- Posts: 636
Minutes : December 8th 2018
- thomaswfaulkner
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(13:37:16) thomaswfaulkner: This is our first open-to-the-public meeting in quite some time…so thank you for being a part of this movement towards a more transparent and member-centered approach towards the Temple’s overall spiritual welfare.
(13:37:33) Rosalyn_J:
(13:37:39) thomaswfaulkner: I would like to add, before we get started, that I hope this space shared between us today can be synergetic and used as a tool to provide the opportunity to learn and grow from each other.
(13:37:39) Temple remote: (GloriousMegaNakis) is now known as (Nakis).
(13:37:45) Temple remote: (579410) logs into the Chat.
(13:37:53) thomaswfaulkner: Behind each of the user names, on both sides, are people who willingly provide their essence, effort, and time to make this Temple a place for all. Let’s choose to make the conscious effort to recognize the person behind the inquiry and use this time to love one another and provide service to our Temple and our members.
(13:38:15) thomaswfaulkner: Before I open the floor to members to pose their general questions and inquiries to clergy, let’s get a sense of everyone who is here. Please let us know if you are here by typing your name below.
(13:38:20) thomaswfaulkner: Thomaswfaulkner, here
(13:38:26) (Euphy): Euphy, here.
(13:38:30) (Nakis): Nakis, here.
(13:38:31) Rosalyn_J: Rosalyn J, here
(13:38:34) (579410): Rex, here
(13:38:43) (Erinis): Erinis, here
(13:38:54) (Twig): Helen, Twigga
(13:39:33) (Locksley): Locksley, here
(13:41:14) Temple remote: (980453) logs into the Chat.
(13:41:28) thomaswfaulkner: For the first portion of this meeting, I'd like to open to floor for members to reach out to ask questions and provide input that could be considered. If anyone would like to start, I'd be happy to start a queue so everyone has the oppurtunity.
(13:41:56) Rosalyn_J:
(13:43:16) thomaswfaulkner: Oh, and I believe we have Br. John, Ros, Locksley, Nakis, and myself as present clergy.
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(13:44:36) Temple remote: (410523) logs into the Chat.
(13:44:38) Temple remote: (579410) has been logged out (Timeout).
(13:46:35) thomaswfaulkner: The first question I received: "how does the clergy work with relationship to council - this is a church - are they independent and equal, or subject to, or ... What?"
(13:46:54) Rosalyn_J: well that is a good question
(13:47:03) Rosalyn_J: let me see if I can answer that
(13:47:23) Rosalyn_J: On current Council there are...counts on fingers
(13:48:07) Rosalyn_J: 7 active members
(13:48:30) Rosalyn_J: Br John, Neaj, Myself, Carlos, and JL are all members of the Clergy
(13:48:45) Rosalyn_J: only Adhara and Ren are not
(13:49:20) Rosalyn_J: So there are members of the Council who serve as part of the clergy
(13:49:21) Temple remote: (610530) logs into the Chat.
(13:49:32) thomaswfaulkner: Follow up response to the first inquiry: "lots of new comers find they explore the temple and IP, and find that the Jediism offered through TotJO isn't for them. How does the clergy help bridge that gap for their spiritual growth in an environment where the sharing of links to sites, even ones that seem quite positive, is so strictly discouraged?"
(13:49:48) Temple remote: (191715) logs into the Chat.
(13:50:04) Rosalyn_J: if I can finish the second portion
(13:50:16) Temple remote: (610530) is now known as (Arisaig).
(13:50:22) thomaswfaulkner: Please and thank you, Ros
(13:50:50) Temple remote: (319768) logs into the Chat.
(13:50:50) Rosalyn_J: As it concerns how the Clergy operates, The Clergy has a governing board: the Synod and it brings things to Council's table to implement
(13:51:13) Temple remote: (319768) logs out of the Chat.
(13:51:13) Temple remote: (728941) logs into the Chat.
(13:51:19) Rosalyn_J: the Synod is subject to Council
(13:51:51) Rosalyn_J: but members of the Clergy also serve in Council
(13:52:02) Rosalyn_J: its a bit complicated
(13:52:07) Rosalyn_J:
(13:52:30) Rosalyn_J: For your second question
(13:52:48) Rosalyn_J: I will say that I personally don't agree with the advertizing rules
(13:52:51) Rosalyn_J:
(13:53:01) Rosalyn_J: but that is me personally
(13:53:36) Rosalyn_J: but I think they were put in place because we cannot...um....know the content of whatever link is posted
(13:53:54) Rosalyn_J: "monitor" is not a good word but thats the only one I can think of
(13:54:13) Rosalyn_J: I think the rules need to be rewritten to allow for a more open temple
(13:54:35) (Twig): Might some relationships be built ecumenically?
