Order 66

05 Sep 2019 20:20 #343352 by ZealotX
Order 66 was created by ZealotX
Palpatine has taken over and declared you are now the enemy of the galactic empire. Order 66 has just been issued.

How do you survive?
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05 Sep 2019 20:58 #343355 by
Replied by on topic Order 66
Assuming I was not surrounded by troopers at the time (as was the case for many), once I took notice, I'd go into hiding while I figured out just what the hell was going on. Assuming I don't get caught before then, I'd find a good place to hide, possible Bogan or Korriban (it's the last place they'd expect). It would be risky, but if I could establish a secret hideaway there, I'd attempt to bring in other Jedi/non Sith force sensitives as a combination sanctuary operation/ resistance cell. If we could survive long enough, it'd be great to work out how Palpatine/Sidious hid in plain sight, and turn that against him. From there we'd be able to act as a thorn against the Empire, even if we don't manage necessary connections and support with the rebellion.

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05 Sep 2019 22:35 #343359 by Carlos.Martinez3
Replied by Carlos.Martinez3 on topic Order 66
Strategically I would disappear. I would strategically disappear.

Pastor of Temple of the Jedi Order
Build, not tear down.
Nosce te ipsum / Cerca trova
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05 Sep 2019 22:40 #343361 by rugadd
Replied by rugadd on topic Order 66

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06 Sep 2019 13:04 #343381 by Kobos
Replied by Kobos on topic Order 66
Similar to Rugadd, conformity, but with the goal of ascending the system with the idea to change it as I progress upwards. Difficult, yes, but possible. The best way to break an oppressive system is to change the minds of the mid-level parts.

Much Love,

What has to come ? Will my heart grow numb ?
How will I save the world ? By using my mind like a gun
Seems a better weapon, 'cause everybody got heat
I know I carry mine, since the last time I got beat
MF DOOM Books of War

Training Masters: Carlos.Martinez3 and JLSpinner
Knight of the Conclave

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06 Sep 2019 15:25 #343383 by ZealotX
Replied by ZealotX on topic Order 66

Kobos wrote: Similar to Rugadd, conformity, but with the goal of ascending the system with the idea to change it as I progress upwards. Difficult, yes, but possible. The best way to break an oppressive system is to change the minds of the mid-level parts.

Much Love,

Mmmm... I like that. I'd like to hear more. Can you put that more into the context of real life scenario and imagine how you'd do that? Let's use a school district, for you, as an example. Let's say Betsy DeVos is dressed in a dark cape and cackling as she rips funding away from your school district. She has installed cronies, none of whom have any children of their own, to head up the school board. What do you do?
The following user(s) said Thank You: Kobos

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06 Sep 2019 15:27 #343384 by ZealotX
Replied by ZealotX on topic Order 66

Kelrax Lorcken wrote: Assuming I was not surrounded by troopers at the time (as was the case for many), once I took notice, I'd go into hiding while I figured out just what the hell was going on. Assuming I don't get caught before then, I'd find a good place to hide, possible Bogan or Korriban (it's the last place they'd expect). It would be risky, but if I could establish a secret hideaway there, I'd attempt to bring in other Jedi/non Sith force sensitives as a combination sanctuary operation/ resistance cell. If we could survive long enough, it'd be great to work out how Palpatine/Sidious hid in plain sight, and turn that against him. From there we'd be able to act as a thorn against the Empire, even if we don't manage necessary connections and support with the rebellion.

This is extremely good. Do you have any ideas how you would turn how he hid in plain sight against him?
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06 Sep 2019 16:16 - 06 Sep 2019 16:24 #343390 by Kobos
Replied by Kobos on topic Order 66

ZealotX wrote: Mmmm... I like that. I'd like to hear more. Can you put that more into the context of real life scenario and imagine how you'd do that? Let's use a school district, for you, as an example. Let's say Betsy DeVos is dressed in a dark cape and cackling as she rips funding away from your school district. She has installed cronies, none of whom have any children of their own, to head up the school board. What do you do?

So I would use Betsy DeVos as an example but that would be on the voters to see she was destroying their children :). Also, assisnation seems withing in the DeVos case :p . Anyways I can give you a real life example, and partially why I decided to step out of private industry into the school system, and stay here.

