In SW, wich color would be your lightsaber?

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12 Feb 2012 10:12 #50156 by
Not seriously, but for fun...more as personnality quiz who could define your lighsaber color SW style. :lol:

A video on Youtube:

Probably silver or green for me.

Quiz #1:

My results:
Green Lightsaber 100%
Purple Lightsaber 83%
Black Lightsaber 67%
Yellow/Orange Lightsaber 67%
Blue Lightsaber 33%
Red Lightsaber 33%

Quiz #2:

Green (jedi consular),Yellow(Jedi Sentinal), Purple(Jedi Commander), Blue(Jedi Guardian), Orange(Gray Jedi), Red(Dark Jedi)

my result:
#1.Your Result: Green Lightsaber (Jedi Consular)
Jedi Consulars focused on Force powers while receiving only basic lightsaber training. Consulars were often Force-sensitive intellectuals such as librarians, seers, or researchers. Traditionally represented by a green-colored blade.

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12 Feb 2012 10:40 #50158 by
You Scored as Purple Lightsaber
You have a purple lightsaber. You are signified by red and blue combined showing two sides of you. Nevertheless, you are very wise and intelligent, and respected amongst your peers.

Purple Lightsaber - 100%
Yellow/Orange Lightsaber - 83%
Green Lightsaber - 67%
Blue Lightsaber - 58%
Black Lightsaber - 42%
Red Lightsaber - 33%


Your Result: Orange Lightsaber (Gray Jedi)

Gray Jedi are Jedi who operate independently and often outside the strictures of the High Council. They are neither on the dark side or the light side, they prefer to skirt the line between both.

This is pretty cool because if lightsabers were real, I would have an orange blade. Even though red is my favorite color, as a lightsaber blade I would want just looks cool to me, lol.

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12 Feb 2012 11:22 #50161 by
Alright, for entertainment sake I'll bite ^_^

You Scored as Yellow/Orange Lightsaber

Yellow/Orange Lightsaber 75%
Purple Lightsaber 67%
Green Lightsaber 67%
Blue Lightsaber 50%
Red Lightsaber 42%
Black Lightsaber 17%

Your Result: Green Lightsaber (Jedi Consular)
Jedi Consulars focused on Force powers while receiving only basic lightsaber training. Consulars were often Force-sensitive intellectuals such as librarians, seers, or researchers. Traditionally represented by a green-colored blade.

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13 Feb 2012 07:29 #50249 by Ben
You Scored as Purple Lightsaber
You have a purple lightsaber. You are signified by red and blue combined showing two sides of you. Nevertheless, you are very wise and intelligent, and respected amongst your peers.

Purple Lightsaber 75%
Yellow/Orange Lightsaber 75%
Blue Lightsaber 67%
Black Lightsaber 42%
Green Lightsaber 42%
Red Lightsaber 33%

Your Result: Green Lightsaber (Jedi Consular)
Jedi Consulars focused on Force powers while receiving only basic lightsaber training. Consulars were often Force-sensitive intellectuals such as librarians, seers, or researchers. Traditionally represented by a green-colored blade.

So these results totally match up - in one I have a green lightsaber and in the other I'm only 42% green...hmmm... Mind you, I was very nearly yellow in the second one so seeing as the first was decided by a tie-break between purple and yellow I'm concluding that overall I am yellow.I like yellow! :)

B.Div | OCP

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14 Feb 2012 00:36 - 14 Feb 2012 00:40 #50341 by Wescli Wardest
You Scored as Blue Lightsaber
You would have a blue lightsaber. You can be a rogue loner or march to the beat of your own drummer, but you are a good person deep down.

Purple Lightsaber 92%
Blue Lightsaber 92%
Yellow/Orange Lightsaber 67%
Green Lightsaber 58%
Black Lightsaber 25%
Red Lightsaber 25%

There was atie breaker question but in the end it siad that I scored a blue. I wonder... On the other test I was very much a green lightsaber and very little blue.

Monastic Order of Knights
Last edit: 14 Feb 2012 00:40 by Wescli Wardest.

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14 Feb 2012 01:04 #50345 by
You Scored as Purple Lightsaber

You have a purple lightsaber. You are signified by red and blue combined showing two sides of you. Nevertheless, you are very wise and intelligent, and respected amongst your peers.

Your Result: Yellow Lightsaber (Jedi Sentinal)

Jedi Sentinels strived to achieve complete balance between combat and Force training. They were usually versatile in terms of skills, possessing many abilities. Traditionally represented by a yellow-bladed lightsaber.

I agree with the second one more. I strive for balance in all my abilities.

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14 Feb 2012 01:24 #50347 by
I wanted to post mine, but then i saw i had exactly the same outcome as PoC.

Purple and Yellow.

I actually tried to influence the test to give me a green color... Guess I still have to work on my jedi mind tricks.

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14 Feb 2012 01:42 #50348 by
Quiz 1
You would have a blue lightsaber. You can be a rogue loner or march to the beat of your own drummer, but you are a good person deep down.

Blue Lightsaber 92%
Purple Lightsaber 83%
Yellow/Orange Lightsaber 83%
Black Lightsaber 58%
Green Lightsaber 33%
Red Lightsaber 25%

Quiz 2
Yellow Lightsaber (Jedi Sentinal)

Hmmm I think I'd take the blue one, but I'd be better suited as a Sentinal since I prefere being balanced :P

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14 Feb 2012 01:57 #50350 by
Your Result: Yellow Lightsaber (Jedi Sentinal)

Jedi Sentinels strived to achieve complete balance between combat and Force training. They were usually versatile in terms of skills, possessing many abilities. Traditionally represented by a yellow-bladed lightsaber.

Green Lightsaber (Jedi Consular)

Blue Lightsaber (Jedi Guardian)

Purple Lightsaber (Jedi Commander)

Orange Lightsaber (Gray Jedi)

Red Lightsaber (Dark Jedi)

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14 Feb 2012 01:59 #50351 by
Quiz 1
You have a purple lightsaber. You are signified by red and blue combined showing two sides of you. Nevertheless, you are very wise and intelligent, and respected amongst your peers.

Purple Lightsaber 100%
Green Lightsaber 75%
Yellow/Orange Lightsaber 67%
Red Lightsaber 50%
Blue Lightsaber 50%
Black Lightsaber 42%

Quiz 2
Your Result: Green Lightsaber (Jedi Consular)

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