Live Sermon Jan 20th 23:00 UTC

19 Jan 2016 02:17 #222728 by RosalynJ

I'll be delivering a sermon as part of a live service on Wednesday Jan 20, at 23:00 UTC. Hope to see you there


Pax Per Ministerium

The following user(s) said Thank You: Alexandre Orion, Breeze el Tierno and 3 other people also said thanks.

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19 Jan 2016 13:18 #222796 by Proteus
Thank you, Ros. The banner has been updated. :)

“For it is easy to criticize and break down the spirit of others, but to know yourself takes a lifetime.”
― Bruce Lee

House of Orion
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TM: Alexandre Orion | Apprentice: Loudzoo (Knight)

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20 Jan 2016 07:11 #223031 by Squint
I wish I could make it, I am teaching my class at the same time. I hope it goes well, I am aiming to be able to attend one soon.

Journals: IP Apprentice
TM: Loudzoo

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20 Jan 2016 09:56 #223041 by
Replied by on topic Live Sermon Jan 20th 23:00 UTC
Damn wish I could have made it. Hope it goes well Rosalyn J ;)

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20 Jan 2016 11:53 #223053 by
Replied by on topic Live Sermon Jan 20th 23:00 UTC
*cheers and looks forward to it*

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20 Jan 2016 17:28 #223138 by
Replied by on topic Live Sermon Jan 20th 23:00 UTC

Snowy Aftermath wrote: *cheers and looks forward to it*

question: is this going to happen in chat? on a stream somewhere? I'm a total noob xD

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21 Jan 2016 04:12 - 21 Jan 2016 04:28 #223272 by RosalynJ
This is the transcript of a live service done the January 20, 2016.
Let's Begin:
(15:05:58) Rosalyn_J: We'll begin by reciting the Creed
(15:06:29) Rosalyn_J: Everyone, please repeat after me by typing the line after I do so
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Rosalyn_J: ***
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(15:29:35) Rosalyn_J: we'll start with question 1
(15:29:48) Rosalyn_J: WHAT IS TRADITION?
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Rosalyn_J: 2. Using what we have learned about tradition, what would you say are some common traditions?

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(16:05:15) Rosalyn_J: 3. What are some pitfalls of tradition?
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Rosalyn_J: 4. How often do you practice traditions with particular attention to the root of it?
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(16:39:56) Rosalyn_J: 5. When do we know it is time for a tradition to evolve?
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Pax Per Ministerium

Last edit: 21 Jan 2016 04:28 by RosalynJ.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Alexandre Orion,

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21 Jan 2016 08:57 - 21 Jan 2016 08:59 #223291 by
Replied by on topic Live Sermon Jan 20th 23:00 UTC
I would like go give my reaction about it. I was not confused, I enjoyed. Still confused. Asked questions, told to wait. What is perfectly fine with me! So I wanted to add some highlights out of this big chat history. Most of my own reactions are included. So people can find some ''Aqua stuff'' more easy. Because both Rosalyn and Alexandre want to give reaction at some point. Thought that if I help them, I make their live a little bit more easy too in doing so.

Thank you for your inside out Sermon!

~ Force be with you all

(15:19:22) Aqua: Not confused, (15:22:35) Aqua: if you can go clockwise, you can go counter clockwise :laugh:
(15:24:19) Aqua: I am a Jedi, an instrument of passion; ( ehm.. well.. a little bit confusion here.. )