(13:54:45) Rosalyn_J: sure why not
(13:54:51) Rosalyn_J: I think that would be great
(13:54:55) (Erinis): so seperate member of the council are just Adhara and Ren Ros? others are member of the clergy and Council right?
(13:55:00) (Twig): With, say, some well known jediists to us?
(13:55:15) Rosalyn_J: certainly
(13:55:23) (Twig): (Sorry Erinis)
(13:55:34) Rosalyn_J: you'd have to bring that to Council's attention, but I don't see why not
(13:55:36) (Erinis): never mind
(13:55:45) Rosalyn_J: and yes Erinis
(13:55:56) Rosalyn_J: only Ren and Adhara are not members of the Clergy
(13:56:34) thomaswfaulkner: Another question came in, if we are ready...
(13:56:47) Rosalyn_J: I dont want to dominate
(13:57:23) thomaswfaulkner: Before we transition to the next question, a clarification was asked for you Ros.
(13:57:38) thomaswfaulkner: How many Council seats are hardcoded for clergy members? As in, the only way to be on the seat is through a clergy position, al la Pastor
(13:57:40) Temple remote: Zenchi logs into the Chat.
(13:58:33) Rosalyn_J: the only one that I know for certain is hardcoded for Clergy is my seat as Pastor
(13:59:03) thomaswfaulkner: Thank you for your answer.
(13:59:09) thomaswfaulkner: Next question:
(13:59:25) thomaswfaulkner: many people come to temple looking to join the clergy, but have the IP to complete first. Is that necessary? Can the seminary studies be taken simultaneously with the IP?
(13:59:41) Rosalyn_J: unfortunately no
(13:59:54) Rosalyn_J: at a very minimum the IP must be completed
(14:00:57) (Twig): Is there a reason for that? Just so it can be explained to new comers?
(14:01:31) (191715): We are a church - if your gunna serve we would like it if you were a member - join in - how you serve people your not a part of ?
(14:01:32) (191715): Just my opinion
(14:01:45) thomaswfaulkner: For me, this helps ensure that we develop members who are dedicated to provide that spiritual welfare to our members. It helps to establish that baseline of understanding and at least some level of commitment to the Temple and members to ensure longevity and continuity of care.
(14:01:49) Rosalyn_J: Well, the IP shows us a good bit about Jediism and about the Temple in general
(14:02:08) thomaswfaulkner: 191715, I've taken your question down.
(14:02:14) Rosalyn_J: and why people may come here in the first place
(14:02:25) (Nakis): [If your name is still a number, please "/nick <name>" to help us know who we are talking to please. ]
(14:02:39) Temple remote: (Arisaig) has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:02:48) Temple remote: (410523) is now known as (Rex).
(14:02:57) Rosalyn_J: I think we'd end up with McOrdinations if we were to remove that requirement
(14:03:24) Rosalyn_J: and the IP also requires 60 days of "activity"
(14:03:36) (Locksley): I think that, in many ways, the clergy have a more serious role -- in that they directly interface in certain ways with the larger population and have certain responsibilities that need to be taken seriously when interacting. That requires a lot of training and dedication and by completing at least the IP there's some measure that the person is displaying that dedication. My 2 cents
(14:03:47) Temple remote: (191715) has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:04:30) Rosalyn_J: its so true Locksley
(14:04:59) (Nakis): Ros, I also think I recall something awhile back also being mentioned that there were some issues with title chasers who didn't fulfill the duties expected of them as well, would that play a part into this as well?
(14:05:26) Rosalyn_J: certainly
(14:05:47) Rosalyn_J: it isnt often that this happens
(14:06:03) Rosalyn_J: it does "feel" to be so
(14:06:22) Rosalyn_J: and part of it is that we cannot be sure what people do in their personal ministry
(14:06:36) Rosalyn_J: if they minister offline, thats well and good
(14:07:01) Rosalyn_J: but if its just a peice of eye candy or something to pass the time
(14:07:07) Rosalyn_J: as it has been in the past
(14:07:16) Rosalyn_J: then we do the office a disservice
(14:07:32) thomaswfaulkner: I know that title chasing could be a barrier (not that it happens often, though), but I focus more on the individual, focusing on developing that person who is in it to serve the members who may be in need.
