If you're wondering where Alexandre is

20 Feb 2013 15:48 #95104 by Proteus
At the beginning of the month, Alexandre Orion left on sabbatical to a Buddhist retreat. He will return the beginning of next month. It's been a much needed vacation for him and I'm really happy he's gotten the opportunity to take it.

He's written me and asks me to tell you guys he will be back soon and he misses you all. From what I've read, it sounds like he really is having a wonderful time, and it is giving him a peace that he has been long needing. The Force is certainly strong with him!

So, feel free to leave your thoughts, questions, and regards below and/or general discussion about any of it. :)

“For it is easy to criticize and break down the spirit of others, but to know yourself takes a lifetime.”
― Bruce Lee

House of Orion
Offices: Education Administration
TM: Alexandre Orion | Apprentice: Loudzoo (Knight)

The Book of Proteus
IP Journal | Apprentice Volume | Knighthood Journal | Personal Log
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jestor, Alexandre Orion

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20 Feb 2013 16:01 #95106 by
Glad he got his vacation, he certainly seemed stressed, the TOTJO needs members like Alexandre.....

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20 Feb 2013 16:01 #95107 by Alexandre Orion
Thank you, E ...

... and everything he has told you is correct.

There is a library very near here, and some of us came up here briefly this afternoon.

So, this is the opportunity to tell you myself that I haven't been devoured by the TimeOut monster (or any other monster) and shall be back in a few weeks --

-- yes, that means that I may elect to extend my stay, not precisely in the monastery, but in the region.

And yes, the rest was urgently needed.

May the Force be with you all ...

your reverent,

Be a philosopher ; but, amidst all your philosophy, be still a man.
~ David Hume

Chaque homme a des devoirs envers l'homme en tant qu'homme.
~ Henri Bergson
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jestor, Proteus, , MCSH

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20 Feb 2013 16:15 #95109 by Jestor
Missing you, and thinking of you often....;)

Enjoy the sabbatical...

MAke the most of it!!

On walk-about...

Sith ain't Evil...
Jedi ain't Saints....

"Bake or bake not. There is no fry" - Sean Ching

Rite: PureLand
Former Memeber of the TOTJO Council
Master: Jasper_Ward
Current Apprentices: Viskhard, DanWerts, Llama Su, Trisskar
Former Apprentices: Knight Learn_To_Know, Knight Edan, Knight Brenna, Knight Madhatter
The following user(s) said Thank You: Alexandre Orion

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20 Feb 2013 17:37 #95124 by
I hope you are getting the rest that you need my friend. I am glad that your trip has gone well and may you find what you are looking for on what remains off your journey.


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20 Feb 2013 23:24 #95173 by
I hadn't expected to see you at all throughout this month so having the time to come on here is great! :)

I hope all is, and goes, well!

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21 Feb 2013 00:42 #95182 by Ben
Miss you...

I look forward to your return...

And I hope that you continue to enjoy what is left of your time away :)

B.Div | OCP
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21 Feb 2013 09:34 #95211 by
Mi manchi zio!

Talk soon! :)

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18 Mar 2013 15:50 #98403 by Proteus
Excellent news! Alexandre-Orion says he is returning...Tomorrow! :cheer:

*is super excited!*

“For it is easy to criticize and break down the spirit of others, but to know yourself takes a lifetime.”
― Bruce Lee

House of Orion
Offices: Education Administration
TM: Alexandre Orion | Apprentice: Loudzoo (Knight)

The Book of Proteus
IP Journal | Apprentice Volume | Knighthood Journal | Personal Log
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jestor, Wescli Wardest, Alexandre Orion

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18 Mar 2013 16:15 #98404 by Wescli Wardest
Woo Hoo!!! :woohoo:

Monastic Order of Knights
The following user(s) said Thank You: Alexandre Orion

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