of the blue
[6:09 AM]
Find those and that which you seek
[6:10 AM]
There are some ideas and others I honestly do not want to be like
[6:10 AM]
Some are just not healthy for me and my own family circles
[6:11 AM]
then there are some ideas that shine like gold or the sun
[6:11 AM]
THOSE are the ones I find Elders for
[6:11 AM]
ELDERS are the most talkative people in the world

[6:12 AM]
They will stop what they are doing just so you can know something, its kinna their thing.
[6:12 AM]
Mentors are the same way
[6:13 AM]
I want to encourage those who need a ELDER or a Mentor to find one in your path.
[6:13 AM]
They are normally seated or waiting. This week, if you like, find em
[6:13 AM]
Notice in the myths and stories we share - where they are at.
[6:14 AM]
Most of the time they are right in front of us
[6:14 AM]
or next to us
[6:14 AM]
or in IT with us
[6:14 AM]
Mentors come in every shape and size and LEVEL too
[6:14 AM]
Some do one thing and some do many
[6:15 AM]
The idea is to notice that they have ALWAYS been there
[6:15 AM]
for you
[6:15 AM]
when YOU are ready
[6:16 AM]
It is the old idea when the student is ready - the teacher appears
[6:16 AM]
In reality , when we make the decision to see it, we can not UN SEE em any more
[6:17 AM]
to better the world around us- seek thee out a mentor
[6:17 AM]
" seek out Philoctetes."
[6:18 AM]
by this action, the seed finds the sun
[6:18 AM]
we find what we seek
[6:18 AM]
we find people who have who HAVE a active balance or a realistic application of things
[6:19 AM]
we can hunt and gather and seek and find all day and gain wisdom and knowledge till we run out of mental space and book shelfs...
[6:20 AM]
but it is those who have" been there and done that " that can share just a bit more
[6:20 AM]
We have three ideas called Tenets
[6:21 AM]
[6:22 AM]
When used correctly, the Jedi Tenets allow us to better ourselves and overcome any obstacle. They help us improve the world around us and fulfil our purpose in life as a Jedi.
[6:22 AM]
If for any reason you need help or reflection, call on a mentor or a elder

not just any one... Help- I need sombody- help , not just anybody , help you know i need some...heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp...

[6:24 AM]
morning and good day Bru HE WiEph
[6:24 AM]
and see , so we find reminders or those we trust to remind us of our focus and our knowledge and wisdom.
[6:25 AM]
eventually the student DOES become the mentor
[6:25 AM]
its a part of life and the circle of life
[6:25 AM]
We share with one another no matter the cause some days
[6:26 AM]
What we share...
[6:26 AM]
[6:27 AM]
this is a million dollar question
[6:27 AM]
What are we seeking?
[6:27 AM]
One of the things I have learned in my own path and in my own studies is that the sooner we find mentors,the better
[6:28 AM]
not just any mentor
[6:28 AM]
The right one for us
[6:28 AM]
That part is up to you
[6:28 AM]
Know what you seek Jedi
[6:28 AM]
it is possible and it is possible to find a mentor at ANY part of life. For almost anything
[6:29 AM]
The human potential is still alive and kicking and just as amazing as it was in the past.
[6:29 AM]
So too can we find that which we seek
[6:30 AM]
Know what your looking for friends and Jedi
[6:30 AM]
to make the world better- better you
[6:30 AM]
upgrade your mentors
[6:30 AM]
upgrade your focus
[6:31 AM]
upgrade your knowledge
[6:31 AM]
upgrade your wisdom
[6:31 AM]
by finding better mentors
[6:31 AM]
by finding better Myths
[6:32 AM]
I said it -Thank you so much - May the Force be with y'all this week

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Last edit: 12 Dec 2022 12:54 by Carlos.Martinez3.

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19 Dec 2022 13:00 - 19 Dec 2022 13:08 #371088 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
To have a Doctrine and Philosophy is for when you need it. It can be like Honor or Devotion. We can say we have it but when push comes to shove, how do the Jedi act? We are not Cinematic Jedi by any means and although our symbols and honor have the same flow, there is a difference between Cinematic Jedi and Jedi today.

Kata is a key factor to some forms. Your participation depends on your willingness to reflect as far as you like. Why do we have a Doctrine and why do we teach it so freely? It is for the Jedi. It is our Kata or our flow. Memorize your Doctrine and apply it as you see fit. Use it. This is ONE way to make changes. Change what's in your mind by placing good Philosophy and Doctrine there. Examine it before you put it in your heart. Will you really use or need it?

We as Jedi do not forget our Oaths and word.

