Welcome to this part of the Temple

13 Dec 2020 17:36 #356889 by Carlos.Martinez3
Some of our paths have these smaller tiny very important younglings along with us in our own real life path. Our children are some of our main focus's in life. Its a part of our path and a part that is rarely talked about. Please use this part of the Temple to post bed time stories, real ones. Please post songs you sing, real ones. Please post resources or real book you read to your kids. Real ones. Ones from your every day path. Post things that work for ya and things that dont. Come into this part with a open heart and a wiliness to learn and I can promise you, If you seek you will find.
We could all learn a thing or two about our kids.
Dare to share?

All site rules apply and please again understand that this part of some people path IS sacred and these type of things can create as much change as hurt so tread as Jedi.

Any questions about this sections, comments concerns please feel free to contact me directly here or on this page...

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
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