Purpose and Rules

02 Nov 2021 21:12 #363761 by Nakis
Purpose and Rules was created by Nakis
Hello and welcome to the sermon repository!

This sub-forum is designed so that anyone, clergy or not, can post and keep sermons in a centralized area. The expectations are as follows:

1. Please try to keep all of your posts together in one post, much like our IP/Apprentice/Knight journals.
2. Please do not post in other people's posts.
3. Please feel free to take active discussion to other sections of the forum to avoid clogging up the repository.

The biggest purpose behind this is to help build up a buffer of sermons for TOTJO. In many cases, we only see 4-5 sermons generated because we temper it to our calendar for the next month. This makes it so when we ask for sermons, we often only get 4-5 sermons. As a result, if we create an open space without restriction, anyone can create and submit a sermon from their archive here without having to worry about taking up slots or trying to create something last minute. If you are inspired, just write and when you get the chance, ask if we can post it.

We want to inspire creativity by providing an open field for people to create in. Please, put your writings here, even if you don't want us to use them right away, and let's build our efforts together!

Thank you,


Licensed Clergy Person
The following user(s) said Thank You: Edan, Carlos.Martinez3, Diana W, Kira, River, Serenity Amyntas

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