(14:08:21) Rosalyn_J: right and we want as many as will come
(14:08:37) Rosalyn_J: but there is a small bit of hoop jumping
(14:08:47) thomaswfaulkner: The next question ties directly into this topic so I'll add it here as well to be discussed...
(14:08:54) (Twig): Is there a way to support
(14:08:55) (Locksley): Titles can serve as a point of recognition -- nothing wrong with that, as long as they aren't the focus -- and as long as (as thomas says above) the concentration is on building excellent individuals. The skills and demeanor will speak for themselves more than any rank
(14:08:57) (Twig): Sorry
(14:09:28) thomaswfaulkner: "I've heard both the IP and seminary are being changed, any comments on that?"
(14:09:43) Rosalyn_J: Seminary has been changed
(14:09:55) Rosalyn_J: it is awaiting a council vote for implementation
(14:10:04) Rosalyn_J: As for the IP, I cannot speak to that
(14:11:33) Zenchi: Hope the IP is continuing to evolve, it has its "kinks"
(14:11:46) thomaswfaulkner: I think the positive changes for seminary are rooting in helping the Licensed Clergy person, to be more proactive in their ability to serve...it's fashioned to be more practical with most of it focused on building the basics of spiritual care.
(14:12:04) Rosalyn_J: yes
(14:12:13) Rosalyn_J: I can't wait for everyone to see it
(14:12:22) Rosalyn_J: its been so long in coming
(14:12:47) (Erinis): How big value ´ve got clergy vote in the council against seperate councilor? When is voting for something?
(14:13:59) Rosalyn_J: All Councillors have one vote irrespective of office
(14:14:26) thomaswfaulkner: Alrighty, next question:
how closely as a team do the clergy work? How is teamwork built and encouraged?
(14:14:53) Temple remote: (194661) logs into the Chat.
(14:15:00) Rosalyn_J: I think we can always improve
(14:15:29) Rosalyn_J: The memorial for Senan certainly was a team job
(14:16:16) thomaswfaulkner: We are available across several platforms...we do have these meetings at hopeful minimum of monthly, and we use Skype and Discord to keep each other in the know about current events.
(14:16:34) Nakis: We also have a social chat, and when we encounter personal ministry issues we also have a forum space for longer discussions
(14:16:44) Rosalyn_J: there are three teams if you want to say such: Synod, Outreach and Seminary engagingment
(14:17:04) Rosalyn_J: the new seminary was a team effort
(14:17:20) Rosalyn_J: so there are ways to work as a team
(14:17:38) Rosalyn_J: I think, personally that there may be a disconnect
(14:18:15) Rosalyn_J: between people with a desire to serve and places where they are needed
(14:18:19) thomaswfaulkner: The creation of the Temple wide Job Board, for me I hope, is also something that can bring that teamwork across the various roles on the site.
(14:18:32) Rosalyn_J: yes certainly
(14:18:53) (Twig): Can you explain what the job board is?
(14:19:05) (Erinis): About what is usually dealing in the council? specifically
(14:19:31) Rosalyn_J: ok I'll answer twigga and then erinis
(14:19:34) Nakis: Nakis is now driving. Limited response
(14:20:03) Rosalyn_J: or maybe Thomas, you want to answer Twigga?
(14:20:16) thomaswfaulkner: Yes, I can.
(14:21:42) Temple remote: (699542) logs into the Chat.
(14:21:52) thomaswfaulkner: So essentially, my hope for the job board, when it was discussed in the Clergy meeting last month, was a tool we could use to have people's job/project related needs posted on an open platform to encourage teamwork in both clergyperson to clergyperson, and clergyperson and member needs.
(14:21:53) Temple remote: (699542) is now known as (Arisaig).
(14:22:24) thomaswfaulkner: Let's assume a clergyperson has a project they are working on for their personal ministry...
(14:22:46) Temple remote: Nakis has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:23:13) thomaswfaulkner: That minister, instead of burning themselves out taking on all of the work, they can reach out and take on volunteers to help them carry the load.
(14:24:14) thomaswfaulkner: If it's with another ministry, we are doing a better job of working together within the agency, and if it's with a member, then we are doing exactly what we are supposed to do and interacting with the members of the community and "peopleing together."
