To be a Jedi In everyday Life!

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17 years 13 hours ago #2286 by
Have you ever asked yourself the following: “Ok, so I’m a Jedi. But how do I apply that in my everyday life?”

I know I certainly have and over time it becomes very clear. Lets go ahead and look at some of the teachings and see how they apply in everyday situations.

1. As Jedi, we are in touch with the Living Force flowing through and around us, as well as being spiritually aware of the Force. Jedi are trained to become sensitive to the Force's energy, fluctuations, and disturbances.

There are many ways to look at this depending on the type of Jedi you are. A Christian Jedi like myself generally will view the Force as the Holy Spirit portion of the Godhead. So then, the Holy Spirit allows me to hear God. No, not in the true physical sense but the Holy Spirit is what Connects me to the will of God. With this connection I can better determine the Will of God (though I don’t think anyone can do this really well). The same Would be true for Any Jedi though. This connection with the Force will allow you to feel your day out so to speak to aid in your making strong decisions throughout the day. These decisions can range anywhere from whether you should have the Salad at lunch to how to react when you see a Car accident in the making. Just remember, we are always connected to the Force and if you Listen, you will be far better off.

2. Jedi live and focus on the present; we must neither dwell on the past nor be overly concerned about the future. As the mind wanders, focusing on the present is a task not easily attained, for the mind is not content with the eternal present moment. As Jedi, we must release our stress and ease our minds.

3. Jedi must maintain a clear mind; this is achieved through meditation and contemplation. Our minds can become cluttered and infected by forces and attitudes that we encounter every day, and must be purged of these unnecessary elements on a daily basis.

These are put together because they really go hand in hand. First things first when you get into the office (or wherever you spend your days, whether it be school or work) its important to have a clear head. If you’re bogged down mentally with mistakes you or a coworker made yesterday or if your mind is full of tasks that have to be accomplished, you’re not going to be able to make the strong decisions regarding how to accomplish your tasks for the day. You’re mind becomes Clouded and each thought becomes an effort. Start your day off with some meditation. Clear it out (you’re brain). I tend to do this with my morning Shower but some may do it with morning exercises. Then starting off the day will be much easier and far more pleasant. You can develop a plan of action that will allow you to accomplish throughout the day all that needs to be accomplished and then when problems arise you will be able to get through them as smoothly as possible. Simply leave what happened yesterday where it belongs…yesterday. Its far easier to set daily goals and accomplish them than to set very long term goals. One day at a time, as the 12 step programs say.

4. As Jedi, we are mindful of our thoughts... we focus our thoughts on the positive. The positive energy of the force is healthy for the mind, body and spirit.

This one is obvious. But it has some subtlety to it as well. Are you a half full or half empty kind of person. Well this is really telling us to be half full…all the time. Sure that sounds easy but when you start to really pay attention throughout the day how often do you become frustrated with the driver in front of you for not turning fast enough or going too slow. Or maybe when you are at Starbucks getting that morning Joe and you know exactly what you want, but the guy in front of you has been standing there staring at that menu for ten minutes and all he has said to the lady behind the counter is “UMM”. I’m sure you can imagine several other daily situations and in all of them our teaching as Jedi tells us to be Positive. Be a blessing to those around you. Smiles are infectious. And whether you really feel good or not, just by smiling eventually your going to feel good. That old saying comes to mind… “ If you go to the barbershop often enough, sooner or later you’re going to get a haircut.” When the person in front of you doesn’t turn fast enough, remember, you don’t have any control of over that person and their actions. So there is no reason to be angry or frustrated. You can’t change the situation…so just go with it. There is a prayer called the serenity prayer that seems to get a Bad rap from being such a huge part of all the 12 step programs out there. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” This leads to…