Todays is a reminder that we need Doctrine and Philosophy in our lives

Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:02 AM
When things get out of sort or when we need to be reminded of our choice or flow or path we have.....
[6:02 AM]
Where do we go?
[6:03 AM]
Is there a fountain of RECHARGE some where ?
[6:03 AM]
The answer is yes
[6:03 AM]
Both HAVING and using a Doctrine and a set of Philosophy can help us figure our life's out
[6:04 AM]
When we get lost we need a map or a guide
[6:04 AM]
our chosen "rules" if you like can be our Doctrine we have and how we philosophy
[6:05 AM]
our Oasis can be when we study it or remind each other or even our own reminders of what we want and how we want to act
[6:05 AM]
Life gets tough
[6:05 AM]
fall on YOUR OWN philosophy's
[6:06 AM]
when we fall, we can fall on our own Doctrine
[6:06 AM]
its a nice pillow like ideas we know and heres the kicker too....
[6:06 AM]
we can have a few or several
[6:06 AM]
The contradictions only come when we decide they contradict.
[6:07 AM]
I want to encourage every Jedi here and who will be here to guard your heart and your philosophy and doctrine.
[6:07 AM]
first - find them
[6:07 AM]
[6:07 AM]
then study em
[6:07 AM]
then apply them
[6:07 AM]
them share them
[6:08 AM]
It is not as easy as it sounds
[6:08 AM]
Jedi believe In the Force, and in the inherent worth of all life within it. (edited)
[6:09 AM]
but do we ???
[6:09 AM]
How do we treat things and others with a INHERENT worth?
[6:09 AM]
WHEN we act like that?
[6:09 AM]
all these questions are up to US
[6:10 AM]
but by having Doctrine in place, we have reminders of our focus.
[6:10 AM]
I will be honest, it is not in my nature to be kind, yet here we are early in the morning on a Monday morning
[6:11 AM]
The things we study and learn, and some times teach, can make us
[6:11 AM]
it is sooooo important to know what your reading and listening to and how it can influence you in your Jedi path
[6:12 AM]
It is EQUALLY as important to be careful and mindful of where we get our MYTH from too
[6:13 AM]
As a point of study, I often tell people that in every Myth we find, there is a ORIGIN story from where it hails and the original story itself can be found and validated
[6:13 AM]
Some storys we pass are made up
[6:13 AM]
thats the truth , but that doesn't mean they are NOT for edification.
[6:14 AM]
Some MYTHS are for RETAIL only
[6:14 AM]
The Star Wars is no exception
[6:15 AM]
So i want to encourage Jedi today to VALIDATE your MYTHS and your Doctrine and Philosophy
[6:15 AM]
Because those are things we need
[6:16 AM]
How can we tell our self which steps to take or what type of things to seek if we do not know ourselves?
[6:16 AM]
We can and we will
[6:16 AM]
What do you fall on when you need it?
[6:16 AM]
Is it real or fake ?
[6:16 AM]
is it a toy or a symbol?
[6:17 AM]
Is being a Jedi a something to do or a honest seek?
[6:18 AM]
boredom comes from well, being bored
[6:18 AM]
By examining our own ideas and ways, we can check to see what type of path we are on
[6:18 AM]
What type of path are we on as Jedi ?
[6:19 AM]
Do we share monomyth or memorabilia?
[6:20 AM]
Something to think about this week and during the Holidays if you like. What do I have and what is it really making me?
[6:21 AM]
As Jedi - what are or is your doctrine (s) making you ?
[6:21 AM]
What are your katas and your every day practices?
[6:21 AM]
are they real?
[6:26 AM]
My hope is we grow together
[6:26 AM]
maybe in the same ideas as well
[6:27 AM]
I am here all day and just a click away
The idea is to seek that which we need
[6:43 AM]
I and my family circle us cooking terms so we call it- boiling it down or just the potatoes and gravy

[6:43 AM]
but you can find good food and good bread if you seek out the originals
[6:44 AM]
This is why Elders, REAL Elders are needed in the world
[6:45 AM]
Real Mentors who have actually been there and done it and have lessons ad paths and ways and are open to new things.
[6:45 AM]
Do as I say and not as I do never really works for me or any one really asking
[6:46 AM]
There is mumbo jumbo out there
[6:46 AM]
Jedi mumbo jumbo too
[6:48 AM]
I hope this helps this week
[6:48 AM]
seek out that which you need and that which helps
[6:48 AM]
[6:49 AM]
every Myth has a origin of culture and use
[6:49 AM]
YOU WILL FIND ELDERS at the end of every useful and passed myth

Happy seeking Jedi everywhere and May the Force be with you
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Last edit: 19 Dec 2022 13:08 by Carlos.Martinez3.

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26 Dec 2022 11:55 - 26 Dec 2022 11:56 #371153 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
It is said a Knight is known by the codes they keep.

Good time zone and good day Jedi everywhere.

Our Code and Codes we choose say something about us. Some Codes are not penned or even recited but are considered known. See, the thing about a Code is it is it can be a reference point to fall back on. Codes can be reminders of what we choose as well. Wehn life gets full and we lose our path, fall on a Code or recite one. Repeat it out loud. SAY IT. Some days, the only way we will know things is if we say them or remember that we DID choose to be like this or like that. Our Codes can create a central hub of ideas we can count on. Heres the dilly yo, can you count on your Code(s)?
Are the Codes we as Jedi keep, worthy? That would be up to you but here is a kicker, do they actually work?

When you need them, are they there for you and do they lift you up or always break you down? Does your Code(s) make you what you are seeking? Did you choose the right one?

We share a creed here.,

I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace; are we ?

Where there is hatred I shall bring love; is there?
Where there is injury, pardon; do we?
Where there is doubt, faith; is there?
Where there is despair, hope; where is the hope?
Where there is darkness, light; where does the light come from?
And where there is sadness, joy. What kind of joy are you talking about ?

I am a Jedi.

I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console; How do we do that?
To be understood as to understand; but every one wants to be the GURU...
To be loved as to love; What's LOVE got to do with it?
For it is in giving that we receive; What do we give or what are we giving?
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; How is forgiveness relevant?
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. I have to sacrifice???

The Force is with me always, for I am a Jedi.

These are the ideas we want others to find out for themselves. You can and you will when it is time.

Are Our Codes ours?
Something to think about this week if you like, Happy holidays and happy week this week till the New Year!!!!!

May the end of this year be filled with ending and new beginnings
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Last edit: 26 Dec 2022 11:56 by Carlos.Martinez3.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Archon

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02 Jan 2023 12:37 #371222 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Jedi Believe
In the Force, and in the inherent worth of all life within it.
In the sanctity of the human person.