(14:24:49) thomaswfaulkner: Teaching members about the interworkings of clerical projects and encouraging the growth of the Temple's ministry.
(14:24:56) thomaswfaulkner: I love the Job Board idea.
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(14:25:17) Rosalyn_J: that idea has also been adopted by the Knights
(14:25:32) Rosalyn_J: and openings will be posted...
(14:26:04) Rosalyn_J: https://www.templeofthejediorder.org/forum/22-projects-and-committees
(14:26:06) Rosalyn_J: there
(14:26:31) thomaswfaulkner: Before we stray too far off, we had a question about personal ministry that popped up some time ago
what does a clergy person's "personal ministry" mean? Does everyone in the clergy have to have one?
It's kinda on the same page
(14:28:00) (Euphy): May I add my own understanding of the question?
What is the Jedi conception of spiritual care? Do clergy-members have recommended routes to undertake personal ministry and offer spiritual care? Or are clergy-members more free than, say, traditional church institutions when it comes to such matters?
(14:28:26) (Euphy): (Apologies if the two questions are substantially different.)
(14:29:47) Rosalyn_J: oh...hmm
(14:29:55) Rosalyn_J: let me think with my brain
(14:30:47) Rosalyn_J: Here is where Council and Clergy will rub sticks
(14:30:53) Temple remote: (728941) logs out of the Chat.
(14:30:55) Temple remote: (539518) logs into the Chat.
(14:31:26) Rosalyn_J: much latitude is granted to members of the clergy to engage in personal ministry
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(14:31:47) Temple remote: (Erinis) has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:31:51) Rosalyn_J: I know that Senan did so during his stays at the hospital
(14:32:01) Rosalyn_J: and Nakis has a home grouo
(14:32:21) Rosalyn_J: or a local group called Rose City Jedi
(14:32:43) Rosalyn_J: or sorry Rose City Temple of the Jedi Order
(14:33:01) Temple remote: (539518) has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:33:28) Rosalyn_J: and part of seminary is about developing that personal ministry
(14:33:37) Rosalyn_J: in other words, finding your niche
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(14:33:58) Rosalyn_J: so that is where the Seminary Engagement team is important
(14:34:11) Rosalyn_J: we want people to be licensed and ready
(14:34:44) Rosalyn_J: Now where Council rubs sticks
(14:35:08) Rosalyn_J: is that sometimes we set up things that fulfill the same needs as a personal ministry
(14:35:38) Rosalyn_J: so I think Council could be a bit more careful there
(14:36:20) thomaswfaulkner: I can answer those two questions in regards to my own individual ministry...
So my personal ministry is developed as a form of providing for the Temple outside the realm of the regular tempo of what the Clergy as a whole is providing. My personal ministry is something that I've been developing since seminary, and essentially, is something that is targeted at a member/person based approach to caring for our members. Much of my personal ministry is behind the scenes and involves reaching out to members through the promotion of compassion and kindness, and through my volunteer mental health/self-care services provided outside of the Temple walls. This varies from my duties in the Seminary, assisting with lessons, and as the Secretary setting meetings and responding to correspondence. Basically, I just try to find that area with the most need and flock that way. A lot of times it's just boils down to being kind and trying not to be too awkward about it. Essentially, my scope of ministry is just being people with people.
(14:36:32) thomaswfaulkner: (exhale)
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(14:38:27) thomaswfaulkner: Follow up: "if members have personal niches already, before they join the temple, are they better to speak with clergy about these before?"
(14:39:05) Rosalyn_J: yes
(14:39:58) Temple remote: Zenchi has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:39:58) thomaswfaulkner: I'd open that I can create the space for anyone to feel comfortable reaching out to me. I think pre-established personal niches are great, but being able to craft, carve, sculpt, and continue learning from them allow that space to grow.
(14:40:16) Temple remote: (211745) has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:40:49) thomaswfaulkner: Next question: "Do the clergy have the right to change the doctrine? If so, what are the appropriate grounds for doing so? It seems that it has been done in the past."
(14:41:08) Temple remote: (209103) logs into the Chat.
(14:41:19) Rosalyn_J: boy idk
(14:41:28) Temple remote: (713670) logs into the Chat.
(14:41:29) Rosalyn_J: thats a big can of whoopass
(14:41:37) thomaswfaulkner: As a whole, no...this would be a change that would take place within counsel, I believe.
