the lost path to enlightenment

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10 Jan 2016 13:28 #220597 by
the lost path to enlightenment

This is my theory on how we lost our way on a path we was never really on. The universe started with a bang and all its creation.

( to let you guys understand me better in my explanation I will lemmin term it as if it was a relationship.I will be talking about our creaters our as a species mother to put a title on her,her name will be eve,and our father to put a title to him his name adam.)

Now the universe was created,and these two beans Eve and Adam was bored. Eve having the traits of love generosity caring. All the traits that this world lacks today, and since our exists to me. And Adam who shows the traits of self motivation physicality and selfishness. Where we have a 0 abundance of today.
So these two opposite things had a baby. which was us but before this mother can actually install her traits this baby they broke up, resulting in her leaving the baby with the father Adam. An atom not knowing how to take care of a child. only time the child his dictionary versions and meanings of the word love it to be kind to be generous. but he installed his straits his sole purpose of the physical the selfishness and self motivation.
That is why I think we see most of the selfishness we see today of course receipt so much love and caring and generosity but we will see as much of it as me what you see is that the mother was there.

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