When I first started in the school system working in the disciplinary classes (so kids who are breaking rules constantly) I noticed that as opposed to when we were in school in the past, a lot more kids are getting railroaded through to essentially not make them "our problem" any more. Now there IMHO 2 main reasons for this:

1. States and districts judge (allocate funding) to schools not on how they teach, fiscal solvency, or student body test scores but on the average of grades and graduation rates. This leads, schools inflating their graduation rate and grades through pressure on teachers. So we have teacher that are afraid to fail the kids that need too in order to grow. I say this because I was one of those kids, if I didn't fail a few classes I would never have taken school serious. Another issue becomes schools will loosely enforce rules in order to avoid a delay because of disciplinary reasons, instead often choosing to send the kids to the alternative school or online class, this does not eliminate them from the schools stats but makes it consistently easier to pass classes.

2. As much as administrations like to put out there there the diversity of teaching methods in high school and lower, due to current regulation on teacher training programs. There are currently only a few schools that provide a different type of teacher (IMHO). Meaning every bodies teaching style is almost the same and the character qualities for the teachers are similar. Having the background I do (being a troubled kid, working through college, and then a corporate background) am an extreme minority. Now, there are plenty of teacher that will not give up on kids that's why most of us do it. But, I hate to say I see a lot of the younger teachers with the exact opposite stand point. They give up, don't hold the kids responsible and essentially give passing grades to anyone who shows up some of the time. They may do awesome job helping the kids with their emotions too but still not ever focusing on the kids behavior or academic performance(all three are equivocally important IMHO towards helping someone grow into a stable adult). As I say to the kids, "most of the time I don't tell you about your behavioral issues and attendance for my health, I tell you these things because I was who you are being and honestly, I would rather just save you the time and hassle that comes with something that takes like 0 effort to fix."

Now I work in this system, I do fail kids. I failed a senior last year and made him go to summer school (he didn't do the work everyone else did so why should he pass?) I had about 10 meetings on this alone at the end of the year, one of which I could have taken as a veiled threat at my job. So, far this year I have already dropped one kid from my class which has just started, because of the 10ish days we have been in school he has been absent 6. I asked the dean and the vice principle to write him up no one would. I called the parent and explained that if he shows up to the study hall that replaces my class for the next 2 weeks I will rescind his drop and allow him to make up the work and be on track.

So I am walking a fine line between defending my livelihood and doing what I believe is best for these kids, I bend rules I do not break them. This is the way I see this kind of trend of just let them pass and out into the world completely unprepared being defeated. Again, though I still have to play by the rules I do so just enough to blend in while finding a way to get towards my objective. Now a few more years down the line here if I decide to try and make the jump over to the administration side I. E. a Dean and above then I can effectively shape the rules. But for now I blend in and try to do what's right by the kids, if I didn't need the money to survive I would be much more open in my actions.

Hopefully this all made sense!

Much Love,

What has to come ? Will my heart grow numb ?
How will I save the world ? By using my mind like a gun
Seems a better weapon, 'cause everybody got heat
I know I carry mine, since the last time I got beat
MF DOOM Books of War

Training Masters: Carlos.Martinez3 and JLSpinner
Knight of the Conclave
Last edit: 06 Sep 2019 16:24 by Kobos.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ZealotX

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06 Sep 2019 22:05 #343410 by
Replied by on topic Order 66

ZealotX wrote:

Kelrax Lorcken wrote: Assuming I was not surrounded by troopers at the time (as was the case for many), once I took notice, I'd go into hiding while I figured out just what the hell was going on. Assuming I don't get caught before then, I'd find a good place to hide, possible Bogan or Korriban (it's the last place they'd expect). It would be risky, but if I could establish a secret hideaway there, I'd attempt to bring in other Jedi/non Sith force sensitives as a combination sanctuary operation/ resistance cell. If we could survive long enough, it'd be great to work out how Palpatine/Sidious hid in plain sight, and turn that against him. From there we'd be able to act as a thorn against the Empire, even if we don't manage necessary connections and support with the rebellion.

This is extremely good. Do you have any ideas how you would turn how he hid in plain sight against him?

By doing the same thing; rather than do something easier, but much more conspicuous, like hiding his presence within the Force, he hid his connection to it, which was actually a rather brilliant move, though I dislike admitting it.

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