6. Jedi are patient. Patience is elusive but can be consciously developed over time.

Patient. Be Patient. Sounds easy enough too but just like staying positive, it’s not. However, if you’re not patient, it will be really hard to be positive. I don’t have any myself but I’m sure any of our parents out there can attest…patience is Hard Stuff. When the kids out number you and begin a food fight, how do you respond? A patient man/woman may simply join in the fun and accept the consequences of having to clean up later. Not only that, but a patient man/woman may even see it as a teaching opportunity. You’ve all had your fun and now its time to be responsible and clean up the mess. Or at work when your friend gets the promotion you think you should have…be patient, your time will come. For now be a blessing to that person…being the positive Jedi you are, you will probably congratulate them…genuinely meaning it. Or what about our friend the guy who won’t turn fast enough when we are driving? Being patient in this situation is a must. If you let yourself get frustrated and flustered, you’re blood pressure will rise, you’ll become tense, and that’s just setting yourself up for a bad day over what? Over a person in a car who may have taken an extra 30 seconds out of your time to be safe? It’s not worth ruining your day over. Our creed has the following to say about situations like this:

I am a Jedi.
I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

Which leads us straight into…

7. Jedi are mindful of the negative emotions which lead to the Dark Side: Anger, Fear, Aggression, and Hate. If we sense these emotions manifesting within ourselves, we must meditate on the Jedi Code and focus on purging these destructive emotions.

Now some may be thinking; “Rev. Tom, What makes these feelings so destructive anyway?” Well I’ll tell you. Anger, hate, they both bring about negative actions. You see…emotions in themselves are not good or bad, just like the Force is neither Light nor Dark. It is the actions that develop from them that are bad or Good. When you get angry you feel like what? Like smashing something right? Like hitting someone? When you hit someone what happens? You may cause bruising, right? And what’s a bruise? A bruise is a kind of injury in which the capillaries are damaged, allowing blood to seep into the surrounding tissue. They are damaged. That’s what’s negative. As mentioned in Teaching 4, Jedi are to be positive. So then bruising someone would be in direct contradiction of our doctrine if it is committed out of anger. (On a side note, and we’ll get to this in another installment, Defense is a whole other ball of Wax.). We learn from and Master these emotions so that we may not act negatively. This also allows us to remain unclouded in judgment.
Along these lines comes…

9. Jedi protect the peace. We are warriors of peace, and are not ones to use force to resolve a conflict; it is through peace, understanding and harmony that conflicts resolve.

This teaching is pretty straight forward. We protect Peace. We try to understand every side of a conflict in order build harmony. This harmony is what allows for the Peace that we protect. Ignorance is the ultimate breeder of conflict. This is true for two people, families, or even countries. If we can understand one another then we can more easily love one another. Which brings up…

14. We as Jedi believe that love and compassion are central to our lives. We must love each other as we love ourselves; by doing this, we envelope all life in the positive energy of the Force.

There’s that word again, Positive. And part of being able to be positive is to Love. Love, like patience, is hard stuff sometimes too. How do we love that guy who just cut us off when we needed to change lanes? How do we love that woman at Arby’s who isn’t getting us our order fast enough? With understanding that’s how. If you can understand what she is going through behind the counter to make your fries alone, you will understand what is taking so long. And when you understand what’s taking so long, then you can be empathetic with her situation as she can yours in having to wait for so called “fast food.” Love is the real glue of the Jedi. By loving others, like the lady behind the counter, we importune that love from them. By showing other’s that we care, through that Love, we allow other’s to care for us, which ultimately leads to the Peace that we protect so dearly. The first part of our creed sums this up nicely:

I am a Jedi, an instrument of peace.
Where there is hatred I shall bring love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.

And Finally for this installment we have:

13. Jedi use the Force only when it is necessary. We do not apply our abilities or powers to boast or be prideful. We use the Force for knowledge, and exercise wisdom and humility in doing so, for humility is a trait all Jedi must embody.

There’s a lot going on in this one. But it, at the end of the day, boils down to Humility.
“So what’s that mean Rev. Tom?” Humility is simply thus; a lack of false pride. Being proud of ones accomplishments or achievements is one thing. But to allow that Pride to get to the point where you feel or act like you are Better than others is irresponsible at best. A humble person is unpretentious and modest: someone who does not think that he or she is better or more important than others. How does that translate to everyday life? Well, have you ever disagreed with your boss, and you knew that you were right and he/she was wrong? Well in this situation the Humble person would allow the Boss to be correct. By now I have you screaming “that’s not right, he should be corrected if he is wrong!” and I tell you this, He will be. If he is truly right then he is right and you will have to face that, but If he is wrong then his mistake will show it and he will have to answer to his Boss. In this situation, it is not your place to correct. Such is the same for a Master and Apprentice. The apprentice Should be humble and not question the master, likewise the Master must be humble enough to be corrected by an apprentice. We have to be humble when dealing with our Boss’s, spouses, friends, and enemies alike. This is what makes Jedi the best servants to society. Our Humility in understanding that we really understand nothing.

