Prequel Haters Gon Hate - But why? (BE nice...)

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02 Nov 2012 13:52 #79122 by
I realize that others have commented on this, but I needed to put my two cents in


Original Trilogy Flaws (Dun Dun Duuun)

- TONS and tons of movie loopholes - I've already mentioned one of the loopholes I found in another forum post. Things like Obi-Wan's vanishing coat in his house, the shrubs that magically disappear behind Luke, the stormtrooper hitting his head, as well as story/plot derps.

- Han Shot First Controversy

- Ewoks in Episode VI --- Personally, very annoying to me.

- Han Solo & Leia are always getting mad at each other --- somewhat irritating

- A lot more talking and less action in general

- Stormtroopers (compared to Clone Troopers) are complete dim-wits that can't even shoot a farm boy who is standing a few meters away.

- Yoda is a cackling idiot for the first few minutes you meet him

- C3P0 is constantly whining --- didn't you find this almost as irritating as Jar Jar?

- They never explain how Luke suddenly goes from a naive Jedi student (who gets his arm chopped off by Vader) to a fully armed Jedi Knight that can easily beat Vader without trying very hard.

- The final duel between Luke and Vader seemed fake --- Vader kind of kneels down while Luke gives into hate and starts slamming his lightsaber like a baseball bat.

-If you look back at the origainl Theatreal release of the film, there was only an explosion when greedo dies. the shots were added later to clearify(poorly done)

-How can you be annoyed with cute teddy bears? lol

-Leia and Han aruged a lot, yes, but that is what made the relationship. Two people from oppisite lifes coming together in love. (I think that's a beautiful thing.)

-If it was just action action, you would have no idea what was going on.

-........yeah, you're right. Stormtroopers are "weak-minded"

-Yoda is acting to through off Luke. He was testing Luke to see what type of person he is, by seeing if he was one that was easily angered.

-C-3PO only knew of life on a crusier, therfore, being a spoiled droid.

-Luke didn't become a Jedi Knight in the begining of ROTJ. He said that to intimadate Jubba. If you listen when he talks to Yoda later, he thinks he becomes one then, and is told otherwise.

-Anger is a very poweriful thing. The Emperor sensed that Luke was stronger than Vader, and when Luke unleashed his anger, his strength showed.

Were there plot holes? yes, but you can find hole in any movie. If you look for the bad, you will find it. The point is not to critizise stories, but take sometime from them. Find a way to better yourself from them. I hope that this has help in some way for you to understand the movie.

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