Jedi Code Chakra Cleanse Cycle

16 Jul 2017 04:05 #291060 by steamboat28
This meditation is designed as a cleansing and centering exercise to be repeated as often as one feels the need. It is also a tool by which we can memorize the locations of the chakras as well as the lines of the Code. Note that the lines of the Code do not directly correspond with the natures of the chakras. For the purposes of this exercise, I have appended the mantra of Chirrut Îmwe to the end of the Code, as they round out the tour of the internal body and the thought process of the Code.

Stand or sit in a comfortable position. Breathe deeply and mindfully throughout this meditation. Imagine your body is a conduit for the universal Force, and that it wells up underneath your feet and over your head. Our goal will be to connect to these springs, use them to connect to the Force, and to cycle the energy of the universe through us, mentally cleaning our cobwebs and refreshing ourselves.

As you open yourself to the Force, concentrate on your root chakra, at the base of your spine. Think or say aloud the first line of the Code:
There is no Emotion, there is Peace.
Concentrate on the emotions in your life that bring you turmoil and uncertainty, and release them to the Force. Feel the Force flowing from the Earth through your feet and into this chakra, cleansing and renewing it.

As the energy of the Force moves to your second chakra, just below your navel, think or say aloud the second line of the Code:
There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge.
Concentrate on the things you’ve learned lately, enlightening you to new pathways of thought. Feel the Force bringing wisdom to you about the things you are still struggling with in this area, and let it flow to the next stop.

Let the energy of the Force move into your third chakra, the solar plexus. Feel it swirl around your chest and think or say aloud the next line of the Code:
There is no Passion, there is Serenity.
Concentrate on the things that anger you at the moment. Feel the peace of the Force dulling that anger, finding it a healthy outlet, and moving it away from your chest.

Allow the Force to pass to the Heart chakra. Think or say aloud the next line of the Code:
There is no Chaos, there is Harmony.
Think about all the uncertainty that unsettles your heart, and know that you are in unison with the whole of the universe at this moment. Let the Force be your foundation, the steady rock upon which you can catch your breath.

Let the energy of the Force pass on to the fifth chakra, in your throat. Think or say aloud the final line of the Code:
There is no Death, only the Force.
This is the chakra of communication, and this line of the code deals with the ultimate silencer. Think of all the things you’d like to say to others while you are still here, the lessons you would like to pass to others while on this side of the Force, and resolve to make those things known.

Let the energy of the Force flow to the sixth chakra, the third-eye, in the middle of your forehead. Think or say aloud the first line of Chirrut’s mantra:
I am One with the Force.
Feel the Force within you and without, the certainty that you are in unison with the Universe at large. The oneness of yourself with every other living thing, the inescapable nature of togetherness, the unity that provides us with individuality.

Let the Force proceed to the Crown chakra at the top of the head. Release the energy of the Force from yourself at this time, thinking or saying aloud the last line of Chirrut’s mantra:
The Force is with me.
We let go of the energy here, knowing that we’re never truly separate from the Force, even when we aren’t actively calling upon it.

Breathe in one final deep breath, and upon your exhale, allow yourself to release the negativity you have released from your spiritual centers, to be recycled by the Force.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Eleven, Breeze el Tierno, TheDude

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18 Jul 2017 00:50 #291298 by
Replied by on topic Jedi Code Chakra Cleanse Cycle
I just saw this. I like it. Thank you for sharing!

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18 Jul 2017 03:45 #291320 by Eleven
That is really cool thank you.
The following user(s) said Thank You: steamboat28

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