Force Inclinations
sorry, let me reprase myself. a shadow Jedi is someone who worships god and satan at the same time. ignore what i said earlier. that was spur of the moment. i have had time to think and reconsider the matter and that's what i came up with. so the views are contradicting, but polar oppisites.
Now, I think you are getting quite close....
Imagine the acient Roman god Janus.
Then imagine that a shadow Jedi figures the image of a benevolent god as much a joke as a malevolent one.
Maybe the shadow jedi adheres to an image of god not understood by sith or jedi.
Maybe, the shadow jedi adheres to an idea of god that not a deity.
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Seems to me like the Force is pretty open to interpretation by anyone who may hazard a try at interpreting it.The Shadow Jedi do not adhere to anything but the Force as They interpret it.
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My sister-in-law has two children, both fairly young, but none babies. Anyways she has a hard time hanging on to a job, usually because of her own stupidity, but sometimes for matters out of her hands. Regardless, when she does have a job, she regularly spends what little money she makes on things like tattoos, drugs (not so much anymore), alcohol, gets a new pet, you get the idea. Then when bill time comes around, she's broke. So what does she do? She calls (her) mom, who can barely make it on her own, for help. Usually mom helps, and usually by letting something else of hers go to crap. Well, mom gets fed up, or is just unable to help even by the before mentioned means, and says no. I say good for mom. Then she calls her sister, my wife. Although by no means does the military make good money, but we are doing ok. Its the middle of winter, and she needs money for her electricity so her and the kids have heat. Ok, my wife and I help out. Its the right thing to do right? Income tax roles around, she gets a decent refund (she makes crap and has two kids). She buys a new tattoo, and 600 dollar dog and a bunch of other junk, that has little to no use. Not even one month after she gets the money, she's calling again for help. Before my wife even asks, I tell her NO, absolutely not. I know, and it pains me, that the kids will suffer too, but she obviously is not going to learn her lesson by contially being helped. Its one of those instances where doing the right thing weakens the person you are helping.
To most people that seems like the logical coarse of action, but if you strictly followed the Jedi code, and creed and all, you'd help her again and again regardless.
Like I said, not necessarily something as serious as like shooting down a plane thats been hijacked to save hundreds more that work or live in whatever building it was going to crash into. Although I'd condone that action if necessary as well.
Please lend your thoughts on this.
Dhagon Krayt
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Ok, so then the directive is to press cancel when that pops up. You got it. and thank you for all your help with this as well. We would not have this wonderful site without you, and for that I think I can speak for us all when I say you are greatly appreciated and admired for your work. MTFBWY
Thank you.
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First off I would not disagree with your course of action.You are right in that helping over and over would not really be helping. The old saying \"if you give a man a fish...\" you get the idea. But she does need your love and support in a way that will help her long term. Teach her how to be responsible with money and so forth. I would show her where she can get help instead, say a shelter or something of that nature. In this case Perhaps it would be prudent to remove the kids from her care. From your words it is obvious she needs help in recollecting her life and needs compassion to place her back on the right track. This is what the Path of Light teaches us. Not blind aid, but informed, intelligent compassion.
Yep, I agree with this but, I also know how hard it is to deal w/family and especially in-laws.
Gov't intervention is sometimes the proverbial wake-up call. That would be something to discuss with your wife of course.
I do like the the teaching aspect mentioned in the quote from Twsoundsoff. Like maybe find a simple gov't sponsored financial management training class for her and maybe get your wife to suggest it to her.
One thing is for certain, If you love your wife then you must show her that you care as much about this as she does. In other words it may still be bothering your wife and after all money is less valuable than happiness.<br><br>Post edited by: admin, at: 2007/04/05 11:28
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