(14:41:37) Rosalyn_J: I imagine
(14:41:49) Rosalyn_J: that the process
(14:42:09) Rosalyn_J: would be something like draft, draft, draft, draft, Council
(14:42:11) (296634): It has to evolve over time right?
(14:42:24) Rosalyn_J: certainly
(14:42:45) thomaswfaulkner: I would like to hope so. Stagnation isn't conducive of growth.
(14:42:52) (Locksley): Now, this is interesting. My primary concentration isn't on outreach as much as it is on the consideration of the philosophy. I don't think unilateral changes are the prerogative of the clergy but part of what the clergy does is dive into the ideas and work on them specifically -- and, especially, work on providing the sort of clerical training that allows for serious consideration of these.
(14:42:59) (Locksley): Evolution: definitely.
(14:43:11) (296634): thank you Thomas
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(14:44:01) Temple remote: (296634) is now known as (Zenchi).
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(14:45:21) thomaswfaulkner: I believe I may have accidentally skipped over this last question...but I'll have us hop back onto it really quick.
(14:45:34) thomaswfaulkner: is there a way we can support IP students focussed on joining seminary through their IP studies, so they can get their way through clearly. - that the IP doesn't become a barrier to entry. ?
(14:46:14) Rosalyn_J: Well I know that we have the IP team
(14:46:24) Rosalyn_J: and that is really helpful
(14:46:33) Temple remote: (Arisaig) has been logged out (Timeout).
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(14:46:34) Rosalyn_J: I am a sponser *feels proud
(14:46:57) Rosalyn_J: I think a couple of other clergy are as well
(14:47:19) thomaswfaulkner: I'd sure like to hope we can find a way to support them...I'd love to have a clergy presence on that team to encourage people to explore their ways to serve the Temple...and make some healthy recruiting efforts (cough cough cough)
(14:47:37) Rosalyn_J: if the team could move people interested in clergy to those people to get that relationship solid, I think that'd be one way
(14:48:13) Rosalyn_J: I think its also important for clergy to be present during the study halls for the IP
(14:48:23) Rosalyn_J: Ive only miss one so far
(14:48:25) Rosalyn_J:
(14:48:33) thomaswfaulkner: And just as there is an IP team, the Seminary team also support students going through the Seminary and provides support after each lesson or so.
(14:48:43) Rosalyn_J: Yes
(14:48:57) Rosalyn_J: so if you really want to do it, you can and we can help you
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(14:49:43) thomaswfaulkner: Anyone interested in joining is always welcome to chat with me or any other member of Clergy about their experiences...we only bite when you take our food.
(14:50:10) thomaswfaulkner: Follow up: where are IP and Seminary study halls held?
(14:50:31) Rosalyn_J: IP study hall is held
(14:50:40) Temple remote: (Nakis) has been logged out (Timeout).
(14:50:44) Rosalyn_J: in the praxium discord
(14:50:51) Rosalyn_J: let me find the link
(14:51:10) (Zenchi): we have an official server on discord now?
(14:51:35) (Rex): https://discord.gg/brBYYBt
(14:51:53) thomaswfaulkner: Seminary is more one-to-one, but I always encourage active seminarians to reach out to each other...active seminary lists are usually updated quarterly or when a new seminarian joins ranks.
(14:52:06) Temple remote: (926298) logs into the Chat.
(14:52:25) Rosalyn_J: https://www.templeofthejediorder.org/forum/ip-study-hall/121908-live-ip-study-hall-sat-dec-1st-8pm-cet#329875
(14:52:30) Rosalyn_J: there we go
(14:52:47) (Zenchi): if not we need one...
(14:53:03) Rosalyn_J: that is coming
(14:53:05) (Euphy): I don't think it's official, but it's nonetheless major.
(14:53:23) (Euphy): An official Discord server would be helpful, in my opinion.
(14:53:33) Rosalyn_J: I think so too
(14:53:40) (Zenchi): agreed
(14:53:44) Rosalyn_J: probably to bring in the new year
(14:54:03) Rosalyn_J: we were actually looking into other options to replace this 1990s chat
(14:54:06) Rosalyn_J:
(14:54:14) thomaswfaulkner: That would be nice.
