Minutes of Clergy Assembly 2-8-2025

08 Feb 2025 19:12 #378618 by Zanthan Storm
Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:05 PM
Ok. Lets get started
[12:05 PM]
Welcome All
[12:05 PM]
We come together for a checkin and to review our membership.
[12:07 PM]
I will forgo our normal start to address something brought up by Master Zero and some other issues. I yield the floor to Carlos.

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:07 PM
Thank you
[12:07 PM]
So, Zero brought up a great point the other day.


Knight Tavi πŸ’―β΄ β€” Today at 12:07 PM
Oh dangit... Im at work again during the meeting Β sry yall!


Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:08 PM
I am grateful he spoke up because now it is our lot to make the adjustment.



[12:08 PM]
There is a adjustments needed to the titles of the Jedi beleive and the Creed.
[12:09 PM]
The adjustment is the name swap of what Jedi believe to the Creed and the Creed to what we believe.
[12:10 PM]
Does anyone have any objection or any thoughts on this?
[12:10 PM]
I did speak with Alex up a bit in conversation on the matter as well.

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:11 PM
I think it is a good point brought up by Master Zero. However, I think a more in depth explaination would be a good idea.
[12:11 PM]
Lets clarify it
[12:11 PM]
Zero I see you typing, can you expand on this?

Master Zero πŸ’―β΄ β€” Today at 12:13 PM
The creed could be named anything yall come up with…..as I say it’s just not a creed as a creed is a statement of belief……what it (what we currently call the creed) is is actually a code. I proposed the totjo code……but it could be called anything.

What we currently call β€œwhat we believe” is much closer to an actual creed.

I’m of the opinion that as the churches leaders our docterine falls squarely in your hands so I brought it up here instead of council.

[12:14 PM]
I propose zero changes to either Β one’s wording…..just the titles

Apprentice Rev. JPAdkins β€” Today at 12:14 PM
I personally think that the current creed could be rewritten to be more original to the Temple

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:14 PM
If you scroll up or down a bit, you can see a good chunk of a conversation on it as well.
[12:16 PM]
I think for the time being, can we swap the titles? I have no objection. You are correct in saying that updates are needed. This is one of those small ones we can take care of easly.

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:16 PM
I second

Apprentice Rev. JPAdkins β€” Today at 12:16 PM
Swapping titles is fine

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:17 PM
I even think as part of the update we were going to label the St Francis origin as well.
[12:17 PM]
That were the only two.

Master Zero πŸ’―β΄ β€” Today at 12:17 PM
It will take me a few days to implement whatever changes you decide upon as I’ll have to edit the titles in the ip and faq as well.


Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:17 PM
Then it is decided.
[12:18 PM]
I will add a 4th question to the monthly Clergy Assembly as well, as I think this is an aspect we have not actively considered.
[12:18 PM]
What needs to change?

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:18 PM
The Doctorine is still in a phase of update by the way. The last update was the Maxims. There is still work that needs to be done.

[12:19 PM]
thank you all

Apprentice Rev. JPAdkins β€” Today at 12:19 PM
Rock on

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:20 PM
Any updates or adjustments we need, simply bring them to the Synod and we can give it the time it needs.

@Master Rev. Zanthan Storm
Then it is decided.

Master Zero πŸ’―β΄ β€” Today at 12:20 PM
What would you like the current creed to be renamed?

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:20 PM
Name swap for now

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:20 PM
This will be on us to continue to monitor. Stewardship of our beliefs are part of our work.


Master Zero πŸ’―β΄ β€” Today at 12:21 PM
What we believe dosnt really fit as a name for the current creed either

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:21 PM
Then we have homework

[12:21 PM]
For now it will do
[12:21 PM]
Everyone, next assembly come with what you think the names should be


Apprentice Rev. JPAdkins β€” Today at 12:22 PM
our prayer


Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:22 PM
Can you post a sticky note with update incomming?

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:22 PM

@Apprentice Rev. JPAdkins
our prayer

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:22 PM
Thats the second reference to a prayer I have hear for it.

Apprentice Rev. JPAdkins β€” Today at 12:22 PM
Centering Statement

@Master Rev. Zanthan Storm
For now it will do

Master Zero πŸ’―β΄ β€” Today at 12:23 PM
β€œThe totjo prayer taken from stfrancis”

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:24 PM
For now that is fine. I want people to think on it, talk with other members of the temple.

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:24 PM
If it is to us as Clergy then let us give it a forum space to discuss and give proper time for it. I got no problem getting the it right rather than what ever we could think of at the moment.

