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18 Nov 2019 03:38 #345688 by
Lightsaber was created by
Not sure if there's an actual thread for this, although I have searched.
How many out there have either purchased or built your own lightsabers?
I've seen many online for different prices, and I've seen plans to make your own from simple to extravagant.
I do not not would feel part of the All without one. Whether to exercise with or just simply have to mediate with.
Mine is a simple build using and old vacuum hose wand, some rubber comments and s broom handle.(photos to be posted later)
No sound, no glow in the dark, just a simple extension of my being.

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18 Nov 2019 03:50 #345689 by
Replied by on topic Lightsaber
Look forward to seeing it! Sometime next month I'm expecting to receive a fancy saber, but if you scroll through my images, you'll see the hilt I hold during meditation (hand made)

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31 Jan 2020 01:25 #349071 by
Replied by on topic Lightsaber
How do I add a photo?

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31 Jan 2020 02:02 #349073 by Adder
Replied by Adder on topic Lightsaber

DerekBy wrote: How do I add a photo?

Then click the attachments button, then insert all, then post.

I use a piece of bamboo mostly (I have two at different lengths). I do have a plastic red Darth Maul double bladed, and also a metal hilt 'skin' which I hope to build internals for one day. I use to use a weightlifting bar minus the weights, until 5 hours on a sander freaked out my elbow joint.... to build strength but ya gotta watch out for hitting yourself in the head with that!

Introverted extropian, mechatronic neurothealogizing, technogaian buddhist.
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31 Jan 2020 03:39 #349075 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic Lightsaber
For me the light saber means a lot. Not only can it tell intent but I use my words as my sword or my saber- how I use my words can be sharper than any sword or blade and can cause just as much damage as a a real sword if I’m not careful. The hue - the color for me was always my intentions - I’m sure at times in my path if I had a saber it would have changed colors many times - but to what is finally me today- in real life as a modern day Jeddist - I have my fair share of Star Wars light sabers purchased or found at resale shops. We got the classics in plastic fun duel form. The toys that take a bit of play and won’t break - lol. As a student of fencing I find my self at a fancy for the old forms now. I’m at a point in my life - gym time may never be again something I can have and that’s ok but I will tell you this - there are a few cedar sticks cut to about that long - along with a few ginkgo branches - a few bamboo all at that length that can fluidly be extended about that far. Truthfully I found this Dooku looking branch I keep and like to handle often - it’s about that long too... I don’t carry a lightsaber as much as I actually carry around a cedar stick very often... not like Yoda. Most of the time like a baseball bat. ( it’s my favorite sport to play)

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11 Mar 2020 06:48 #350367 by Cheb
Replied by Cheb on topic Lightsaber
For my part, I have been making mine for some time, I will put a photo quickly.

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11 Mar 2020 07:05 #350368 by Vampiric_Conure
Replied by Vampiric_Conure on topic Lightsaber
I'm just starting to understand why so many Temple goers are fascinated with lightsabers. One day I might get one, too. Depends on how my studies go ;)

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03 Jun 2020 04:23 #352468 by
Replied by on topic Lightsaber
I personally own two. My first was green and based on Cal's from Fallen Order and my new one is my quote unquote yellow "personal" one. Meaning it's the one I may customize in the future.

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03 Jun 2020 11:07 #352475 by Cheb
Replied by Cheb on topic Lightsaber

Attachment IMG_20200603_130533.jpg not found

So much for me. All handmade except that of Yoda and Kilo Ren on the right.

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