(14:54:15) Rosalyn_J: rocket chat was one
(14:54:22) Rosalyn_J: discord is another
(14:54:43) Rosalyn_J: I think the principle issue is that discord is held on another server
(14:54:50) Rosalyn_J: and not encrypted
(14:54:59) Rosalyn_J: I think
(14:55:06) Rosalyn_J: they say words and I nod
(14:55:13) Rosalyn_J: I have no clue lol
(14:55:22) Rosalyn_J: we have a server
(14:55:38) Rosalyn_J: i mean we have a channel
(14:56:00) (Rex): Does encrypting a third party server not holding pii need special security?
(14:56:04) (Euphy): Yeah, agreed. In Discord, there's also the feature of pinging where notifications (push notifications for mobile) are made to all members. That would alert more people of certain special events such as this, provided that most ToTJO members used the Discord.
Discord is encrypted.
(14:57:31) Rosalyn_J: Anyway, we should have something no later than the 1st
(14:57:44) (Zenchi): Awesome
(14:57:50) (Euphy): Sweet
(14:58:11) (Twig): Fantastic!
(14:58:22) Rosalyn_J: with the server move we'll have to chat with the Sys admin and figure out what this baby can do
(14:59:24) thomaswfaulkner: I'm excited about the changes...I have one final question in queue if we'd like to hear it:
how much care do the clergy take of each other? Who listens to the listeners?
(14:59:53) Rosalyn_J: Ah!!
(14:59:59) Rosalyn_J: I love this question
(15:00:06) Rosalyn_J: yes thank you
(15:00:30) Rosalyn_J: ok if you were here during our grieving period for Senan you likely got a message from me or Nakis
(15:00:39) Rosalyn_J: I want to expand that, ideally
(15:01:13) Rosalyn_J: get a list of individuals who have visited the site within the last week and get the reach out happening
(15:01:41) Rosalyn_J: this will facilitate the kind of community connection that will make our temple feel like more than just a website I hope
(15:01:53) Rosalyn_J: on this list will undoubtedly be clergy
(15:02:03) Rosalyn_J: and they will have another clergy partner
(15:02:26) Rosalyn_J: we also have a space, the clergy social hall
(15:03:06) Rosalyn_J: where people can come and get support
(15:04:12) thomaswfaulkner: And as for my input on the topic, we've got each other for the most part, but I always ALWAYS encourage everyone to practice a healthy self-care plan. Everyone, even those who wear capes and masks, who go around saving people need to have a good look at their own ability to care for their own needs. Even taking some time to look back over your day and learn from failures and expressing gratitude over our smaller victories help...but sometimes, it can be hard to see that light...please reach out to loved ones...I love my Temple and our members, and I will do my very best to show you that love if you ever need it.
(15:04:51) Rosalyn_J: also
(15:05:09) Rosalyn_J: professional counseling for your life so you can live
(15:05:20) Rosalyn_J: I recommend that highly
(15:06:10) thomaswfaulkner: Yes for that! Would anyone else like to share any ideas or questions at this moment.
(15:06:28) thomaswfaulkner: I know I had some requests come in earlier.
(15:07:15) Temple remote: (Locksley) has been logged out (Timeout).
(15:08:35) (Twig): If we have ideas for what we'd like to see from clergy, who do we go to with those? Is that what the jobs board is for? Or is it just for internal ideas that have been okayed?
(15:09:35) Rosalyn_J: Best way to get that implemented is to speak to Thomas
(15:09:39) thomaswfaulkner: You can always come to me with idea. As the Secretary, I get the fun task of sorting through ideas and presenting them to the Synod and other members.
(15:10:14) (Twig): What happens if we think you turn into a corrupt bad human?
(15:10:44) thomaswfaulkner: I tend to like new shiny ideas, if that's the case, please go over my head and to any other member. Our OCPs can have sessions in confidence.
(15:11:10) (Twig): What's an ocp?
(15:11:20) Rosalyn_J: Ordained Clergy Person
(15:11:24) Rosalyn_J: also
(15:11:31) (Twig): And they are...
(15:11:39) Rosalyn_J: um
(15:11:51) Rosalyn_J: ordained...clergy...people?
(15:12:09) thomaswfaulkner: Knights who have been an Licensed Clergy person and active for 6 months and have completed their Clerical Handbook
(15:12:12) (Twig): You, Carlos, rax...