To sanctify someone or something is to set that person or thing apart for the use intended by its designer.

How do we sanctify the HUMAN PERSON?

How do we set people aside for better ? Why should we? What's the benefit or what is the YIELD of doing this?

I have a upset stomach from all my celebrations lol Todays message and meditation is INHERENT WORTH

how do you give such a EQUAL mark to one another ?

How do we as Jedi believe in the Force and the sanctity of life and everything in it

This is a very big hug or idea we can hand out and even recite

I think of INHERENT WORTH as a hug some days lol a hug fro the people

but in the human potential of things- we are all Inherently equal

this pisses some people off

It used to piss me off I will tell you that

Every one has the SAME potential

is that upsetting? I was brought up in ways that actually are very selfish and regret others getting ahead and finding things out thought me.

If it wasn't me first then it was I was last and I couldn't have that

This is natural and even a part of our human development

We as Jedi make it a habit and a area of focus that we can change this

As Jedi, and as humans, we change change any habit or routine we so desire

We can choose any from or choose any Elder we like

We can grow in the same pants we do not grow in

The sanctity of all life within in the Force is a idea that we are all connected by so much more than just presence

and we acknowledge that and honor that relationship


If you reflect and ask yourself this question- I do hope it reviles the truth. I hope you can see what your time and efforts go to and where you see things as well, different.

Antares —
Good morning temple

Pastor Carlos —
Place a few things in the "SACTIFYY PILE LOL "

vampiric-conure —
Goooood TmOrning


Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:12 AM
morning Antares

we are chatting about SANTITY and the human potential

Sanctifying the Human


The BIGGEST equal mark or the most we can do for one another is remember that we are all EQUAL

Tx_druid —
Morning y'all

Pastor Carlos —
and not equal in what I have you have but much bigger

vampiric-conure —
Morn'n Druid

Pastor Carlos —
hey ya Tex!

vampiric-conure —
Our worth as humans is equal

Pastor Carlos —
the idea today is to give the Inherent- "ability" to everyone

not to say you are EQUAL to MY action, nope to say you have the ability to rise above it !

You have the ability to find A BALANCE and one all on your own

not mine

lol but we can share mine anytime

The equal mark is the HARDEST to give another human

it gives the ability to leave those who share it ...behind

Can you or can we as Jedi tell one another "Please learn more than me or do more than me or find out more than me?"

Its a huge ego drop

not to mention it is the OPOSITE of what most teach in the world full of ME FIRST

How about "Here is a good idea"

the Human potential is amazing

It dwells in us EVERY ONE OF US equally

As Jedi, we acknowledge this

We even Believe in it

Jedi Believe
In the Force, and in the inherent worth of all life within it

How do we sanctify the HUMAN PERSON?

There are a number of ways to do this

but the number one idea is to believe it is so

We are inherent in our worth

the potential is present

Have you seen it or experienced the human potential ?

This is where we can be this week as we go through our New Year and more time

Have we experienced the potential of humanity for our own path?
Are we giving it away? and how?

I DO hope this helps this week

Jedi Believe
In the Force, and in the inherent worth of all life within it.
In the sanctity of the human person.

Understanding and apply this to our paths can change the results every tim


It is a trust thing too so do not think that its a switch you just turn on like a light - nope

Giving people the INHERENT worth of humanity also means they and WE can poop our socks just as well as the next person or fail hard.

So be carful the POTENTIAL you give too

be smart

Jedi are smart

Be wise

Know we all hold the same potential

we do

does that change things this week?

I hope so

May the Force be with you this week and at the beginning of the year

I am a click away and I am available on may platforms so feel free to take advantage of that too lol

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova

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09 Jan 2023 13:12 - 09 Jan 2023 13:17 #371278 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
To be a Guardian and an Instrument
[6:01 AM]
14. Jedi are guardians of peace. We believe in helping all those that are in need, in whatever form, to the best of our ability. We recognize that sometimes providing help requires courage in the face of adversity but understand that conflict is resolved through peace, understanding and harmony.

Pastor Carlos — Today at 6:02 AM
Jedi teaching number 14 says that by peace understanding and harmony, we can resolve much

We can resolve conflict

Most time, we as Jedi, know when others need help (edited)

We may not always know what TYPE of help to give (edited)

but we know usually when the need is there

Not every tool is useful for certain projects


nor can I serve it with a ping pong paddle

Now, I can but it wouldn't be the way

Courage helps with things but for the most part, what are we giving others?
Are we giving out brooms where most need water...

The Mentor path is a odd one
We can help one another out by our own actions by what we find out and reflect for ourselves

But some people may not need what we got or have learned.

When we help others - what are we truly trying to help with?

We can only mentor those who have been down the path WE HAVE gone

This is where Understanding and Harmony and PEACE come in

People NEED but what do they NEED?

I lay this before every Jedi here and not here yet, We want to help but what are we offering?

Is our understanding about our "help" or our Selfless path ... really about others or about what WE can do ???

Its a thin line some days

Not every one wants what we find all the time and most time what we find, Is only meant for a few and never the MASSES

It is by OUR ability

it is by OUR able-ness that we can help

This is why it is so important to understand things better and to study Doctrine and Philosophy

Some encouragement ISN'T for everyone because not every everyone has the same focus at the same moment

We are all on different paths and levels at any given time

So how do we help one another ??

By helping our own Focus

Be well

May the Force be with you

We can study and pay attention to our own focus and understanding and in doing so, we can understand that most of what we learn is for US not for every one else

You can give EVERYTHING away and leave no reserve for you or your own family and circles

We guard peace by having Courage and use USE USE understanding and Peace to create Harmony

Be filled with courage today and this week Jedi

Take some time to fill your tank if you need to
One of the ideas we share here is that if we work on US, we work on the world

Find the courage you need today

Do you

and know that by doing THAT ...

