Science gone bad - Death Troopers review

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09 Jul 2014 23:41 #152197 by
book - Death Troopers -

I did not learn much about Jedi or Jediism. I would need to read RED HARVEST for that. That will be my next SW book.
I do “zombie” defensive martial arts training that I call “hand to mouth” training, so I enjoy the zombie mythos. However, I do not feel that it belongs in Star Wars and makes me feel that SW only did it to “tap” into this horror genre. I feel that is was more financially based than “story” based. So if I let that go, I would comment on…
“There is no Death, there is the Force”.
Could Zombies be the shadow – distortion of “life”? Since the Sith pervert all that is good about the force for their own ends ( I have not read “Red Harvest” yet), is this an attempt at creating “immortality” in the Material plan of existence? Could this be an examination of Science without morality? This would justify the need and importance of a Code – a code that guides the creative process to make sure that things are happening within the design of the Force and not for “personal” reason. I feel that “science for science’s sake” is one of the deadliest perspectives on the planet and in the multiverse. When people do things simple to do it – without any awareness of its “possible” effects on the environment or people – this is when things get “out of wake”. This is when a “disturbance in the Force” happens.
This goes with bringing Silk Worms to the States. Planting creeper vine in Australia and then brining in rabbits to eat the vines. And then people putting in “rabbit proof” fences across the country to stop the rabbits? This a very sad story that continues to happen when we separate morality from intellectuality and Science from “Religion”. I am not into organized religions, but I am into what it offers – a spiritual guidance system that can help people regulate their choices with.
So this also is a reflection of our resistance to the natural order of things – the design of the Force. When people try to “cheat death” they are really disrupting life. When we off set the balance, life finds a way to balance it out. Like in the book – if there are zombies (the undead), then the life must “die” to balance out the force.
When people resist the ultimate change that is death in an effort to achieve immortality, that always leads to “trouble”. The Chinese legendary “pill” was make of poisons like mercury – go figure. For the Sith, they usually live a very pained existence like Darth Sion and others. darth sidious does this via cloning himself at his clone bank – “The Dark empire” comic book (and the new movies).
So people continue to use science to prolong life with out thinking about the far reaching and spiritual consequences. Could this path lead to the creation of real zombies in or world or not – I do not know. But I do know – Science without morality is very dangerous and the rest of the population seems to suffer the consequences.

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