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:24 PM
Our next meeting, we will decide the final


[12:24 PM]

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:24 PM
Fire !
[12:24 PM]

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:24 PM
Yes. haha. Our homework.
[12:25 PM]
Is there any other issues people would like to bring up before we address the standard checkin?

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:25 PM
Can I hit my last point near the end of the meeting?
[12:25 PM]
I only had two lol

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:26 PM
of course Carlos

[12:26 PM]
Ok. Let us move on
[12:26 PM]
What are we seeing?

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:27 PM
I am taking a few more conversations in confidence this week.
[12:28 PM]
Those have gone up in count

@Master Zero πŸ’―β΄
It will take me a few days to implement whatever changes you decide upon as I’ll have to edit the titles in the ip and faq as well.

Knight Tavi πŸ’―β΄ β€” Today at 12:28 PM
I can help with this.


Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:28 PM
Hows the contact the clergy?

Apprentice Rev. JPAdkins β€” Today at 12:28 PM
there is a lot of fear and unrest in general


Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:29 PM
We have had some that are interested, however, mostly it has been spam

[12:29 PM]
or people condeming Br John, or asking us to give them a job

[12:30 PM]
There have been a few that are looking for guidance, some reach out for confidence. It normally is slow this time of year. picks up more in march and april


Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:30 PM
How is the Facebook site doing JP?

@Apprentice Rev. JPAdkins
there is a lot of fear and unrest in general

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:30 PM
This is something we should address if we can, maybe with offers of group chat to share the fear


Apprentice Rev. JPAdkins β€” Today at 12:30 PM
facebook is facebook. we get a few things here and there but mostly just like or comments


@Master Rev. Zanthan Storm
This is something we should address if we can, maybe with offers of group chat to share the fear

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:31 PM
We can do group chats.

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:31 PM
JP, where are you seeing this manifesting in the membership the most?

Apprentice Rev. JPAdkins β€” Today at 12:32 PM
mostly I am seeing that through facebook. I follow people from here and see what they are posting.

[12:34 PM]
I am doing something outside of the temple that I may be able to integrate. I will talk to Carlos and see if it would work.


Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:34 PM
Can you elaborate more so we can support this or assist?

Apprentice Rev. JPAdkins β€” Today at 12:35 PM
I am doing a service called Sanctuary that starts with a short message, a meditation, and then a heart circle for people to be able to say what is there for them.

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:36 PM
That sounds outstanding.
[12:36 PM]
I look forward to seeing it.
[12:36 PM]
Thank you

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:36 PM
Same same.

Apprentice Rev. JPAdkins β€” Today at 12:37 PM
the issue is that it is done through my server at the moment and I would need to do some retooling to make that work.

[12:38 PM]
Which is why I am hesitant and want to work out some details


Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:38 PM
Of course
[12:38 PM]
If it cant happen how to desire, then it sounds like something that might be able to be adapted.
[12:39 PM]
However, you having this idea will be something others can reference. A worthy addition regardless
[12:39 PM]
Anyone else have anything else they are seeing to report?

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:40 PM
Lots of natural disasters this past month as well where I am (edited)

[12:41 PM]
I want to let you know as well, in any case of natural disaster, come see me if you need to. Just call and you can stay on the farm as long as you need to. We do this for our Jedi family and CLOSE circle of family.

[12:42 PM]
FIRES STORMS FLOODS Stuff like that if you are near me, come on. (edited)

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:42 PM
You know that actually reminds me of something. We have a map of Jedi through the world I believe. Might be worth adding who is willing to be a refuge in natural disasters.

[12:43 PM]
As Carlos said, he is willing. I would wager many others who are on there would also be

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:43 PM
I have reached out to a few places fro people but in our country all funding has stopped fro many thing. We still find ways to help our Jedi in need.

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:44 PM
I like it. Carlos would you mind bringing this idea to the council, so we may solicit the membership to adjust their notes in the world map??

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:45 PM
ehhhh... thats a real slim legal thingy there
[12:45 PM]
I do it unoffically
[12:45 PM]
I will mention it to them for sure (edited)

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:45 PM
Aye. Thats why I think it would something that would have to be checked in on by the council. I imagine background checks and other things would be needed that is outside the scope of the clergy

[12:46 PM]

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:46 PM
See and then you got all this tape and red tape and fees.....


Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:46 PM
Ok. On to the next Question. What are we doing?