Some one may be able to do THEM

Freedoms are passed and learned

What better freedom to give than that of the freedom to Self -Reflect

Jedi are guardians of peace. We believe in helping all those that are in need, in whatever form, to the best of our ability. We recognize that sometimes providing help requires courage in the face of adversity but understand that conflict is resolved through peace, understanding and harmony.
It aint easy

Life always seems to be full

We have treasures in or path that we find

They are for US and MAYBE some one else but what we find is defiantly NOT for the masses. I wish it was but the idea is, work on you and reflect on your path and choices.

The idea round here is one at a time

I hope this week you can find the courage you need,

I hope this week you can find those who need it, What YOU have and what you display

We as Jedi wanna help all the time

but help who and how?

Use and FOCUS- Peace, understanding and harmony help

I hope this helps a bit this week
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Last edit: 09 Jan 2023 13:17 by Carlos.Martinez3.
The following user(s) said Thank You: REBender

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23 Jan 2023 12:58 #371368 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Good Morning to you friend and Jedi today.

Qui Gon Jiin said " Your focus determines your reality. " in Episode One

No truer has anything been said in the Jedi world.

MAKIA is a old word in my own culture use to remind us " Energy goes where attention flows"

its Hawaiian and old. You will find that in almost every culture, they remind you of your reality.

In the world there is a IDEA that what we FOCUS on is what's up.

Thats where all the attention goes and that's where our reality can be set

What are we focused on today Jedi and O Hana?

because it matters

it matters so much ...

that we can even ...

USE our own FOCUS to prune our own path.

This is taken from the 3 TENETS.

Focus is the art of pruning the irrelevant and pouring the best of your mind into what you are doing.

This is how we can find actual KNOWLADGE.

and keep WISDOM and know the difference between it all

by OUR focus

The Jedi Tenets allow us to better ourselves and overcome any obstacle.

but always the big Q or the big question.

Our FOCUS is our goal and our flow.

To a Jedi, the "selfless path" is common.

Hubris can be a focus that can change things for us as well.

Knowing what and who we are helps seek things out too

Knowing what we seek, helps and is healthy

This is how we can fulfill our hopes and our ideas is to make choices on our focus

We can pick our FOCUS

as we can pick anything else

THINK about that this morning

We CHOOSE what we want to look at or listen

we choose paths to follow

I want to encourage every Jedi everywhere that it is OUR FOCUS that makes the path.

Where do your efforts go, thats where your mind heart and soul go too

If we Meditate on this , much can come from it.

What would you choose to pay attention to differently if you had the time to notice that which we are noticing lol ???

What would you adjust ?

This is the idea for Monday morning Meditations, Whats the Focus ?

What is it making in you?
Your focus does determine your reality.
There is a old APHORISM still holds truth "As we think so shall we do"

Thats one of the perks and pitfalls of the HUMAN POTENTIAL.

The actual potential to rise above or to fall into the pits of life

but that can be to us to decide where it goes, our FOCUS

By "pouring the best of your mind into what you are doing" we can change the outcome every time

we can save the day as equally as "shit the bed" in the same breath.

There were even times I failed and succeeded at the same time in different levels of my own path (edited)

talk about a mind job lol

Where we look and where our FOCUS is can determine much and does

to the point of even cultivating something more

So today Jedi, do not think that the energy you give to your Jedi path isnt worth it


We choose to unite under the banner of Jedi

We dont have to be here, no one does

yet, here we meet and here we are.

Our Focus

give Our Focus some attention because lets face it.....

Where our attention goes, so does our being

Where our focus goes, we go
I hope this Monday we can think on things that can change the MODE of our focus and even our own paths

Knowing that we can do things like this can be a benefit but at the same time remember HUBRIS too

"Dont fly too high Icarus"

Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova

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30 Jan 2023 13:09 #371414 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
Today is the benefit of Doctrine

There is a PEACE to knowing who and what you are and why

It is like a fire

I want to encourage every Jedi to KNOW YOUR OWN doctrine and your own philosophies.

If you do not...the old saying is "If you dont stand for something you will fall for everything."

Being AWARE that we are not only ONE PART but 3 and that our MIND BODY AND spirit need EQUAL attention some days can be a focus we share.

There is a PEACE some do not know from knowing who and what and why they are.

It can be passed and shared.

I want to encourage every Jedi to believe in the In the POSITIVE influence of spiritual growth and awareness on society.

Any one can be a jerk or a troll or even a objector to anything

Something to think about this week friends and Jedi

We as Jedi believe in the spiritual growth and awareness ON society ...

do you ?

and how?

Do we share that PEACE with others ?

You can know thyself

We can know our mind body and spirit

We do not have to the DARK all the time

or we dont have to dwell with the UNKNOW any more.

Shed some light on things and seek that which you need.
Bring new or old understanding to these ideas

Use them if you like any way you see fit.

If I'm the Doctor, then the prescription is - take Philosophy and Doctrine and apply it as you like where you like, and learn what YOURS is.

We believe that attention to the spiritual matters can matter for us and others

Seeing some things CAN be done is all some need..

Seeing that we can have peace by keeping it, can be the thing that releases the gates of freedom for some.

Let it flow today

Let the potential flow

I hope this helps a wee bit today and for this week

There is a PEACE you can know and keep and share

KNOWING what and how you believe is one of those PEACE ideas that we can have and pass

I know what I believe - do you?

you can too

yes you can

Come from the unknown

into the know

(see what I did there with the Star Wars "light -dark" thing lol )

any comments concerns or jokes? lol

its very important .....that which we seek...

