Pope Francis Discusses Gay Catholics: 'Who Am I To Judge?'
The pope also used the occasion to expand on his June remarks about a "gay lobby" in the Vatican, clarifying that "he was against all lobbies, not just gay ones," the Italian news agency ANSA reports.
"Being gay is a tendency. The problem is the lobby," ANSA quotes the pontiff saying. "The lobby is unacceptable, the gay one, the political one, the Masonic one."
Says the guy who began papacy with opinions over falklands sovereignty.
BS in religious affairs? Check.
Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.
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- Alexandre Orion
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ren wrote: Says the guy who began papacy with opinions over falklands sovereignty.
BS in religious affairs? Check.
BS is the most highly respected rite in 5000 years of religious tradition. Wouldn't want to break from that, would we ... ?
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Alexandre Orion wrote: And this is why Jedi observe, feel and use wisdom, focus and knowledge, in the measure of possible, to come to believe what we may believe from where and when we are in discovering the who and what ... Science is taking care of finding out how.
We do not say what to believe, just "to believe ..."
The Force (given that is the name we will call it) reveals Itself -- we don't need to preach it.
And when the time is right 'for an individual' to seek 'the answer' (or is it the question?), if it ever is, then they will seek their own answers... Whatever they may be..

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Jedi ain't Saints....
"Bake or bake not. There is no fry" - Sean Ching
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Yes, he did follow this up by explaining that he believes that women have a very important place in the Church (more important than Bishops and Priests) and that he just hasn't worked it out yet - but it doesn't wash with me.
So in one interview he said that he has no right to judge gays...and then immediately demonstrates that he considers himself a judge over [the place of] women in the Catholic Church.
B.Div | OCP
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I noticed it too...
And while it bugged me, I didnt want it to overshadow the small bit of ground gained..lol...
Women in the clregy will be next...

It may just take another 500 years, lol...
As I said in my last post... If they dont change fast enough, they will die as a belief...
On walk-about...
Sith ain't Evil...
Jedi ain't Saints....
"Bake or bake not. There is no fry" - Sean Ching
Rite: PureLand
Former Memeber of the TOTJO Council
Master: Jasper_Ward
Current Apprentices: Viskhard, DanWerts, Llama Su, Trisskar
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Its not intended too....
Remember, I am smiling...

Read it a Daffy Duck, or Sylvester the Cat voice, if that helps lighten the mood...

And here i thought a step, no matter the size, in the right direction, was positive thing...

As a hetro male, who has never cared about sexual orientation, i guess i am just too positive...
Never mind that it is a step...
Forget about the women, they dont count.... check...
Not open enough... check...
Did anyone want to comment for slavery, or child labor laws? How about "green" energy?
Its a step...Small, but a step...
Baby steps, aint that what we tell people while they are learning something new? Especially if their first, faltering steps are shakey and unsure?
Not point out their missteps, but promote and educate them on "its not that hard"?
Come on now people...

And yea, as an ex-catholic who was told gay folks are "evil", "wrong", "confused", "sinners", "stay away from those weirdos", and this was only some of the things I was told, lol...
Yea, we were taught to judge... You confuse Christians, with Catholics... while Catholics are Christians, they are not a tolerant, understanding, loving, branch of Christianity...
They have a prayer that says: And we believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church (Nicene Creed, whatever.. Prayer, creed, don't much care, cause when a group begins to judge, I leave if I cannot have my own, outspoken, opinions... lol...
I came from a Catholic/Baptist parents, and choose to follow Catholic because, well, father issues, lol... And the services were only an hour, period! Lol...
This was my fall from Catholicism, My mother couldn't bring herself to say that line...
What kinda community does crap like that? A loving, in the image of the father, type community? Sorry different story, another time...

“We are the best!" or "Don't believe the others, WE are the only true and right church"
And one of the reasons i left the catholics, because people judge...
This IS a big deal....
As his comment on women has been judged, and so has his comment on being gay...
Im not judging anyone, in this thread or elsewhere...
As i said, the forward step needed to be recognized, now we (mankind) need to continue to learn...
This won't happen overnight...
We can't rest either, but don't blow it off as its not news...

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Jedi ain't Saints....
"Bake or bake not. There is no fry" - Sean Ching
Rite: PureLand
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I almost didnt post my response,and actually sent it to another Council Memebr to make sure I wasnt coming off too strong... I worry my rebuttals sometimes sound too serious, and this environment does not do my sense of humor justice...
I got a ton of goofy facial expressions noone here can see... And if you could see what I am starting with, you'd see I have quite the head start to begin with!! haha...
Anyway, I see what you mean, I appreciate your explanation...
Yes, It does have to be looked at, at face value... Dont read anything into what he says...
Thats the trouble many times, people read into stuff, how they feel stuff should be read...
If Im crabby, (hey, it happens!), sometimes I catch the nasty voice reading the posts of others... And I have to reread to make make sure Im not just projecting my crappy-ness onto the words of others...
On walk-about...
Sith ain't Evil...
Jedi ain't Saints....
"Bake or bake not. There is no fry" - Sean Ching
Rite: PureLand
Former Memeber of the TOTJO Council
Master: Jasper_Ward
Current Apprentices: Viskhard, DanWerts, Llama Su, Trisskar
Former Apprentices: Knight Learn_To_Know, Knight Edan, Knight Brenna, Knight Madhatter
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Yea, we were taught to judge... You confuse Christians, with Catholics... while Catholics are Christians, they are not a tolerant, understanding, loving, branch of Christianity...
I come from a (formerly?) catholic country. Back then I thought catholics were OK. I mean of the entire population there's, what, 10% that goes to church? and of those, 80% are harmless, 20% believe in god, of which half are the gay hating kind...
I live in england and "know" the US fairly well (mostly from you guys and the news), and those two non-catholic countries have God in their state schools. Next to that I went to one of the top catholic (private) schools in my country, and they couldn't dispense religious education because they were partially funded by the government. Spain and Portugal recognize full-blown gay marriage as well, and they're catholic...
Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.
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