Zero, promotion to the Rank of Master Knight, 2023

30 Nov 2023 16:35 - 30 Nov 2023 17:03 #374956 by Alexandre Orion
Good evening everyone,

Three years ago today it was my happy privilege to announce the forthcoming Knighting ceremony of our faithful Zero.
Today it becomes my happier privilege to let you all know that our just as faithful Senior Knight Zero has been recognised by the TotJO Council as Master Jedi Knight.

Please join us in recognising his commitment.
May the Force be with us always...

Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson
Last edit: 30 Nov 2023 17:03 by Zero.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Adder, RosalynJ, Loudzoo, Zero, Verheilen, Rini, Tavi, Khwang, Radhun, Esiban and 1 other people also said thanks.

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30 Nov 2023 16:56 #374957 by Loudzoo
Many congratulations and very well deserved!

The Librarian
Knight of TOTJO: Initiate Journal , Apprentice Journal , Knight Journal , Loudzoo's Scrapbook
TM: Proteus
Knighted Apprentices: Tellahane , Skryym
Apprentices: Squint , REBender
Master's Thesis: The Jedi Book of Life
If peace cannot be maintained with honour, it is no longer peace . . .
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30 Nov 2023 17:13 #374958 by Atticus
Congratulations, Master Zero. I look forward to learning from your example.

Rev. Richard Laws, Sr. OCP
Assistant Pastor for the Seminary
Degree Journal | Degree Tracker
House of Orion
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30 Nov 2023 17:25 #374960 by Zanthan Storm
Welcome Master Zero. Congratulations and well earned. 

Zanthan Storm
AKA Rev. Michael Ziskovsky OCP D.Div.

Master Knight of Jediism
Founder of Roseville, MN Chapter of TOTJO

Current Apprentice: The Coyote
Past Master: GM Neaj Pa Bol
Past Apprentices: Sr. Knight Kira, Knight Myos, Doriann

"Let no one thing control your life, seek to be complete and at peace."
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30 Nov 2023 17:37 #374962 by Serenity Amyntas

Servizio cura rispetto *Gloria alla Casa dei Soli Gemelli*

Reverend Serenity

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30 Nov 2023 17:38 #374963 by Nairys
Master Zero!! You have my most heartfelt  congratulations, and if I may say, well deserved! Thank you for all your time and guidance throughout the entire Temple! 

May the Force we share continuously renew your commitment to the path and guide your light! 

Sean Kelly
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30 Nov 2023 18:49 #374964 by Verheilen
Congratulations! Well earned and certainly well deserved.

Knight, Knight's Secretary, Moderator, and Councilor

IP Journal
A Div. Journal
B Div. Journal
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30 Nov 2023 18:56 #374965 by Carlos.Martinez3
I am glad. I am gratful for everything you don't get thanked for. Thank you for your continued support to a place like this. 

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
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30 Nov 2023 19:39 #374967 by Cornilion Seadragon
Congratulations, Master Zero! Certainly well deserved!
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30 Nov 2023 22:57 #374969 by Tavi
Congratulations Master! You are so deserving of this promotion - most folks dont even know how much you do for the Temple or your students. Im so grateful to be able to train with you! Thank you for all the time and training youve shared with me. But even more then that, thank you for being such a genuine and solid friend. 

They just dont make em like Master Zero anymore!! (Insert dancing lady and a zillion hearts here!) 

Knight Tavi
Apprentice - WrenPhoenix
TM - Master Zero
Degree Tracker
Journals - IP - ADiv. Bdiv.
Membership Affairs & Event Coordinator
House of Orion
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Moderators: ZeroMorkanoRiniTaviKhwang