The science of protecting people’s feelings: why we pretend all opinions are equal

15 Mar 2015 03:08 #184279 by OB1Shinobi
military service was compulsory for the ancient greeks and is compulsory today in israel

imo everyone who wants the right to vote ought to be required to serve some level of civic responsibility

if you dont participate directly then you dont participate at all

everyone ought to get a share of the power and the blame and imo this would elevate the social and political sophistication of the entire culture

the argument might be that people would be put in positions they are not qualified for which is pretty much whats happening anyway a lot of times but since the whole populace would get first hand experience in the system the whole populace would get insider insight to the challenges and complexities of the relevant issues

and given a long enough time line the best ideas will make it to the top - its just a matter of open and honest public discourse and being flexible and ingenuitive enough to adopt new ideas without violating essential ideals

People are complicated.

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