Telekinesis and other super natural abilities

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30 Mar 2013 11:20 #100615 by
Hello i have been researching telekinesis and other abilities and wanted to know if any one on here has experience or interest in this category. Personally i feel with enough practice i can move something with my mind and also everyone thinks im crazy maybe i am but i have the ability to see ghosts and also i can sense death in structures. It was stronger as a child but from time to time the dead appear in my day to day life i cant communicate with them but ill see them for short periods of time. Anyone who has experience or interest is welcome to comment.

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30 Mar 2013 12:20 #100629 by
I have experience feel free to PM me for more details, this is a sensitive topic that has caused many a flame war.

Moving something with your mind is indeed impossible, there is no such thing as mind over matter, however it is possible via meditation and training to learn to absorb, store, fuse and release the two different forms of energy so that they can be projected outside your body to interact with the physical environment.

Ghosts are made purely of passive/earth/spiritual energy a field type energy like gravity, your consciousness itself is made purely of a life force energy, an active radiant energy, like sunlight.

It is impossible to see a ghost in a normal state of consciousness, because it's like trying to see absolute darkness using a flashlight.

Until these two types energy are fused as one a normal person cannot perceive spiritual/earth energy during a normal state of consciousness.

When you die your consciousness itself scatters to the wind and what is left behind is a like a sleeping, subconscious mind.

AMD1988 wrote: Hello i have been researching telekinesis and other abilities and wanted to know if any one on here has experience or interest in this category. Personally i feel with enough practice i can move something with my mind and also everyone thinks im crazy maybe i am but i have the ability to see ghosts and also i can sense death in structures. It was stronger as a child but from time to time the dead appear in my day to day life i cant communicate with them but ill see them for short periods of time. Anyone who has experience or interest is welcome to comment.

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31 Mar 2013 01:33 #100720 by Adder
Its something I'm open to experience, and even try to train towards but I find it's a blurry place bordering on exercising delusion - so I feel like I have to tread carefully in regards to how I might apply concept such as belief. I've had good premonitions and lots of strong coincidences but that's about it.

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31 Mar 2013 02:01 #100724 by
Anything is possible, right? Or at least that's how I like to look at things.

They say that because we're more open to experiences and beliefs when we're young that unbelievable things are more premonitions, seeing ghosts, and other such things.

I've never tried it, but I hear that those who are interested in moving things with their minds start to practice with candle flames and other elements and build from there.

Also, I once read this book, Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah, that was pretty fun. It's fantasy, but it's about a man who can do amazing things just by the way he looks at the world.

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31 Mar 2013 03:04 #100732 by RyuJin
Hmmm....I've seen my future self once when I was 12,...I was outside at night with my friends...then there was a bright light and my friends freaked out...when I turned to look I saw myself (older looking) sitting in a meditative position wearing a karate gi...when I was 19 I was in shuri-te class meditating, then I had an "ah ha" moment and in my mind saw a bright flash, then saw my younger self...I used to keep a journal for dreams because I had so many deja vu moments...I could spend hours going over the things I've experienced....moving objects, ghosts, ufo's...I always look for the most obvious logical answers first just to be certain....

@wendaline...yes anything is possible, moreso when we're young because our minds are more open to the remarkable...a child's mind knows no limits until adults place them....or as yoda said "truly remarkable the mind of a child is"

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13 Jul 2013 13:36 #112566 by
when i was a teen i was invited to go ghost hunting. when i did the force in me really stired the enviroment.i could sence the presence of things around me that wernt seen.but it has gone to sleep in me over the past few years, but i know if i line my brain back it will wake. the mind is a powerful computer and we still cant completly map the billions of neurons and how thay effect the outside world.

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