MBTI Type?

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23 Oct 2019 06:23 #344745 by
MBTI Type? was created by
Yes, I know it's pseudoscience, but it's not completely inaccurate.

Please don't hate if you don't like the MBTI, knowing my type has helped me significantly, mainly by helping me understand myself and realize I'm not crazy lol.

But seriously, it aided me in achieving a deeper understanding of who I am and how my mind works, and has helped me deal with depression.
So I would say it is a healthy thing to know and understand.

If you don't know what I am talking about, Google MBTI, take a test, answer honestly.

Here, this test is basic, but it's alright for you Myers-Briggs noobs

I am an INFP.

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23 Oct 2019 07:05 #344751 by Gisteron
Replied by Gisteron on topic MBTI Type?

CaesarEJW wrote: Yes, I know it's pseudoscience, but it's not completely inaccurate.

Same can be said of most flat Earth models. But if the description of what INFP means actually applies to you, it's a moot point. Accuracy, so your chosen personality description goes, is of no consequence to you.

If anything neutral or good has to be said about the Myers-Briggs mechanism is that it's fairly inoffensive. It asks a person what they are like, and then tells them right back... what they are like, according to themselves. There is a case to be made that it is some systematized means of self-reflection. What makes it pseudoscientific is that it makes no practical prediction. Imagine you wish to get to know someone. You can of course ask them to describe themselves and you'll get a (hopefully honest) self-assessment, which is no doubt a piece of the puzzle, but I'd say that even if it were an "accurate" data sheet, a data sheet is all it is. In practice, I get to know people by listening to them, getting to understand how they deal with given topics/issues, not by reviewing a formal statement about "here is how I generally behave". If the MBTI results could help me predict how the person reacts to a given situation, then that is how much use it would have. Yet here we are. You tried to say it's not entirely inaccurate in defense of it, because you understand that accuracy is important to some extent. I don't really think that you don't care about it, but that is what the INFP result you got should predict. I'm not saying it's therefore wholly inaccurate, but it is at least less than the complete picture. If I wish to get to know you, I'd much rather try and talk to you about substantive topics, than read a tag on your forehead that attempts to tell me what you are like.

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23 Oct 2019 15:01 #344754 by
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Hi; I'm INFJ
I is 100 percent; no surprise there.

That test has helped me a lot. There is some good in all things. If one way does not help a person, another will. I looked at INFJ on pinterest and there was a lot that came up that resonated.

Thank you for the post

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23 Oct 2019 15:50 #344761 by Amaya
Replied by Amaya on topic MBTI Type?
Its funny I did this test recently,
It is something that has been posted before but unfortunately I couldnt find it to link.
Anyway my results were
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
My results

Introvert(56%) iNtuitive(16%) Feeling(38%) Perceiving(34%)
You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (56%)
You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (16%)
You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (38%)
You have moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (34%)

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23 Oct 2019 17:38 #344767 by Skryym
Replied by Skryym on topic MBTI Type?
I have a weakness for tests and quizzes that put us in boxes. This is mostly innocent. It’s a fun pass time, and caters to our human desire to label things. we have to be careful not to let four letters define ourselves - or worse - define others.

That being said, I’ve consistently tested as an ENFP. I suppose I agree with most of what is has to say. I believe Michael Pierce has some fun in-depth videos on youtube about each type - but remember that even at its best he MBTI is still a pseudoscience

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23 Oct 2019 18:09 #344769 by
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Gisteron, when you say moot point, I think Derndingle, the bowl-like depression in Fangorn Forest where the Ends held the Entmoots.
Good 'ol Treebeard.

You made a very good point.
No you cannot truly get to know someone from a four letter label, but it, at the very least, can give you a basic impression of how their mind may work.
And that is what the MBTI is intended for. It will not tell you an individual's behaviors, ideas, prejudices, or passions, but it can give you a little insight into the make up of their cognitive faculties.

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23 Oct 2019 18:10 #344770 by
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Oh dude, Michael Pierce is awesome.
And you should check out Frank James, that guy is funny.

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24 Oct 2019 05:23 #344783 by
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I'm ENTP or INTP, don't know exactly, because of being ambivert. But I personally prefer socionics, it's a Russian analog of MBTI. It has more complex diagnostics, but I think that socionics is a bit deeper than MBTI. And by this typology, I am ILE aka Don Quixote, this type is somewhat analogous to ENTP.

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24 Oct 2019 14:38 #344789 by
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Thank you; I'll look into this one. I enjoy taking quizzes and the like animal totem spirits, etc. Currently my spirit animal totem is sea turtle. Considering I am a water tiger by birth, this is not surprising. :D have fun

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24 Oct 2019 21:06 #344799 by Manu
Replied by Manu on topic MBTI Type?
I think the most value I've gotten from personality tests is reading the descriptions, and seeing how they explain the link between certain personality traits and the behaviors that follow based on their predominant pains. It's a great exercise in self-reflection, even if the test itself is not useful for predicting anything or making any definitive assessments.

Over the course of the years, I've been "diagnosed" as:


So the only thing I can say for sure is that I am Introverted :laugh:

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