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16 years 11 months ago #2291 by Jon
Thanks for this important article. Just what I needed. Down to earth.
1. To depend on your feelings is how I would see it! Especially in our day and age with the flood of mass media it is difficult to listen. My mind is very often occupied with problems and solutions. In my more stronger emotional phases there seems to be no more room. Very often my reaction is founded on a set of preconceptions. The odds against being in tune with the force are very high.

2. Preoccupation, something with which I am also not immune, is another one of my \"demons\". But is it not also true that if the past, present and future are seen as a whole, a picture is revealed which has a lot to say. I would like to compare it to a tree: from the roots of the past, a strong and healthy bark (present) can bear fruits and leaves (of the future).

3. Meditation and contemplation has become big business, there is a lot on offer. I don`t think there is a right or wrong way. There is only a personal way, but what? To find this is a labour in itself. Many times I just got fed up and left, especially when nothing happened.

Sometimes the problems are so strong that you feel helpless against it, the more fear you submit the more it is nurtured and grows.

4. Anger is a feeling from which I have not met anyone who is immune. It is a feeling connected to our basic instincts which aids self-preservation. To try and control everyday situations is to deal with its symptoms, and would mean you would be fighting to the end of days. I don`t pretend to have any solution, but maybe a fundamental decision is in order. A decision which all others actions florish. St Francis gave up all he had. He had nothing more to loose. There was nothing more to insult, break, loose, defend... . Unfortunately this means sacrifice.

6. Patience is nothing more than understanding, preserving the freedom with which everyone was born with. Understanding is realising where a person, thing or situation is coming from. Unfortunately the most frequently asked question is \"what do I need at this moment?\".

7. Right and wrong is in my experience also relative. For example someting positive is said with good intention but instead this evokes a negative memory/experience in another. The \"I put my foot in it\" experience. This is maybe where a connection with the Force may help. To turn to the dark/light side of the Force certainly indicates an intention, namely what is it you want. This ultimately reveals what kind of fundamental decision you have made in life. If the Force is neutral and can be used for good/bad, this is what would put for me the comparison with the Holy Spirit into question.

9. One thought which came to mind when I read about peace, was Jesus Christ. He said that he has not come to bring peace, but the sword. To bring peace means conflict with a prevailing world wide attitude. Peace cannot be tolerated if personal interests are involved. How this conflict develops dpends on the peacemaker. It is like the martial arts: do I use the force of the other or confront it.

14. Some people might have problem with love. How can people love if they don`t love themselves. To try and love others is a good start, a good exercise. I certainly believe that positive actions/thoughts are planted seeds which come to expression in life making a future for us all.

13. To know that you know nothing is certainly a challenge for our Internet society! St.Francis knew he was like the dust of the earth, nothing more nothing less. This has nothing to do with our \"worth/value\" but that we are the same in the force.

Rev. T. I just wanted to say are only my humble reflections on an inspiring article.

The author of the TOTJO simple and solemn oath, the liturgy book, holy days, the FAQ and the Canon Law. Ordinant of GM Mark and Master Jestor.

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16 years 11 months ago #2292 by Jon
Thanks for this important article. Just what I needed. Down to earth.
1. To depend on your feelings is how I would see it! Especially in our day and age with the flood of mass media it is difficult to listen. My mind is very often occupied with problems and solutions. In my more stronger emotional phases there seems to be no more room. Very often my reaction is founded on a set of preconceptions. The odds against being in tune with the force are very high.

2. Preoccupation, something with which I am also not immune, is another one of my \"demons\". But is it not also true that if the past, present and future are seen as a whole, a picture is revealed which has a lot to say. I would like to compare it to a tree: from the roots of the past, a strong and healthy bark (present) can bear fruits and leaves (of the future).