(15:12:18) thomaswfaulkner: Dark blue rank bar
(15:12:19) Rosalyn_J: oh thank you
(15:12:27) thomaswfaulkner: I have a list! Let me share that
(15:12:32) Rosalyn_J: um thomas knows that answer better than I
(15:12:34) (Rex): Oh are rank bars back?
(15:12:38) (Twig): Nice.
(15:12:41) Rosalyn_J: yessir
(15:13:05) (Euphy): Oh, really?
(15:13:12) thomaswfaulkner: https://www.templeofthejediorder.org/forum/Clergy/67590-who-to-go-to-for-help
(15:13:13) (Euphy): I was wondering where they disappeared to.
(15:13:20) (Euphy): I presume they're on the profiles of individuals?
(15:13:29) (Twig): Thank you!
(15:13:50) (Euphy): Ah, on the side of forum posts too.
(15:14:50) (Twig): I just like links in chats for the people who come to these things in the future!
(15:18:26) thomaswfaulkner: So we are nearing the two hour mark in our meeting, we are down to only having two clergy members left in chat...are there any more questions or ideas that you want to bring forward at this time...before we begin to close session?
(15:19:57) (Rex): Nope, cheers all
(15:20:26) thomaswfaulkner: Alrighty, thank you everyone for your input and the time you shared with us today.
(15:20:43) Rosalyn_J: yes thank you
(15:20:45) thomaswfaulkner: As this was our first open session in some time, I also thank you for your patience as we learn how to facilitate and accommodate these types of meetings. I don’t have direction on when the next public session will once again take place, but you inquiries can always be sent to me directly through PM or through the clergy@templeofthejediorder.org.
(15:20:57) Rosalyn_J: those of you who were here, did you like it?
(15:21:36) thomaswfaulkner: May you be happy, may you be free, and May the Force be with You.
(15:22:01) thomaswfaulkner: Yes, opinions on how this can be ran better in future sessions? Was this helpful?
(15:22:08) (Twig): Thanks Thomas
(15:22:15) (Twig): Thanks all.
May you be happy, may you be free, and may the Force be with you.
Right View ~ Right Intention ~ Right Speech ~ Right Action ~ Right Livelihood ~ Right Effort ~ Right Mindfulness ~ Right Concentration
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in some way to the happiness and freedom for all.
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Duties could be: learning the basics of active listening, helping to run clergy events like services (getting people to come), a basic service requirement, etc.
There is certainly a “have your cake and take a small bite out of it too” solution to this question.
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Considering I could not get logged in to join in the meeting (kept saying the site was under maintenance) I do have a question, if anyone of the Clergy would be willing to answer it?
In the Minutes it did talk about people with their own ministries and own groups but I did not see anything talking about extended faiths or alternates being part of the Clergy. For example, me: I am a Heathen/Norse Jedi and while I believe in the Force and the teachings of the Temple I also believe in the Norse Pantheon. Given this alternative belief, would I be able to still be part of the Clergy and participate with the rest of the Clergy and later be on the Council?
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- thomaswfaulkner
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Connor L. wrote: In terms of getting people involved in clergy work early on pre-finishing the IP, perhaps the development of a lay leadership program would be useful.
Duties could be: learning the basics of active listening, helping to run clergy events like services (getting people to come), a basic service requirement, etc
I like this idea...I really like it a lot. It would almost be like a link; not necessarily providing services like confidence or ceremonies that require licensure or ordination, but something like "First Responders" who link and provide outsourcing/administration....I'll bring this up to Synod at the next meeting. Thank you for this idea.
Silvermane wrote: Thank you for the Minutes, which seemed more like hours to read through. :laugh:
Considering I could not get logged in to join in the meeting (kept saying the site was under maintenance) I do have a question, if anyone of the Clergy would be willing to answer it?
In the Minutes it did talk about people with their own ministries and own groups but I did not see anything talking about extended faiths or alternates being part of the Clergy. For example, me: I am a Heathen/Norse Jedi and while I believe in the Force and the teachings of the Temple I also believe in the Norse Pantheon. Given this alternative belief, would I be able to still be part of the Clergy and participate with the rest of the Clergy and later be on the Council?
2.5 hours is more like it!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Of course (!), external faiths are not barriers towards your participation in Seminary, in fact, there are several lessons within our program that talk about the importance of recognizing the various aspects of myth and religion to help you craft your own personal ministry. Being a Temple of many faiths and with the Force and Doctrine as our binding glue, we draw upon the various lessons and experiences of being that highlight what it means to be. My perspective only allows me to see part of the whole elephant so it’s good to listen to and reflect upon the ideals shared by other’s, not to blindly accept, but to analyze and guide us down our own path.
