Star Wars: Lords of the Death Watch (Edge of the Empire)

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11 Dec 2017 06:52 #308062 by
This is a place where I will be recapping the story of the party I am gming in the star wars role-playing system by fantasy flight games. This party has been playing one-shots with their characters for a year. This is the first time the party has been "together", but even then, we have been missing a player due to scheduling... to give some background on the time period. It is 29 ABY, this is five years before the Force Awakens. The party is a diverse group of individuals, who for all intent and purpose, would not normally be together. The dynamic is interesting, and I hope anyone who reads this enjoys..

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

The Group of Wid Miril, Captain Romulus Lycus, Ranor Meenock, R'Ara'Ar, R'ur, and BB-7 have just boarded the Star Fang. After a rather long briefing with First Order Special Agent Imperius, the crew converses for the first time. After a lengthy conversation, and a check for bugs, Captain Lycus commands Wid to punch the ship into Hyperspace, coming out just before reaching the planet, and destination of Sarba. The crew launches into hyperspace out of the hangar of the First Order vessel.

Meanwhile, Resistance Pilot Adiara Bolera has arrived under the command of Admiral Ackbar, she flies into battle in hopes of ambushing the Finalizer during it's support mission over the planet Sarba. Her primary objective is to escort fellow squadmate: Brocush Brojo, or Brock, with fellow A-Wing Pilot Gross Voenem. The squadron is quickly met in kind by TIE Fighters, while the scrambled TIE fighters were overwhelming the Resistance forces, the Finalizer crew used the dogfight as a diversion to jump into hyperspace. In the ensuing battle, the Resistance would enlist the help an additional A-wing pilot simply known as "Blue-6". Blue-6 lead the charge, mowing down several TIE's in his wake, but was ultimately blown to pieces. Brocush shared a similar fate... However, the victors, Light Cadet Bolera, and Voenem, would destroy the remaining six TIE's. Their mission continued with a new objective: Find the artifact...

On planet, Ranor, Captain Lycus, R'Ur, R'Ara'Ar, and BB-7 began their approach towards the Shadow Syndicate base in hopes of delivering BB-7, and fulfilling R'Ara'Ar's promise to the slain Jawas. After a few minutes of trekking through the harsh Sarbian forests, Adiara and Gross join the group in hopes of using them to get ahold of the piece of Aalderaan hidden within the base. Captain Lycus takes overwatch in a tree, with Ranor below him. As the rest of the group approaches the base, Malha appears from the side of the tree, perhaps a bit of bad luck? She blasts Romulus, and uses a disguise matrix to copy his likeness. She then proceeds to fire upon the rest of the group excluding Ranor. In the course of two minutes, Malha Kryze had rendered 6 of her prey incapacitated. Ranor climbed the tree, only to be greeted by "Captain Lycus" and two blaster pistols.

The group wakes up, excluding a jawa named Tek Junn, and an Ewok named Pooplo Mahoony. Malha is standing across from her bound prey. Malha reveals that she is apart of an organization called the Death Watch, in which she is of the rank: Lord. Captain Lycus, having been raised by a clone of Jango Fett, demanded a duel against the Lord of the Death Watch, she declined, but once the group challenged her, she viewed the challenge as fair, and the fight began...
Malha designated the grounds of the duel, then immediately, Captain Lycus ambushed her with a single, well placed shot from his sniper rifle. Malha notes that the blast was indeed nonlethal, and was only meant to incapacitate her. The others... were not so kind.. Adiara, having just experienced the loss of her other comrade, Gross Voenem, she became frenzied. She took aim at the Mandalorian..striking her in the arm. Ranor took aim at the twi-lek, he fires, and instantly kills the man.

On the other side of the room, the Tusken known as R'Ara'Ar is standing away from the action, in deep thought, deep conflict. He hears the screaming, the crying, the bleeding of the crystal itself... It's power seduces him to the core... He eyes the half of a lightsaber he found, knowing the risks of having the hilt detonate in his hand. He could kill himself... he could kill everyone.. Maybe he wants to kill everyone... No.. He is in control.. the warrior ignites the crimson blade of the old, deteriorated lightsaber. He channels the energy of the Sands within him, and dashes behind the armor-clad mandalorian. He slashes at her back, bringing her to her knees, her jetpack sparks all around her.

She falls to her knees, and sees one of her support fall. She becomes enraged. Malha presses a button on her wrist, and she launches a flachette missile from her wrist, and into the general area of the Chiss who violated the sanctity of the duel. Ranor is blown away, when the debris clears, he is left with a large chunk of shrapnel in his leg, rendering it useless. Malha quickly grabs her blasters from her holsters in her armor, and rolls away from the lightsaber-wielding Tusken. She blasts him with several volleys of fire, devastating him, enraging him. She does however miss her final shot, and instead hits the panel to the lift she has been standing on, in hopes of retreat. As she descends, she turns around and fires upon Adiara, she strikes her several times in the chest, leaving the young woman to bleed to death...

As the elevator lowers, Adiara manages to stop the bleeding almost immediately, after fighting with intense pain. R'Ara'Ar drops from the origin of the lift to the lift, swings at the legendary warrior, she dodges, and fires at R'Ara'Ar, her first shot blows off the off hand of the Tusken, causing him to scream in excruciating pain. She fires several more times, however, on the final volley of shots, the lightsaber seemingly absorbs, and deflects the bolts of plasma. Malha is struck by her own blaster bolts, she falls onto the floor, and uses the last of her energy to roll off the lift, and onto the deck below..

The defeated Mandalorian convulses on the ground, her men grab her, and begin to drag her to the escape pods when suddenly the one-handed Tusken lifted the nearly dead woman into the air, as she continues to convulse, he brings her closer.. His anger, his hatred seeping through his very pores. He raises his crimson blade with a single hand.. and misses... Captain Lycus retrieves the Ewok, and Ranor retrieves the Jawa. The Tusken's rage had finally subsided... he simply stares at the floating comvulsing body of the woman.. The men behind her standing in absolute awe and fear of this being...

"I have defeated your leader in combat, bow to me, and deliver what she has promised.."

A voice responds from the tattered green armor..

"Yes, I have been bested in battle, I yield to you, Tusken Warrior."..

The group of Ra'ara'ar and Romulus get the Death Watch coordinates from Malha which is where the other half of Rawr's lightsaber is as well. Then the slaves of Tryxa the Hutt who were on the ship attacked the group. Romulus threw Pooplo (the ewok) at the assailants and he proceeded to cut two of them in half, and turns around the corner to fight two more. Meanwhile upstairs Ranor frees the sage, but gets trapped in his cell. Tricking a guard into fighting he frees them again. The ewok is killed by being clubbed over the head, as he dies we all feel a sudden void in our gut (or the force as the group understand it). As Ranor and the Sage fight a group upstairs Captain Lycus continues after his little fuzzy friend falls and triumphs over the group on the lower level. The group escapes in a pod, its location... Hoth... seems as though a crew member is missing?

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