Just knowing the old W's Who what where when why and how can build such a platform or foundation for us we can stand on it

even build on or pass

There will be some people say I am a jerk out of love but also we believe in the POSITIVE influence too

I find it hard to give credit to those who have the anthem "Do as I say, not as I do"

Its not a song I like to sing or teach others to do

There IS a positive influence of things and a not so positive even ... negative one

be carful

Be AWARE of your attachments

that's all we say

check your limits on your own

I appreciate those who join LIVE

Y'all are the bomb diggity !

The idea is to wake up and share and focus on what WE need

We as Jedi and WE as HUMANS can do this every day

We can have a peace from things we study and know

We can

There is a peace in study and the seek

There is

It's hard to describe but thankfully - we dont have to to know it

We can know MANY FORMS of peace

It is a crude example but there is a peace in knowing you have food- there is also a fear to not having food - the same can be said for our focus knowledge and our wisdom

We can know the peace that comes with HAVING them

I know people who have their own beliefs and Doctrine down like a KATA - some have their ENTIRE scriptures memorized.

There IS a peace you can have and know by understanding your own faith

Ours happens to be Jedi ism

There is a peace that comes with it all on its own and specifically for each of us individually.

My hope is we find it and KEEP it and share it

Peace is a lie to those who have yet to find it or knew it in the past and do not have it presently.

It is NOT KNOWN to some like the dark side of the Force

Off screen, the known and unknow can be found

It is my hope that as Jedi we find our own faith and our own peace

THIS does bring peace to some - what we do here .

Share and pass it if you like

stand tall knowing you know what you know

Find out

There is so much out there thats WORTH it

May the Force be with y'all
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova

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06 Feb 2023 14:18 #371449 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
This is a Maxim of ours.

Integrity: To be consistent.

A Jedi lives as a Jedi at all times. Hypocrisy is their worst enemy.

Today's Meditation is on Integrity.

There is a presence that we often do or act as ... when we are Jedi.

There is no doubt about that.

We are Jedi and there are certain ....

ideas that can come with that. (edited)

One of the things I have found in this world is that people tend to think Jedi are superheroes.

They fly and wield power no one can.

This could not be further from the truth.

As Jedi, we are human first,

which means we have human tendencies.

Some Jedi have tendencies to ... present moral or character that is NOT present.

Integrity matters

We are reminded that we can be constant in our own practices and our own studies.

We strive to not be fake.

Being "fake" is the idea to STRAY away from.

In this world, there is a presence that can be simulated and one that is present.

What we do and what we say CAN line up.

I find people who say in all honesty - " I cant be a Jedi because I don't know what it is "

The idea here is to be that which you are all the time

Lies are not what we as Jedi seek.

Lies hurt every one involved.

Keeping things in the dark or unknown is what we recommend we NOT do.

As a Jedi -and as HUMANS - Integrity is everything.

Everything we do here on the Temple is on our word.

On our HONOR.

It matters.

Things we do as Jedi or in the name of the Jedi matter.

At all times.


Jedi matter,

as does what they do.

It matters what you read or listen to.

It matters what you do and where your mind goes as well.



as does your presence.

In our Creed, it is all about ...

I shall bring love pardon faith hope light joy ...

Those things matter.

Keeping those things and being a representative of someone who strives for things like this is what our Jedi integrity is all about.

Being A Jedi when no one is around or being some one OTHERS can count on can be a common goal we hold.

Hypocrisy is a Jedi's worst enemy.

The funny thing is that most Jedi I meet off screen have a really ...

real sense of intuitively thinking about things.

Jedi think.

AND most can tell by simple Human elementary that some people are fake.

This never gives anyone liberty to harm another,

if anything, AID is needed more than harm.

In every sect or organization and organized Faith - there is always a warning

Dont be fake.

Dont lie.

Dont lie to each other, if you do you most likely won't be trusted.

It is always up to us HOW we are to act.

It up to use to lie or tell the truth.

Lies will get ya, every time.

Humans forget. "IT'S A TRAP!"

I want to encourage Jedi everywhere to HAVE YOUR DOCTORINE ready and handy.

Know what you know.

Study it.

Memorize it if you like,

but have it.

Humans are mind body and soul- you got 3 different spaces to keep things like this in so...

Place it where you need it.

Be consistent.

Set yourself up,

and whatever you do, do it with diligence.

We will forget

but we have each other

and our Doctrine and Philosophy.

This Monday Jedi - be constant.

Find a way.

Figure out a way.

Life is full but do what you do and keep doing it.

Keep studying Jedi.

Keep meeting.
Keep sharing.

So we KEEP things like this in our hearts minds and souls.

Integrity: To be consistent.

A Jedi lives as a Jedi at all times. Hypocrisy is their worst enemy.

One of my own life goals is to have better integrity and cultivate it.

It can be done and WE as humans can develop our own being.

