Global Amnesia

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22 Nov 2012 08:06 #81147 by
Global Amnesia was created by
The Category says story so I'll start this new topic with a story.

A time traveler chose to witness the first creature that rose to surface of the ocean. This human time traveler waited near the sea for the first creature. After a few days a simple little fish popped its head out of the water and started to look around. Not having any fear of man, it didn't run from the time traveler as he approached.
The Time traveler walked up to the fish and asked, "I'd like to knew your history. How you came to be?". The fish then replied "What exactly do you want to know?". "I'd like to know what events led up to your existence just sum up if you can?" replied the time traveler.
The fish started to tell its story "First the big bang happened. Then stars expanded out wards along with space dust. The dust started to gather in to one point to create planets. Our planet was one of them. On our planet heat and gasses along with light and other chemicals created water. In that water bacteria and other single celled organisms began to grow. Soon they grew bigger and more complex. My ancestor fish evolved from those organisms. Finally my species evolved into what it is now."
"That's all?" asked the time traveler? "Yeah that's how my kind came into existence" said the fish. The Time traveler new better than this. The fish made it seem like the universe's end all goal was to create fish. From the time he came from (November 23,2012) it was common knowledge that after fish came lizards, birds, and mammals. The time traveler tried to explain this and continued by telling the fish that in his time mammal gave way to the ape and from that ape "Finally" humans evolved....

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22 Nov 2012 13:12 #81156 by
Replied by on topic Re: Global Amnesia
Why is that story important. Well like the fish the human time traveler felt that the universe's end all goal was to create man.

Was the universe made for man?
(I'll leave that for you to answer)

We're told every day that the world belongs to us. That we are the center of the universe. Every day your told that this is your city ,your state, your country, your continent , your planet, your solar system , your galaxy. No one ever questions this...why should we. Its look a what if scenario.

What if you were corrected every time you said "this is my land"? What if saying that this planet is your was just as bad as cursing in front of a nun? How would the world change. Would we have more respect for our animal community?

Now what if the opposite was true. What if every day you were told that this world was your? Wouldn't you treat it as such?

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