Apprentice Rev. JPAdkins β€” Today at 12:46 PM
Also we could set up a fund to help Jedi in need
[12:47 PM]
of course then there would be an application process and someone would have to oversee it


Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:49 PM
I think the best thing to do for now is to continue to do what we are doing. I see everyone's efforts and there is evidence everywhere. Please continue to be available the way you all are.

[12:49 PM]
I mean, we are all at it.

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:49 PM

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:49 PM
Even those who are not here

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:50 PM
Likely the reason those are not here arentΒ 

[12:51 PM]
I am waiting on a response from the student doing the American Jedi study. I have a number of people set up to talk to them. Also, a project for a local festival that invited many different religions to participate in.


Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:52 PM
Local Festival??

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:53 PM
Yeah, A friend of mine is on the Minneapolis City council, they are putting together a cultural diversity festival later this spring, she reached out as she knows of my involvement in TOTJO (her best friend was one of my first apprentices) and asked if I wanted to participate.
[12:53 PM]
So I am putting together a "this is TOTJO" Presentation

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:53 PM

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:53 PM
if they like it, then we get a booth
[12:54 PM]
2 days of talking with people about it



Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:54 PM

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:54 PM
I know!

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:54 PM
Let me know if I can help you out in any way. (edited)

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:54 PM
I actually already told her about you and the prison ministry. She likes that we want to reach out to all walks of life.

[12:55 PM]
What else is everyone else doing?
[12:57 PM]
Ok. Hearing none let's move on. Final question: who is writing sermons for the next month? Carlos, do you have any still open?

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 12:57 PM
We have the 14 th and the 28th open (edited)
[12:58 PM]
See me or DM me for those dates.

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 12:59 PM
Copy that
[12:59 PM]
I believe that brings us to your last issue Carlos. Floor is yours again.

Apprentice Rev. JPAdkins β€” Today at 12:59 PM
as you know, I write a message every week, if you need it just let me know.

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 1:00 PM
Got one fro Valentines?

Apprentice Rev. JPAdkins β€” Today at 1:00 PM

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 1:00 PM
Got you for 14
[1:01 PM]
Thank you

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 1:01 PM
I'll take the 28th then

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 1:01 PM

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 1:01 PM

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) pinned a message to this channel. See all pinned messages. β€” Today at 1:01 PM

Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 1:01 PM
The follow up.
[1:01 PM]
I want to give this reminder to the clergy.
[1:02 PM]
Our follow up on the people we speak to or come in contact with in our ministries and in our life is important.

[1:03 PM]
This month, check on your follow ups. Does any one need to be RECONEECTED with? Check your connections. Check your people and those you come in contact with. Follow up with them.

[1:04 PM]
Thank you . (edited)

Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 1:05 PM
I think it is worth mentioning that following up doesn't have to be an indepth conversation. It certainly can be, but sometimes it's just saying, " hey it's been a little bit and when we last spoke you were concerned about ***. How are you?"

[1:05 PM]
Small gestures of thought can have giant impact


Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 1:05 PM
Very true
[1:06 PM]
Small gestures have big impacts.


Master Rev. Zanthan Storm β€” Today at 1:06 PM
Then I want to thank you all for your presence and contributions today.

[1:06 PM]
We addressed quite a bit in a short period of time.
[1:07 PM]
Remember your homework.
Titles for our beliefs and anything else in our scope that needs updating. Be ready to discuss next assembly.Β 

If you have questions about it. Please reach out to Carlos or Myself.

[1:09 PM]
May the Force be with you All, always and forever.

escape to cancel β€’ enter to save


Master Rev. Carlos (Pastor) β€” Today at 1:09 PM
You can reach out to any member of the Synod.
[1:09 PM]
Thank you Zanthan
[1:09 PM]
Thank you JP
[1:09 PM]
Thank you Zero
[1:10 PM]
Thank you Tavi! I know you will eventually read this.

Apprentice Rev. JPAdkins β€” Today at 1:10 PM
thank you everyone

Zanthan Storm
AKA Rev. Michael Ziskovsky OCP D.Div.

Master Knight of Jediism
Founder of Roseville, MN Chapter of TOTJO

Current Apprentice: The Coyote
Past Master: GM Neaj Pa Bol
Past Apprentices: Sr. Knight Kira, Knight Myos, Doriann

"Let no one thing control your life, seek to be complete and at peace."
The following user(s) said Thank You: Carlos.Martinez3, Zero

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Moderators: ZeroMorkanoRiniTaviKhwang