3. Meditation and contemplation has become big business, there is a lot on offer. I don`t think there is a right or wrong way. There is only a personal way, but what? To find this is a labour in itself. Many times I just got fed up and left, especially when nothing happened.

Sometimes the problems are so strong that you feel helpless against it, the more fear you submit the more it is nurtured and grows.

4. Anger is a feeling from which I have not met anyone who is immune. It is a feeling connected to our basic instincts which aids self-preservation. To try and control everyday situations is to deal with its symptoms, and would mean you would be fighting to the end of days. I don`t pretend to have any solution, but maybe a fundamental decision is in order. A decision which all others actions florish. St Francis gave up all he had. He had nothing more to loose. There was nothing more to insult, break, loose, defend... . Unfortunately this means sacrifice.

6. Patience is nothing more than understanding, preserving the freedom with which everyone was born with. Understanding is realising where a person, thing or situation is coming from. Unfortunately the most frequently asked question is \"what do I need at this moment?\".

7. Right and wrong is in my experience also relative. For example someting positive is said with good intention but instead this evokes a negative memory/experience in another. The \"I put my foot in it\" experience. This is maybe where a connection with the Force may help. To turn to the dark/light side of the Force certainly indicates an intention, namely what is it you want. This ultimately reveals what kind of fundamental decision you have made in life. If the Force is neutral and can be used for good/bad, this is what would put for me the comparison with the Holy Spirit into question.

9. One thought which came to mind when I read about peace, was Jesus Christ. He said that he has not come to bring peace, but the sword. To bring peace means conflict with a prevailing world wide attitude. Peace cannot be tolerated if personal interests are involved. How this conflict develops dpends on the peacemaker. It is like the martial arts: do I use the force of the other or confront it.

14. Some people might have problem with love. How can people love if they don`t love themselves. To try and love others is a good start, a good exercise. I certainly believe that positive actions/thoughts are planted seeds which come to expression in life making a future for us all.

13. To know that you know nothing is certainly a challenge for our Internet society! St.Francis knew he was like the dust of the earth, nothing more nothing less. This has nothing to do with our \"worth/value\" but that we are the same in the force.

Rev. T. I just wanted to say are only my humble reflections on an inspiring article.

The author of the TOTJO simple and solemn oath, the liturgy book, holy days, the FAQ and the Canon Law. Ordinant of GM Mark and Master Jestor.

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16 years 11 months ago #2298 by
Replied by on topic Re:To be a Jedi In everyday Life!
Absolutely! I was not expecting such a lengthy response but it is most certainly Welcome! I think we have aot to learn from one another My friend. MTFBWY

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16 years 11 months ago #2313 by
Replied by on topic Re:To be a Jedi In everyday Life!
Really enjoyed the article. Brought a great many issues we all have to deal with on almost a daily basis. Br Finch also, gave a great deal to think and meditate on.

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15 years 11 months ago #15634 by
Replied by on topic Re:To be a Jedi In everyday Life!
I think this topic is worth resurrecting.

Most of you don't even remember Twsoundsoff, let alone when this topic was posted. it brought up some very interesting points as Hans commented on. All students seeking a master, please read this and it will keep you busy if your looking for some wisdom. All you oldies, read it anyways, and for a few of it again lol. Makes for a good refesher

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15 years 11 months ago #15655 by
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Thank you for resurrecting this topic War Beauty. There is alot of wisdom in this topic that I will have to meditate on for quite a while. :cheer:

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15 years 11 months ago #15663 by
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I agree with Perris, both apprentices and masters should read. Even the experts need a refresher now and then. :)

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15 years 11 months ago #15683 by
Replied by on topic Re:To be a Jedi In everyday Life!
I too must thank the original poster and WB for bumpping it.

All these emotions and thoughts we strive to control, we all 'deal' with on a daily basis, it is better to be honest with oneself and acknowledge the thoughts than to say 'I dont have these'.

We all do better and gain more by admitting to them, and apprentices will learn more from a honest Master than a false Master.

I go over the 16 teachings etc on a daily basis, not on order to learn them by heart, but to remind myself of what it means to be Jedi. Start the day as I mean to go on if you like. I cannot or will not say I dont fall foul of impatience anger etc, but I now find myself nipping these in the bud and reminding myself of the Oath I took.


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