Keep it up and May the Force be with you this week.
Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova

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13 Feb 2023 13:25 #371506 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
8. Jedi are patient. We work on training ourselves not to precipitate events around us. We know that becoming a Jedi is long and hard and requires rigorous dedication and commitment. Jedi train to act with a conscientious state of calmness.
[5:55 AM]
Todays word to focus on is Precipitate
[6:00 AM]
Good morning Temple of the Jedi Order Discord !!
[6:01 AM]
Today s focus on doctrine is Jedi teaching number 8
[6:01 AM]
Teaching number 8 states that we as Jedi have a goal
[6:01 AM]
[6:02 AM]
We all know we need patience
[6:02 AM]
Thats a given
[6:02 AM]
people need calm and serenity
[6:03 AM]
but there are some who cause drama to their seek
[6:03 AM]
we work HARD on trying not to PERCIPITATE things
[6:04 AM]
Does any one know what that word means in this sentence?
[6:04 AM]
[6:04 AM]
its like rain when it falls- we tend to make things happen
[6:05 AM]
but here is the thing, we can make drama come our way or attract it
[6:06 AM]
We can even even be lost with a mind full of good things and intentions
[6:06 AM]
some days it matters not if you are prepared or not
[6:07 AM]
the BOON or the RESULT of our choices can bring healthy yield and result or spoil or decay
[6:08 AM]
We can work on training ourselves to be jerks with our time and efforts too
[6:08 AM]
There is a arrogance that Anakin has when he realizes all the things about him are true
[6:09 AM]
We try to remind each other and others that patience is a virtue any one can posse or create.
We can become patient
[6:10 AM]
heya Rosalyn !!!!
[6:10 AM]
Do you know how long it takes to become patient?
[6:11 AM]
How does one train themselves to NOT make things happen around us if we are the ones in charge of our own choices?
We know
[6:13 AM]
Funy thing is, we know what level our patience tank can carry
[6:13 AM]
We DO know or limit
[6:14 AM]
I know my buttons that my family pushes to get my goat
[6:14 AM]
Jedi teaching 7 says know your limitations.
and to know them is to be ...... patient with them once they are identified
[6:15 AM]
Our limits are there
[6:15 AM]
frequency finds favor
[6:16 AM]
Know where your limits are so you wont have to feel lost
[6:16 AM]
Know your limits
[6:16 AM]
know some thing DO TAKE TIME
[6:16 AM]
What we seek as Jedi
[6:16 AM]
What we unite under togeather
[6:16 AM]
[6:17 AM]
none of what we do here or recommend is automatic
[6:17 AM]
No one ever is born fully developed and full of understanding
[6:17 AM]
we are born blank
[6:18 AM]
with Zero patience lol
[6:19 AM]
Jedi train to act with a conscientious state of calmness.
[6:19 AM]
we train
[6:19 AM]
its not normal to be calm or to think about being calm or how can I be calm
[6:19 AM]
Most are not given this at birth
[6:20 AM]
for those, there are ways to develop skills and traits
[6:20 AM]
Being human means if some one can do it, you can figure out a way as well
[6:21 AM]
The same can be said for our training
[6:21 AM]
we call it training here
[6:21 AM]
but its learning
[6:21 AM]
when we study and train we read and share and learn what we didnt know before
[6:21 AM]
we come to the light or the KNOWN parts of things
[6:22 AM]
To train is to become frequent with something and make it everyday or at least a focus
[6:22 AM]
Train yourself to be calm
[6:23 AM]
find a calm or a mode of calm you wish to find or develop
[6:24 AM]
Know any one you appreciate or want to be like? Honestly when it comes to attitude and demeaner?
[6:24 AM]
Ask them how they do it
[6:24 AM]
how are you so calm all the time ?
[6:25 AM]
Its easy to run around like a chicken with out a head or with multiple plates in each hand
[6:25 AM]
Its easy because every one does it
[6:25 AM]
It is common
[6:25 AM]
what is not common is peace
[6:26 AM]
What is not common is LOVE
[6:26 AM]
[6:26 AM]
[6:26 AM]
[6:26 AM]
[6:26 AM]
[6:26 AM]
whats not common is to be the one who consoles or the one who understands

[6:27 AM]
There is a peace in understanding that can be passed as well
[6:27 AM]
Find a way to train to NOT act
[6:27 AM]
That's the kicker
[6:28 AM]
There are ways to NOT act or to NOT interfere or try to "sway" things our way
[6:29 AM]
Balance is something worth making, having, finding and passing
[6:29 AM]
finding the calm in our path can be possible
[6:29 AM]
Where does the calm dwell for you in your path
[6:29 AM]
Where do you find it and train to be so
[6:29 AM]
Where do you experience it ?
[6:30 AM]
The CALM can be caught
[6:30 AM]
but it does take focus
[6:30 AM]
the CALM is contagious
[6:31 AM]
today, I hope one of the ideas we can think about is the fact that we train to find peace and the calm in our lifes
[6:31 AM]
it does not come automatically and DOES have to be made most time
[6:32 AM]
The Dalai Lama was not born into a calm state of life and if hes not born in it, we certainly are not
[6:33 AM]
no one is
[6:33 AM]
so we seek
[6:33 AM]
we seek that which we need
[6:34 AM]
remember that patience is needed to find calm
[6:34 AM]
Its a catch 22
[6:34 AM]
Jedi train to NOT CAUSE events around us
[6:35 AM]
this is a ODD idea indeed
[6:35 AM]
There are aa few ideas out there that can help support this focus
[6:35 AM]
Wei Wu
[6:35 AM]
[6:35 AM]
[6:35 AM]
to name a few
[6:36 AM]
We know what it is to be impatient.
find a way to learn
[6:37 AM]
we need patience
[6:38 AM]
it is a gift for those who have it
[6:38 AM]
and for those who seek it
[6:38 AM]
SHARE it as often as you can Jedi (edited)
[6:38 AM]
[6:38 AM]
The more we see what it is and CAN be the more we can recognize it
[6:39 AM]
one of the opposites of patience is spoiled
[6:40 AM]
how do we train ourselves to be more patient? Not be spoiled with our time or limits
[6:40 AM]
add time to our path and to our wait
[6:40 AM]
give space
[6:40 AM]
and let a few things go
[6:40 AM]
release the "grip" we have on a few things (edited)
[6:40 AM]
take time to adjust to that which you need
[6:41 AM]
Jedi are patient
[6:42 AM]
We work on training us
[6:42 AM]
We try not to cause events to happen
[6:42 AM]
think about this this week Jedi
[6:42 AM]
can you remove yourself from a few things?
[6:42 AM]
Are we spoiled ?
[6:43 AM]
Can we work on our own training of not causing more drama and worry and upset?
[6:43 AM]
Do we know how?
[6:43 AM]
There ARE mentors for that too....
[6:44 AM]
find that which you need and seek
[6:44 AM]
If you seek, you will find. It may not be specifically what you were looking for but you will find.
[6:45 AM]
Don't be so spoiled Jedi
[6:45 AM]
Train to be patient or not
[6:45 AM]
It is my hope we do
[6:45 AM]
May the Force be with you this week
[6:45 AM]
8. Jedi are patient. We work on training ourselves not to precipitate events around us. We know that becoming a Jedi is long and hard and requires rigorous dedication and commitment. Jedi train to act with a conscientious state of calmness.

Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova

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20 Feb 2023 13:52 - 20 Feb 2023 14:10 #371570 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic The Block
14. Jedi are guardians of peace. We believe in helping all those that are in need, in whatever form, to the best of our ability. We recognize that sometimes providing help requires courage in the face of adversity but understand that conflict is resolved through peace, understanding and harmony.

Peace Understanding
AND harmony

Gooooooood MORNING JEDI everywhere

There are two things I would like to focus on today for Monday Morning Meditations. Now, this picture is copywritten and all rights go to the owners and such but I thought about this specific idea this morning, to BIG guns.

Attachment R3.png not found

Understanding and HARMONY

Todays Meditation is Jedi teaching number 14
[6:01 AM]
Jedi are guardians of peace
[6:01 AM]
There is a vibe or a glow about some Jedi
[6:01 AM]
they want to help
its almost second nature to have the draw to be of SOME type of assistance to our fellow humans
[6:02 AM]
Most Jedi have this actual want or direction to HELP others
[6:02 AM]
We want to help others so bad we even do it to the best of our ability
[6:03 AM]
Here is a reminder in teaching 14

We need courage

I think of the Cowardly lion in a way
[6:04 AM]
[6:04 AM]
[6:04 AM]
and harmony
[6:04 AM]
can come from courage.
[6:05 AM]
How does one have courage ?
[6:05 AM]
helping others takes courage
[6:05 AM]
Providing help makes YOU vulnerable
[6:06 AM]
We all want to help one another eventually
[6:06 AM]
One of the paths to find on this Jedi path is a Selfless path
[6:06 AM]
There are a few out there but the idea is that you can focus on others besides just us
[6:07 AM]
it is scary to do this
[6:07 AM]
talking to people is scary
[6:07 AM]
[6:07 AM]
But what we want is most time to help
[6:07 AM]
Jedi have this need or this glow about them
[6:08 AM]
its second nature for some
[6:08 AM]
We guard peace
[6:08 AM]
how does one guard peace in their lifes and in their paths?
[6:08 AM]
We as Jedi are guardians of peace
[6:09 AM]
By choosing to be A Jedi, we yolk or group our paths with that of others
[6:09 AM]
we unite
[6:09 AM]
under the banner or the CLOAK of Jedi
[6:09 AM]
We choose to unite as Jedi
[6:10 AM]
it is in this unity we find ourselves

With so much available how do you figure out which and what is harmony and understanding and PEACE? where do we find peace as Jedi ?
[6:11 AM]
lets take peace first
[6:11 AM]
we are instruments of peace
[6:12 AM]
we say we are and we use the example and the metaphor of the "instrument" intentionally
[6:13 AM]
as we tune and hone our skills of relationships and connections and life, we can become useful in more ways
[6:13 AM]
It is not that we are NOT usfull rigth now
[6:13 AM]
but what we STIVE for takes a weeeeeeee bit more time to cultivate
[6:13 AM]
We hope that Jedi cultivate these things
[6:14 AM]
Understanding is the thing to cultivate
[6:14 AM]
I want to understand more than I want to explain
[6:14 AM]
but thats me
[6:14 AM]
Understanding take reflection
[6:15 AM]
and reflection it benefits from the time given to and for it
[6:15 AM]
to know and to understand are two waaaaaay different things
[6:15 AM]
this is what can be a difference in peace
[6:16 AM]
The last reminder today
[6:16 AM]
is harmony
[6:16 AM]
you can create harmony
[6:16 AM]
humans are mind BODY and soul
[6:16 AM]
3 parts
[6:16 AM]
in the mix of so much
[6:16 AM]
in the vast world of everything
[6:17 AM]
We as Jedi and HUMANS can have a balance
[6:17 AM]
we can even have a heathy balance
[6:17 AM]
Harmony is something we can make and share.
Peace can come from the seek of harmony
[6:18 AM]
Peace can come from knowing you are seeking PEACE or its is the focus
[6:18 AM]
[6:18 AM]
Jedi honestly want to help
[6:19 AM]
I know
[6:19 AM]
I want to help
[6:19 AM]
mronin TX
[6:19 AM]
but we are reminded ......
[6:20 AM]
""" in whatever form"""""
[6:20 AM]
it will take 3 things to GUARD peace and to keep it
[6:20 AM]
It helps to keep these three things around and handy
[6:20 AM]
Seeking peace ....????
[6:21 AM]
have courage and seek and keep understanding and harmony- have a active place for them in your path and you WILL find a peace

