Current Forum Moderators (besides Council) are Adhara and Adder....
I forgot to announce Adhara being tasked about a month (or two?) ago..
Today, Adder was made our newest forum Modrator
Phortis Nespin, who served as a moderator for the last year, stepped down last week....
Just letting everyone know who to contact....
On walk-about...
Sith ain't Evil...
Jedi ain't Saints....
"Bake or bake not. There is no fry" - Sean Ching
Rite: PureLand
Former Memeber of the TOTJO Council
Master: Jasper_Ward
Current Apprentices: Viskhard, DanWerts, Llama Su, Trisskar
Former Apprentices: Knight Learn_To_Know, Knight Edan, Knight Brenna, Knight Madhatter