(15:28:42) Lykeios: passion is passion
(15:28:48) Alexandre_Orion: we can talk about passion later
(15:29:48) Rosalyn_J: WHAT IS TRADITION?
(15:30:28) Aqua: Tradition, set of actions that symbolize metaphors.
(15:32:11) Rosalyn_J: Ok so what is the difference between TRADITION, RITUAL and ROUTINE?
(15:33:39) Aqua: tradition is set of actions to sybolize metaphors, ritual is not bound to rules except to honor something/someone, routine is only that it is done with rythm. Something a ritual does not have to, but a tradition must have
(15:30:58) Alexandre_Orion: ah ... there is a difference between tradition and ritual
(15:37:58) Alexandre_Orion: let's start with the easiest : a routine is simply a repetitive pattern that emerges in the course of part of someone's life
(15:39:20) Alexandre_Orion: a tradition is a a manner of doing 'something' carried out over successive generations in a particular culture that is perhaps meaning-bearing, though that meaning may have been lost,
(15:39:32) Alexandre_Orion: a tradition could have begun as a ritual
(15:40:16) Alexandre_Orion: a ritual, for it to be a true "ritual" -- the "meaning" (I'm using the term very loosely here) must be current
(15:42:26) Alexandre_Orion: after the "ritual" one returns to the mundane, everyday stuff, but with a sense of renewal
(15:42:39) Alexandre_Orion: the World has begun again, so to speak
(15:42:51) Alexandre_Orion: :P
(15:43:18) Rosalyn_J: "The beginning" of course being defined by the "group"?
<-- world has begun again? Aqua confusion started here I guess :S ? -->
(15:43:24) Aqua: MM.. but besides the current thingy, they are the same?
(15:43:36) Aqua: ritual and tradition?
(15:43:41) Rosalyn_J: for whom the ritual is important
(15:43:48) Alexandre_Orion: yes
(15:44:01) Alexandre_Orion: and no, Aqua ... but we can talk about that later
(15:46:00) Alexandre_Orion: but realise, this "beginning" is only symbolic
(15:46:20) Alexandre_Orion: ;)
(15:47:43) Rosalyn_J: :laugh:
Rosalyn_J: 2. Using what we have learned about tradition, what would you say are some common traditions?
(15:49:54) Aqua: eating?
<-- Here I began with some out of the box ideas.. you know.. confusing Alexandre a bit :woohoo: -->
(15:50:09) Alexandre_Orion: eating ??? :?
(15:50:33) Aqua: it is repeatable, and some find it special to their culture :P
(15:51:51) Aqua: Mm.. nice tradition.. story telling?
(15:53:33) Aqua: would almost say that everything that has human actions involved can become a tradition :blink:
<-- I suggested a little bit later that every human action can become tradition, that was where my out of the box ended -->
(16:03:19) Rosalyn_J: but as we saw at the beginning of the sermon, for each person there is a specific and individual definition of tradition
(16:04:00) Aqua: does that make it true? is assumption true?
(16:04:22) Aqua: :D just little wonders..
(16:05:15) Rosalyn_J: 3. What are some pitfalls of tradition?
(16:05:57) Aqua: pitfalls of tradition?, Difference in understanding the tradition. Assumption
<--became confused again, lol enjoy being confused sometimes.. never know what to expect :P -->
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Rosalyn_J: 4. How often do you practice traditions with particular attention to the root of it?
(16:21:34) Aqua: Would say that I think every day about what I do, but I do not bind the word tradition to it I guess
(16:30:37) Alexandre_Orion: it is probably why I don't get kissed much
(16:30:48) Alexandre_Orion: except for "les bises"
(16:30:56) Aqua: :laugh:
(16:35:14) Aqua: If ritual and tradition are the same, both can be within present
(16:35:39) Rosalyn_J: but they aren't aqua
(16:35:45) Aqua: oO
(16:45:30) Aqua: Thank you for being with us Maitre Alexandre, always fun having you around wen ducktape comes :laugh:
(16:42:39) Aqua: evolution serves purpose.. tradition evolves trough benefits it give to culture?
(16:44:05) Alexandre_Orion: it is a quarter 'til 2
(16:44:59) Alexandre_Orion: (whispers) it really is a great sermon, Ros ( :cheer: )
(16:45:13) Alexandre_Orion: (whispers) be sure to get it into the Sermons ( :) )
Last edit: 21 Jan 2016 08:59 by .

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23 Jan 2016 09:16 - 23 Jan 2016 09:17 #223658 by Adder
I'll take a quick stab;
TRADITION; pre-established practices, which are associated in some way to some event's occurrence
RITUAL; a routine designed to associate ones experience of self, to some tradition or routine, in some manner (!?)
ROUTINE; pre-established order of activities within some function of activity

Introverted extropian, mechatronic neurothealogizing, technogaian buddhist.
Likes integration, visualization, elucidation and transformation.
Jou ~ Deg ~ Vlo ~ Sem ~ Mod ~ Med ~ Dis
TM: Grand Master Mark Anjuu
Last edit: 23 Jan 2016 09:17 by Adder.

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