Member Tx_druid — Today at 6:22 AM
How do we as Jedi balance wanting to help and not precipitating events around us? It seems to me, especially in the current state of the world that if you have the courage and ability to act that you are going to bend the world around you. Intentionally or not.
We are given our teaching and reminders for things like this
[6:23 AM]
In each Jedi teaching we have reminders
[6:23 AM]
we have reminders
[6:23 AM]
[6:23 AM]
We as Jedi are in touch with the Force
[6:23 AM]
we are open to spiritual awareness
[6:24 AM]
and we keep our mind and body in tune with the beauty of the world around us
[6:24 AM]
this is a point to think about
[6:24 AM]
each teaching reminds us of the IMPORTANCE of what and HOW we do things
[6:24 AM]
in our teaching it reminds us we are human and have limits
[6:25 AM]
knowing full well we are not spacecowboys or Floating wizards ... we are human we can develop our being as we choose
[6:25 AM]
You have to know where your limits are
[6:26 AM]
forgetting you limits can cause you to be like Vader
[6:26 AM]
This is one of the CHIEF examples of why the Star Wars can be much more than lights and sounds and cool gear
[6:26 AM]
the idea we pass as are passing is to be the whole human
[6:27 AM]
to be whole
[6:27 AM]
to be human and to understand the ideas we all have and go through
[6:28 AM]
We as humans can understand who we are
[6:28 AM]
We can help others
[6:28 AM]
we often do
[6:28 AM]
[6:28 AM]
but fear is real
[6:29 AM]
So as Jedi we come to a place where we can answer the age old MOTIF ...what of others?
[6:29 AM]
What are we going to do with the rest of the 8 BILIION people present besides us today

how will we act???What can we do? How can I help ?
[6:30 AM]
We as humans and Jedi must and can come to a heathy balance
[6:30 AM]
[6:31 AM]
but thats a catch 22 because we are truly the only ones who know the answers to those questions...
[6:31 AM]
only you know your limits
[6:31 AM]
only you know when you are at your limits and taxed to the point of NON functioning
[6:32 AM]
Have your BRAND of courage ready and have you r Brand of Harmony in use and GIVE understanding
[6:33 AM]
Do we have to fight EVERY fight or every confrontation that comes our way as Jedi ?
[6:33 AM]
Does a sword always win and is needed?
[6:33 AM]
The Saber in Cinema is IS the shield

This is very much where I am feeling lost. How do I bring peace to the world around me without acting? If I act am I precipitating events and even shaping the world by my will. Or is it the will of the Force?

There is a question we can ask
[6:34 AM]
Do we have peace?
[6:35 AM]
now, ask is THAT peace for everyone?
[6:35 AM]
Most time its a nope
[6:36 AM]
all you can do to help others some days is to be you
[6:36 AM]
HAVE the peace handy
[6:36 AM]
how can we share a peace we never knew only in hearsay ?
[6:37 AM]
One of the hardest things to do is to be when no one is looking or watching
to get ZERO credit
[6:37 AM]
Integrity moves mountains
[6:37 AM]
Integrity changes things
[6:37 AM]
It builds when we are NOT present
[6:38 AM]
Integrity gets NO pay check or Kudos and "ad-a-boys"
[6:39 AM]
Courage come with few accolades
[6:39 AM]
Having a place like a OASIS is a idea many have forgotten
[6:39 AM]
[6:40 AM]
I posted the ideas of the shopkeepers importance
[6:40 AM]
Not every one is the cloak and the shiny saber
[6:41 AM]
One thing the Hero shares is that they are the reason for the story and equally are the characters in the story.
[6:41 AM]
Not every one shows by example the same way
[6:41 AM]
not every example is the same and not every example is for everyone
[6:42 AM]
THIS is where we need UNDERSTANDING
[6:42 AM]
It will take time to understand some things
[6:42 AM]
14. Jedi are guardians of peace. We believe in helping all those that are in need, in whatever form, to the best of our ability. We recognize that sometimes providing help requires courage in the face of adversity but understand that conflict is resolved through peace, understanding and harmony.
[6:43 AM]
we are keepers and guardians of things like PEACE
[6:43 AM]
There are ideas out there that can benefit the cultivation of peace harmony and understanding
[6:43 AM]
Know that we as Jedi want to help
[6:43 AM]
its ok
its defiantly ok to want to answer the age old question 'What about others"
[6:44 AM]
find out for yourself
[6:44 AM]
Find the courage to act and NOT act
[6:45 AM]
depending on the situation but know we are NOT cinema Jedi
[6:45 AM]
We dont come in with a cosmic charge from a galactic Senate to guard the world ...that's for the movies
[6:45 AM]
What we are is human
[6:46 AM]
and we can know and keep peace
[6:46 AM]
by keeping harmony and understanding a focus

keep harmony as one and Understanding as the other lol
[6:48 AM]
study Wei Wu
[6:48 AM]
find others who are NOT so ....stressed and ask them
[6:49 AM]
find those who give the way you want to give
[6:49 AM]
find those who read what you want to read
[6:49 AM]
find those wo act the way you would want to act
[6:50 AM]
Get THEIR "fleas "
[6:50 AM]
my time is up
[6:50 AM]
and it is time to turn to the day and the week
[6:50 AM]
Jedi teaching are for the Jedi
[6:50 AM]
they are reminders of our focus
[6:50 AM]
We choose to be like this
[6:51 AM]
There is a BOON
[6:51 AM]
we do find the ELIXERS of life
[6:51 AM]
and we do share them
[6:51 AM]
Be well and may the Force be with y'all this week (edited)

Pastor Carlos

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
Last edit: 20 Feb 2023 14:10 by Carlos.Martinez3.
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