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Kylo Ren's helmet
Unless the helmet is made from light sabre resistant material, what other reason could the writers have given Kylo Ren a helmet?
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- Alexandre Orion
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Please look at the symbolic, not the "rational" -- the "rational" is irrelevant. There is so much "irrational" in all stories that we would end up not paying attention to the story for picking out what doesn't fit our "knowledge". So, let's ditch the "knowledge" -- it isn't needed.
Any Mask, helmet notwithstanding, must be seen in the sense of poetics : personae (gr. : masks) project the phenomenal person - what is presented to an audience. The symbolic sense is the "audience" is the entire World, and we all wear the masks of our learnt - artificial - identities.
Kylo Ren's is no different, nor was Vader's. As is all of ours on a daily basis .... In the case of Vader's - but unfortunately not Kylo Ren's is the "breath". That was of symbolic significance as well, allowing it to be perceived that, underneath all that artificial, systematised crap there was a "living being". The same is true of us as well.
This is what makes meditation healthy for us : we get to take off our masks and pay attention to that "living being" part which we overlook in most moments of any given day ...

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Also, we have a specific subforum for Star Wars related posts . Please could a kindly mod move this there?
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- Alexandre Orion
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Please could a kindly mod move this there?
Done !
Cheers, Stu ... I hadn't even noticed that ! :blink: :blush:
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Alexandre Orion wrote: The helmet is protective gear, but then so is the mask ....
Please look at the symbolic, not the "rational" -- the "rational" is irrelevant. There is so much "irrational" in all stories that we would end up not paying attention to the story for picking out what doesn't fit our "knowledge". So, let's ditch the "knowledge" -- it isn't needed.
to think rational is unneeded in symbolism is unusual to read. without listening to the novels, or watching the movie, prejudice is suffered here.
Any Mask, helmet notwithstanding, must be seen in the sense of poetics : personae (gr. : masks) project the phenomenal person - what is presented to an audience. The symbolic sense is the "audience" is the entire World, and we all wear the masks of our learnt - artificial - identities.
speak for oneself, I'm transparent as can be, no masks or strings on me
Kylo Ren's is no different, nor was Vader's. As is all of ours on a daily basis .... In the case of Vader's - but unfortunately not Kylo Ren's is the "breath". That was of symbolic significance as well, allowing it to be perceived that, underneath all that artificial, systematised crap there was a "living being". The same is true of us as well.
Vader wears his helmet for life support, not symbolism, because there is a man under the helmet. To talk symbolism, the autonomy demonstrated by R2D2 and C3PO symbolises organic character under the machine shell.
This is what makes meditation healthy for us : we get to take off our masks and pay attention to that "living being" part which we overlook in most moments of any given day ...
better to not wear, or just remember to take your mask off, and live honestly
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- Breeze el Tierno
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Goken wrote:
Warning: Spoiler!to make pain feed his anger, because otherwise he might let himself feel something other than pain and anger.
nice suggestive analysis
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- OB1Shinobi
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Alexandre Orion wrote: The helmet is protective gear, but then so is the mask ....
Please look at the symbolic, not the "rational" -- the "rational" is irrelevant. There is so much "irrational" in all stories that we would end up not paying attention to the story for picking out what doesn't fit our "knowledge". So, let's ditch the "knowledge" -- it isn't needed.
Any Mask, helmet notwithstanding, must be seen in the sense of poetics : personae (gr. : masks) project the phenomenal person - what is presented to an audience. The symbolic sense is the "audience" is the entire World, and we all wear the masks of our learnt - artificial - identities.
Kylo Ren's is no different, nor was Vader's. As is all of ours on a daily basis .... In the case of Vader's - but unfortunately not Kylo Ren's is the "breath". That was of symbolic significance as well, allowing it to be perceived that, underneath all that artificial, systematised crap there was a "living being". The same is true of us as well.
This is what makes meditation healthy for us : we get to take off our masks and pay attention to that "living being" part which we overlook in most moments of any given day ...
i enjoyed this analysis
with vader i feel like the mask was also a way to hide
from himself most of all - the mask and suit gave him an embodied alternative to seeing and facing the truth of himself (anakin) by fixating on the exterior vader
maybe im overthinking it, or maybe im just stating the obvious as if its some new discovery lol, but when i read your post thats what came to mind
People are complicated.
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I completely agree with the analysis of the pounding on the wound. That was upsetting to watch, as it was clear he was forcing himself to continue feeling anger and pain instead of any other emotions. I also thought that in the previous scene, on the bridge, it was interesting how the dying of sun, and the moment when the light faded almost completely, coincided with the moment that Kylo finally was able to "go over to the dark side" and do what Snoak wanted him to do. Tragically. And he was able to do it, even without the mask (his connection to his grandfather's Dark Side) on...Goken wrote: To me it really was symbolic of his desire to not be who he was previously. You'll notice a big difference in his actions when he is and isn't wearing the mask. While wearing it he, while still a bit out of control, was more driven and less "who am I?" When he takes it off is when he is confronting or being confronted with his past and his still possible future. Even during the final fight he is constantly without his mask as he fights with a new Jedi, a symbol of what he once was and could still be. I think that's why he kept pounding on his wound, to make pain feed his anger, because otherwise he might let himself feel something other than pain and anger.
I'm curious what his costume will be - whether the mask will be the same or different - in the next movie, to reflect the "completion" of his training.
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