Aspects of the Force, and Some Unrelated Questions.

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13 Aug 2008 21:43 #17924 by
Would anyone be willing to share the aspects of the Force that they've achieved? Those that have mastered or can control certain aspects of the Force, would you mind directing me to where you learned that ability?

Also, i've never been much of a problem solver, so this seems like it would help me in conflicts; is there an aspect of the Force that can be used to manipulate others minds?[as in, changing their thoughts so that they would, for example, stop fighting with someone].

Let me clear that up. Scenario;

Two people are going to fight in physical combat, and both have their minds set on it. Is there some kind of Force ability that I can use to change their thoughts so that they would not fight.

Are there aspects of the Force that one could use to \"Force Choke\", or some
type of \"Star Wars Dark Jedi\" powers? Not that I would ever use them, however, I would be very interested to learn them.

Where can I find a teacher?

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14 Aug 2008 06:50 #17927 by
First off let me say hello. I'm HihKonJen but you may call me Kenni. I'm in training under my Master Bael. Though the Force aspect is something that I spend most of my time. Mediation is the key to unlocking the secrets of the Force. When you learn to quite your mind, one could learn to draw the Force and use it to manipulate certain things such as another persons mind and thought. Of course it takes great skill to do so and it also works on the weak mind. Someone trained could have a mind shield to block out such a thing. I myself can not do such a thing ofcourse I'm sure with training and time I would. I am however able to quite my mind and listen to the Force. I am able to see through the Force, though I'm still learning control and being able to see on all sides of me. I'm also able to sense one's feelings, but I must be near them to do so.

I'm still in a very basic form of these abilities, and it will take patience and control to master these abilities. I am in no rush to learn because to much to fast could harm me or others or make me arrogant and blind. You must remember my friend that though in the movies the Darkside is something that seems cool, but such dark emotions could blind you and make you loose focus and control of the Force. So if you wish to learn how to listen to the Force and be able to call upon its power you must learn to quite your mind. I spent 6 months learning how to do that and I still try to spend 6 hours through out my day mediating. I hope you found this helpful, and May the Force be with you.

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16 Aug 2008 13:08 #18000 by
That was a very good post Kenni. Angelus. The mind of a person is their only true possession and many can not even control it. You should not pity them, you should not attempt to control them, and you should want them to be who they are no matter how troubled it may be. It would be like trying to cage a wild bird. It may be best for the bird to have food everyday, to have safety and shelter at all times. But in the end it is still wild and will not be happy until you let it do what it wants. Also, how would you want someone to treat you? There are plenty of places and ways to learn abilities but the reason you should want to join Jediism is for the spiritual aspect, the connection to the Force you can achieve and the people that you may meet. Comming from a Jedi aspect and not a Sith aspect, i would not be here if i was only seeking the powers that came with exploring the Force.

May the Force Be With and Guide down your path, where ever it is you may be headed.

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