Your flavor of Jedi is worth something and if you are interested in joining the Clergy, my inbox is always open! I’d love to chat about the entrance requirements and admissions process with anyone who is willing to serve.
Serving on council is a whole 'nother ball park outside the duties and scope of Clergy, though. Clergy is provided with direction firstly by the Synod who is managed by Council.
Right View ~ Right Intention ~ Right Speech ~ Right Action ~ Right Livelihood ~ Right Effort ~ Right Mindfulness ~ Right Concentration
Knight of the Order
Ordained Clergy Person
Teaching Master: Senan
IP Journal l AP Journal l Seminary Journal l Personal Ministry Statement
in some way to the happiness and freedom for all.
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thomaswfaulkner wrote: 2.5 hours is more like it!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Of course (!), external faiths are not barriers towards your participation in Seminary, in fact, there are several lessons within our program that talk about the importance of recognizing the various aspects of myth and religion to help you craft your own personal ministry. Being a Temple of many faiths and with the Force and Doctrine as our binding glue, we draw upon the various lessons and experiences of being that highlight what it means to be. My perspective only allows me to see part of the whole elephant so it’s good to listen to and reflect upon the ideals shared by other’s, not to blindly accept, but to analyze and guide us down our own path.
Your flavor of Jedi is worth something and if you are interested in joining the Clergy, my inbox is always open! I’d love to chat about the entrance requirements and admissions process with anyone who is willing to serve.
Serving on council is a whole 'nother ball park outside the duties and scope of Clergy, though. Clergy is provided with direction firstly by the Synod who is managed by Council.
I knew getting on the Council would be something different but I wanted to make sure that my slight differences of opinion based on my, as you called it, "flavor of Jedi" would not cause me to be overlooked by the powers that be or possibly denied without due cause for the previously mentioned reason?
I joined the Clergy right after I finished my IP, like 3 years or so ago, but I never got far with it because I was focused on my Apprenticeship. Though once I am through with that I would like to regain admittance and follow through with what I started.
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- Neaj Pa Bol
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Silvermane wrote: Thank you for the Minutes, which seemed more like hours to read through. :laugh:
Considering I could not get logged in to join in the meeting (kept saying the site was under maintenance) I do have a question, if anyone of the Clergy would be willing to answer it?
In the Minutes it did talk about people with their own ministries and own groups but I did not see anything talking about extended faiths or alternates being part of the Clergy. For example, me: I am a Heathen/Norse Jedi and while I believe in the Force and the teachings of the Temple I also believe in the Norse Pantheon. Given this alternative belief, would I be able to still be part of the Clergy and participate with the rest of the Clergy and later be on the Council?
Norse Pantheon falls under the Pagan SIG. You can contact THE Current SIG Advisor regarding this...
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn. Benjamin Franklin
Let the improvement of yourself keep you so busy that you have no time to criticize others. Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
Participated in the making of the book, “The Jedi Compass”with 2 articles.
For today I serve so that tomorrow I may serve again. One step, One Vow, One Moment... Too always remember it is not about me... Master Neaj Pa Bol
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see...
Faith is a journey, not a guilt trip...
Quiet your emotions to find inner peace. Learn from ignorance to foster knowledge.
Enjoy your passions but be immersed in serenity. Understand the chaos to see the harmony.
Life and death is to be one with the Force.
Apprentice's: Master Zanthan Storm, Jaxxy (Master Rachat et Espoir (Bridgette Barker))
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Silvermane wrote: I wanted to make sure that my slight differences of opinion based on my, as you called it, "flavor of Jedi" would not cause me to be overlooked by the powers that be
Careful with this because what thomas says is not exactly true. Their limits only go so far. If you want in you still have to play their game. Meaning their claim of syncretisism is actually limited to their specific definition of jedi.
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Kyrin Wyldstar wrote:
Silvermane wrote: I wanted to make sure that my slight differences of opinion based on my, as you called it, "flavor of Jedi" would not cause me to be overlooked by the powers that be
Careful with this because what thomas says is not exactly true. Their limits only go so far. If you want in you still have to play their game. Meaning their claim of syncretisism is actually limited to their specific definition of jedi.
There is no game, there is doctrine.
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